How to find out who sent you a package

Not even sure if this would be the correct subreddit to post in for this, but I'm coming to reddit due to the geniuses that peruse this site frequently who may be able to help.

I received a package in the mail today containing a ring. It's a pretty ring, but cheaply made (it's going to leave some nice green marks on my skin).

I've Googled the bar code (which starts with a "u" and then ends in a "gm", which I've never seen before) to try and find out where it originated from at least, and I can't find anything.

Not many people know my address. I've asked everyone who does, and they are just as perplexed as I am.

There's nothing extremely telling about the packaging, although that the person who filled out the online form knew my phone number (even though they typed it in wrong) and my maiden name (which is clear they know me personally and not professionally or legally).

What worries me about this is I do have a few male friends that I've recently cut out of my life (due to persistent advances towards me despite being clear that I am uninterested), and I never gave my address to them. If they had found a way to obtain my address, I would really like to be aware of this.

It can be disconcerting to receive an unexpected package, or to find out that a package that is en route has been lost. If the package is mailed via UPS, you can find out where it was sent from very easily. This only requires a few moments of your time. Once you have this information, you can contact the sender to determine the location of the package, or why it was sent to you in the first place.

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1 Check the label

Check the label if you have already received the package. Find your address on the box and look just above it, to the left. This label has a bar code, tracking number and the address of the sender.

2 Track the package

Track the package if you have not received it yet. Go to and select your location. Enter your tracking number at the top left corner of the page and click “Track.” The tracking information will show where the package was sent from.

3 Call UPS at 1-800-742-5877

Call UPS at 1-800-742-5877 (1-800-PICK-UPS) with your tracking number or label information to get the information you need.

About the Author

Kirsten O'Hara started freelance writing in 2010. She wrote for her university newspaper "Lion's Roar" and won several collegiate writing contests. O'Hara earned a Bachelor of Arts in speech communication and a minor in English from Southeastern Louisiana University.

Have you received an Amazon package that you didn’t order, and want to know how to find out who sent it?

If so, read further to learn what I’ve found out while researching this topic, including the step-by-step process to figure out who just sent you that Amazon package!

If you’d like to find out who sent you an Amazon package, you will need to call Amazon Customer Service and give them specific information about the package. This includes information such as the package description, the date you received the package, the time you received it, and even the package number in 2022.

Do you want to know more about finding out who sent you an Amazon package, such as if you can find out if it was sent anonymously? Well, keep reading to find out that answer and more!

Can Amazon Tell You Who Sent You a Package?

If there was no packing slip inside of the package, Amazon can tell you in some situations who sent you a package, but you’ll need to follow the steps below to try to figure it out, including:

  1. Call Amazon Customer Service, using either the chat or phone option
  2. Tell Amazon that you’re trying to locate the sender of a package you received
  3. Tell Amazon your name, phone number, and address
  4. Give Amazon the time and date you received the package
  5. Tell Amazon what the item description says on the label of the box or wrapper you received
  6. Give Amazon the full package number
  7. Locate the contact number from the package and give that information to Amazon

However, Amazon may not be able to tell you who sent the package, even if you provide all of the above information if the person chose to send the item as a gift.

When you send an item as a gift to someone, Amazon cannot disclose the sender but can tell you it was a gift purchased for you so that you know it’s not fraudulent.

How Do You Find Out Who Sent an Anonymous Amazon Package through USPS?

If you have an Amazon package, and you’re trying to figure out who sent it to you, you may be able to get some information as to the person if the Amazon package arrived via USPS.

For example, if the package came with a tracking number on the front of it, then you can follow the steps below to try to find out who sent it to you:

  1. Go to the USPS Tracking Tool website
  2. Enter the tracking number found on the front of your package
  3. The tracking number should bring up some details about the sender, including the city and state where the package came from
  4. Using this information, you may be able to figure out who sent you the package
  5. You could also call the local post office where the package shipped from, and see if they can tell you more details about the sender

However, not all packages will be traceable on the USPS website, or USPS may not give you further details about the sender if you call them.

Will FedEx or UPS Tell Me Who Sent an Amazon Package?

If you received an Amazon package that was delivered by FedEx or UPS, you could contact the company to see if someone can help you figure out where it came from.

Furthermore, contacting the company by phone is the best way to handle this situation, but you’ll need to give UPS or FedEx information to help track the sender, including:

  • Your name, full address, and telephone number
  • The tracking number on the front of the package
  • The location that the package originated from
  • Any order number or other useful details such as weight or item description

Therefore, if Amazon cannot help you find who sent you an Amazon package, contacting the carrier the package came from such as UPS or FedEx is the best option.

Can You Find Out What’s Inside an Amazon Package Without Opening It?

You can find out what’s inside an Amazon package without opening it, which is great if you don’t know who sent you a package and there are no details available.

Furthermore, it’s easy to find out what’s inside by downloading the Amazon app on your iOS or Android device, clicking on the camera, and selecting the “X-Ray Package” feature.

You’ll be instructed to place the camera near the barcode so that it can be scanned, and Amazon will bring up the list of contents inside of the package.

Also, scanning the barcode and seeing what’s in the box could help you figure out if someone sent you a gift from items on your Wishlist, or if the item was sent to you fraudulently.

Do You Have to Pay for Amazon Packages You Didn’t Order?

You do not have to pay for any Amazon package that you didn’t order, as it’s considered an unsolicited item and you could keep it and consider it a gift.

Furthermore, Amazon has a Report Unsolicited Packages form you can fill out if you’d like to report a package you received and didn’t purchase if you believe it’s part of a scam.

However, if you received an Amazon package containing food, seeds, or plants, you should either contact Amazon to find out the sender or contact the USDA so you can send it to them.

Plants and seeds that were sent to you could be invasive or carry diseases, so it’s important that unless you find out who sent those items, you do not open the package and report it.

Additionally, you could choose to donate the package you received from Amazon or throw it away if it’s an item you didn’t order and have no use for, especially if you can’t find out who sent it.

To know more, you can also read our posts on what is Amazon Prime shipping, is Amazon better than eBay, and does Amazon deliver to apartments.


If you want to find out who sent you an Amazon package, the best step to take is to call Amazon Customer Service and give them your information and the date and time you received it.

Additionally, you’ll need to provide other details such as item number, order number, contact number, package number, and other helpful information from the outside of the package.

How do you find out who the sender of a package is?

1 Check the label Check the label if you have already received the package. Find your address on the box and look just above it, to the left. This label has a bar code, tracking number and the address of the sender.

How do I find out who sent me a package from USPS?

Identifying the Sender Visit and submit the tracking number. The tracking system may only provide you with the city, state and zip code of the sender, but this may be all the information you need to determine the sender's identity.


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