How to get killed by a gorilla in BitLife

Will you try to make all the right choices in an attempt to become a model citizen sometime before you die? You could marry the man/woman of your dreams, have kids, and pick up a good job along the way.

Or will you make choices that horrify your parents? You could descend into a life of crime, start prison riots, smuggle duffle bags, and cheat on your spouse.

It's all up to you...



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By Ornella

3 years ago

How do you get them to steal money from you? Or can we do it to them? I never had that happen to me before. I was making a profit on marriage. Lol. My last life I had I got married at 68 and she made me sign a prenup and then 10 years later she died and I got 100k from her and the same year proposed and got married to someone else and not even 5 years later she died and and I got a million plus from her. She also made me sign a prenup. This life I'm doing the say yes challenge and I don't have a lot to work with as yet but I could be certain that I may not live long. And if I could edit it I will post it on here when I'm done. When I'm doing the dumb decisions challenge I'm thinking about customizing it and do it with all the characters from family guy. Lol. That would be funny because from Peter to Chriss I don't know whose more stupid.


    By DMNagel

    3 years ago

    We can't steal from them but, just like the cheating pop-ups there is now theft pop-ups. You can ask them not to do it again, not let it bother you and i forgot the other reactions.


      By Ornella

      3 years ago

      Hmm. wow. Never got any of those. Wish we could get one to do it for our selves. Like steal from them. And since I'm doing the say yes challenge I guess I can't turn down my part time job as a pool cleaner that I took in high school because that would be saying no. I'm working in a restaurant and I got promoted. It was hard for me to turn down the car my mom bought for me and asked for a more expensive one. So far so good.


        By Ornella

        3 years ago

        That didn't go good at all. I died. I said yes to eating cobra's heart then I got diareah. That didn't kill me but I had high blood pressure treated it for 1 year and when I aged up boom! I died of a heart attack. Might try it over again some time. Now will do the dumb decisions life.

          Ornella, DM, and moopie

          By X2

          3 years ago

          I wish we could add scenarios as well. It would be so much fun and hilarious. Ornella, both Peter and Chris are probably the same level of stupid LOL. That’s actually a good idea. Live a life with family guy characters. You can add Peter and Lois to the game. You can customize one to be Peter and add Lois to the game. And wait until her name pops up as a possible girlfriend. Then marry her, have kids with her, and have three kids and name them the same name they have in the show. You can also get a dog and name him Brian LOL. In the show I think Brian Is a half lab half golden retriever. So a Labrador or golden retriever will do. And I’ve gotten that pop up about the soccer match. I joined in LOL. To answer your question about the cars, it all depends on the brand. Because I’ve gotten some cars that cost 20 or 25 grand and they last pretty long. Hondas last pretty long, in my experience. They were also the number one stolen car in the US for 2018. Which was crazy. I would’ve Thought that expensive cars like Mercedes and Porsches would’ve been at the top of the list.
          DM, that has also happened to me but not as much as it did for you. It’s said that I came home to discover that my husband stole $3000 for my bank account to take his friends to a concert. I demanded that he give them back. He told me that I shouldn’t be leaving money around the house. I got so mad that I killed him LOL. I bought that freaking house, so technically it was my house. He’s not going to tell me what or what I can’t leave around my own house.
          Moopie, are you playing joker. LOL JK. That’s funny that you named your kids after all his roles. That’s pretty creative.
          So I finally got the general achievement. I have all of the military achievements now. Ornella, I forgot to answer one of your questions. To get the foam at the mouth achievement, you have to get rabies. It doesn’t matter how as long as you get it. There’s no specific way. I guess it’s just random. I almost got the gorilla in the fist today. It said that, you see a guy being attacked by an escape gorilla, what will you do? And I saved him hoping to get the achievement but we both survived. Anyway, i’m trying to get either the stupid ribbon or the lazy ribbon. I have been expelled from four different schools at the age of seven LOL. It took a lot of insulting and disrespecting. Now I am 10 years old and still going to the same school ever since I was expelled for the fourth time when I was seven. I keep disrespecting and insulting the principal but she just suspend me or tells me to watch myself. Where is my other principal, it was so easy to get expelled. It just took one insult and she screamed at me. And I got expelled that same year. I’m playing two different lives at once.


            By Ornella

            3 years ago

            So when you get the theft popups do you have less money in your account when you check your bank balance? Because when I went on vacation and it said that I forgot to pack underwear I tapped on buy some and when I checked my money none was spent. I'm looking for the thing that says create a custom life and I'm not seeing it in the main menu when I tap on new life. That's weird. I think I got the lazy ribbon. I didn't work at all and mooched off of everyone when I needed money. I think I got rabies in prison once but I got the boobonic plague achievement. Maybe I have to get it again. Or maybe I did something else to get that achievement. I think in real if a rat bites you you could get rabies so maybe buy some at the pet store and probably try to interact with it in some way. So this life I'm playing again is in Miami and didn't see computer science as a major but my part time job I'm working for bitlife as a video game tester. Not sure if I will keep that 1 part time job because I went to school and studied finance so I will look for a better job. Backtracking almost got the skeezy achievement because I hate my stepfather. I insulted him and called him skeezy when it should've been him that had done that. From the age of 14 I kept changing part time jobs and doing free lance to land the most amount of money possible and still my parents payed for my school. and all the schools that I attended were private so I know they are rich. When I was 16 I got this girl pregnant and she refused to keep the baby then I got a new popup that says my father disapproves of my choice of girlfriend because she may not have the right intentions. I didn't really care much for her so after that I tapped on break up with her and now I'm dating someone better. I have bad looks but I will fix that eventually. So if you go to the main menu and tap on heirlooms it shows how much times you've gotten something. So it might say tophat 3 or alarm clock 5. Something like that. I think that's really cool. Oh and a blind man hit me with his cain and called me a sausage shark. Hahaha.


              By X2

              3 years ago

              In reply to X2 by Ornella

              No, you don’t have less money in your account. Which I thought was odd as well. You would at least think that they would take that out right? But nope, nothing was taken out. It was kind of confusing because it said that my husband stole $3000 from my bank account but when I demanded it back, he said I shouldn’t be leaving money around. Maybe I had $3000 in cash and the game counted the cash towards my bank account. Because you can’t take money from someone’s bank account without their card. I’ve gotten that pop up as well. The one where it says that you forgot to pack underwear. I always buy some but I never seen any money get taken out. When you tap on NewLife, it should automatically bring you to a custom wife screen. Where you can edit the name, gender, country, etc. Have you tried closing and reopening the app? I just tried mine and it’s working fine. Really? You have the lazy ribbon? I think I’m going to go for that one. Because honestly, I don’t feel like working or doing anything, I feel like being lazy LOL. I don’t want to mooch off anyone because I already have the mooch ribbon and I don’t want to get it again. The bubonic plague and rabies are different. Maybe you do have the bubonic plague but Mistakenly thought it was rabies. And I don’t think rats from the pet store will give you rabies. Since pet rats have to be free from any diseases. I don’t think the pet store would put the general public at risk by selling sick rats LOL. My friend got a pop-up, the ones were it says encounter you see an animal doing something, what will you do. Well, she got one about a rat and she tried petting it hoping to get the rabies achievement but nothing happened. Wait, they have video game tester as a part-time job? I didn’t know that. And it’s for BitLife? That’s crazy. But I think you have to be working at BitLife to get the teammate ribbon. Or I should say, working as an app developer. That happened to you as well? You called your father skeezy. I insulted him and called him skeezy, when he should’ve called me that. Have you ever been to an all boys or girls school? My previous character attended an all boys school, elementary through high school. Maybe that’s why he turned gay LOL. And I’ve only played one character who went to private school his entire life. Except for college, of course. I’ve never gotten that pop-up that you’re talking about. Where your dad doesn’t approve of someone you’re dating. I’m dating this girl right now, let’s see if we last until high school. But honestly, I think I am the bad influence in our relationship LOL. Is that what those numbers are for? The ones next to the heirlooms. I didn’t know that. I’ve seen that but like I said, I didn’t know what those numbers ment. It should’ve been obvious though LOL. A blind man hit you with his cane and insulted you? That’s funny. That’s something that I would do in real life LOL JK.
              So I am being a bad kid LOL. I am in middle school right now and I finally got expelled from this one. Now I’m going to work on getting expelled from my new school. Anyway, my science teacher at my old school hated me so much. I acted up, disrespected her, and insulted her. At first, she would Insult me when I would miss behave in her class. Then she began to get physical LOL. I acted up in her class and it said, that I broke all the lightbulbs in her class before school started. She attacked me. She stomped my foot and punched my kneecap. I reported her to the principal and all she said was that she would look into it. I got mad so I went and insulted her again. Only if we had the option to assault our teachers LOL. I would’ve assaulted her right back. And my girlfriend that I have been dating since fifth grade is still with me, surprisingly. But we’ll see how long that lasts. I’m going to try to drop out of high school. So the character that I’m currently playing, it’s my second time playing at him. The first time I tried getting the stupid room but ended up getting the mediocre. So I decided to try again as him. Anyway, my first try with this guy, it said that my mom humiliated me for not having a job and How come I couldn’t be like my brothers. I argued back to her. And for that life, when I died, no one came to my funeral and it said that I was remembered for constantly attacking my younger brother LOL. Which was true, I would always Fight with him whenever we’d argue or disagree on something.

                I got struck by lightning twice

                By DMNagel

                3 years ago

                So I had this guy who became a nurse And somewhere along the line at a funeral, he got struck by lightning. I'm not sure if this ever happened to any of you. When this happens, all your stats will instantly go to 100. I was playing a goody two shoes lol And I had excellent relationships with all my family members. I made sure to spend time with all every year and those who hated me I gave $100,000 each just to get on my good side. From there on out, it was easy to get everyone on board every year. The second time he got struck by lightning was when he was riding on his bike. Not sure where he got the bike from since I didn't buy it, but I guess everything can happen in a pop-up.

                  Wow - never had that

                  By Kristen

                  3 years ago

                  Wow - never had that lightning thing happen before, that's awesome.

                  I finally got the General achievement, myself. I had a new random life start with this guy in Uruguay with high smarts, so I figured that'd be good enough to become a high ranking military officer. I had him take Engineering in college, as there was free university, and he was able to jump right in as an officer in the Army. I was sure to "work harder" every year. He actually got pretty well off, money-wise. He had a nice wife and 4 kids. His wife did have 2 miscarriages, though.

                  I'm not sure how I didn't get the "Lifetime Military" achievement, too. I did have him retire at 55 when that popup first came up, so maybe he has to be int he Army until he dies? I am not sure.

                  The maddening thing is, though, he was going along really well atl ike 75 or so, then got randomly wrongly accuse of murder of an "old hag". Whaaaa? I got this same sort of false accuse/jailing when I had a life in China, so maybe it only happens in place with unstable governments or something. Anyhow, I hired the most expensive lawyer possible since I had a lot of $$$ but still got sent to prison for life! I appealed, though, and hired the same expensive lawyers and got out, thankfully.

                  /However/, the stupid thing is once I gout out, none of my guy's family would spend time with him! I guess they all thought he did it or something. His wife also divorced him the following year for differnet reasons (said she thoiught he aws flirting with her friend, which was bull.) I got him a new girlfriend to try to repair his happiness, which was at 0%, but it was still low since he was sad none of his family wanted to see him. By the time he died, I had only gotten 2 of his grandkids back around to seeing him, the rest of them and his kids would not see him at all.

                  The next life I started in Canada and is the one I am at right now. I decided to try out the lifetime military achievement, wondering if I either needed to join right out of high school or just keep working there until death or something. I thought I'd also see if I could try to get expelled for that achievemnt, as I hadn't gotten that one yet.

                  The person I was born as in Canada was actually adopted, apparently - her mother apparently gave her up saying she wasn't worth the tax writeoff. What? Haha. I figured she'd be rebellious child/teen and I had her battle/rumble with every popup possible. She never got expelled, though, no matter what she did! She even had one of ther classmates die of her injuries since she attacked her - what? Not even going to juvie for that?

                  So she is in the Navy now, and then I opted to see if I could get another achievement - the one where you have 10 kids or 10 marriages in a single life. I wasn't sure if I could maybe do both. I kept getting boyfriends, getting pregnant off them and then breaking up wiht them if they did not accept my marriage proposal. Then if they did accept, I'd marry them, have more kids each year until they started to refuse to Make Love (they'd usually cite the kids are asleep/don't want the kids to walk in again), so then I'd divorce them, get a new boyfriend that was willing to do it and star the process over again.

                  I think I have 11-12 kids. Is topped trying to have kids at 40 actively since it was just too hard with the fertility challenges. It probably would be easier to have a bunch of children if the character I had was a male and kept dating young women.

                  I think my character is unable to progrses further in the Navy, though, since she does not have a college degree. She has been trying to get promoted for years now and can't get past her current rank.

                    Dm and kristen

                    By X2

                    3 years ago

                    In reply to Wow - never had that by Kristen

                    Dm, really? You got struck by lightning? I never had that happen to me before. I didn’t even know that was possible LOL. That’s crazy though.
                    Kristen, to get the career military achievement, you have to serve 40 years in the military basically your entire career. When you get that pop-up that you’re eligible to retire, usually it’s before the 40 years are over. Once you hit that 40 year mark, your commanding officer would say something like thank you for your services or something like that. And you automatically get a pension. And to get the Admiral Achievement, you have to join the Navy as an officer. Make sure you go to University first. Since this is the only way you can become an officer. It doesn’t matter what you study, as long as you go to school for four years. And I’ve have been falsely accused before. But I was in the US the first time. And the second time, I was in Canada. So I think it’s random. it’s easier to get the marriage achievement when you’re famous. I got it when I was an actor. And the fertility one, I just slept around with different guys LOL. Although I did marry like three of my baby daddies. I had 11 kids that life. And there’s no juvy in the game yet. Hopefully they add it in some future update. I’ve killed tons of classmates LOL. I think I even killed a teacher once.

                      Darn. I'll have to be sure

                      By Kristen

                      3 years ago

                      Darn. I'll have to be sure not to retire when the popup first comes up then. If i don't get it in this life with the 12 child Navy woman, I still need to get the Admiral achievement and can try again then when I do that life.

                      At least with this last time I got falsely accused I was able to appeal and get out. The last 2 times it happened to me, I got convicted and lost my appeal, so my character's lives were destroyed even though they did nothing wrong. Heh.

                        nope, not the Joker, lol

                        By Moopie Curran

                        3 years ago

                        No, it’s not the joker, lol. I’ll give some hints about who it is, in bitlife, he had 36 kids, I know, that’s a lot, some of their names were Wade, Lee Russell, Billy, Shane, and Boyd. There were others, but he had so many, I couldn’t go through his whole filmography, plus some were girls, so that wouldn’t work, lol. Anyway, he died at age 95 in prison after attempting a drive-by on the person named after my fourth-grade science teacher. He actually attempted it twice, and got off once. Oh, and when he was 75, he divorced Ms. Malloy, and started dating someone named after my aunt Mary, (he was 75 and she was 21, eww), anyway, he had eight or nine more kids with Mary. He was eligible to take retirement from acting at 82, his he was making 3 mill I think, and his pension would’ve been a huge pay cut he would only be making like 176000 or something, but anyway, I decided to make him retire at about 84 or so, and he went to university. He majored in nursing and went to nursing school, the world’s oldest nurse, lol. Anyway, he finally became unfamous at age 91, then that’s when he tried to murder his ex-wife, then he got sent to prison at age 92 after the second attempt. He got a prison job as a line server in the mess hall, lol. Also, before going to prison, he applied for several nursing jobs, but nobody would take him, lol. Now I am playing as his son Mike, (I think the first character he ever played was a very small role as a teenager named Mike), anyway, his bitlife kid Mike was four years old when he died, so that means he was 91 when Mike was born, lol. We’ll see what happens.

                          One more funny thing

                          By Moopie Curran

                          3 years ago

                          One more funny thing, both Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck made cameo appearances in this bitlife, since I added them as custom characters. Mickey Mouse was a bully to my bitlife character in elementary school, and Donald Duck was actually his supervisor when he was famous, Donald Duck made him put in extra hours, I think at one point he was working 65 hours a week as a lead actor or something crazy like that.


                            By Ornella

                            3 years ago

                            Now getting a chance to check out stuff on here for today. Wasn't home today and didn't get to play. X2, I've been to an all boy and all girls school many times but my characters never turn gay or I don't let them. When I tap on new life I could customize it but I'm not seeing how to add extra people. When ever I go to those all girls school its most of the time private schools. You could assault your teacher but only if it comes up when she does something to you. I assaulted mines once and was sent to the principal's office and I apologized for my actions. Wasn't suspended though. Then the other time I reported her and she got fired. I so want to make some of my coworkers get fired but I don't know how to make it happen. Any time I report my supervisor to hr I always get fired a year or 2 after. Dm I never got that lightening popup before. I'm guessing that its new. This lady I was dating in university we finally got married and I gave her 5 kids and some years after I found out that she had a lesbian lover so I divorced her. A few years later our daughter came out as gay so I was like hmm just like your mother but I supported her. Got another dumb fountain pen again.

                              A new thing

                              By Ornella

                              3 years ago

                              So I was just reading the comments on twitter and they were asking people what they discovered in the update and I haven't tested this as yet to be sure but if you migrate to another country and some of your family member dies like your mom or who ever you could travel and go to the funeral if you wanted to or if you hate them don't go at all. Haha. In another life I will check it out. This life is almost over anyway. Now getting a chance to play.

                                Custom life

                                By Ornella

                                3 years ago

                                I found it. they hid it in the area when you view how you died. So some time I will do the dumb dicissions challenge with the characters from family guy. This life that I now started is already stupid because my step father has 0% kindness so you know for sure there will be plenty insulting. I think I might migrate out of the US and live somewhere else to test that feature. But when my step father dies I'm not going.

                                  Kristen, moopie, and Ornella

                                  By X2

                                  3 years ago

                                  In reply to Guys by Ornella

                                  Kristen, I’ve only won the appeal twice in the history of this game. All the other times, it was just a huge flop LOL. Also, another military achievement is the absent without leave. For that one, I think you can be in any branch. You have to get addicted to gambling, drugs, or alcohol. Once you’re addicted, you have to go to rehab and be cured, then you’ll get the achievement. Just know, that you’ll be kicked out of the military afterwards.So this one might be Better saved for another life. Or after you’ve gotten all the other military achievements. But if you’re aiming to get the admiral achievement, then you should wait. But it’s totally up to you.
                                  Moopie, LOL that’s funny. Mickey Mouse was your bully. That’s a good one. Adding Disney characters to the game. One time, I went to the doctor for a penis enlargement surgery and the doctor was named Hannah Montana. LOL. And the year after, Someone offered me drugs at a Miley Cyrus concert lol. What are the odds. Wow, 36 kids? That’s just, wow. And you were 91 and still getting girls pregnant? That’s crazy. The oldest character that I played to have kids was 60. OMG, I know who you’re talking about, I know who you’re talking about. I’ll Say some of the movies he’s been in and you tell me if it’s right. Django (2012), tomb raider (2018), ant Man and the wasp, and house of 1000 corpses (2003). he has much more but too many to list here lol.
                                  Or Nella, you just create a life like if it’s new and it automatically becomes a second life. Once you’re done customizing it, click start examples name. And if you like that live, age up to one so it can save. Then go to the main menu, and tap, saved lives. It should have a list Of lives that you have started. And it’ll tell you the last time you played that character. At first, it seems like you’re going to lose your character but don’t worry, you won’t. That’s what I thought when I first tried it. There’s no actual ad button or anything like that. I know that you can assaults your teacher if she does something to you first. But I meant like, we have the option to assault them when we click on their name. So we would be able to assault them whenever we want LOL. I remember that we used to be able to assault our spouses but they took that off. Probably because people started complaining, Just guessing. I haven’t got a teacher fired yet. I’m still playing as a bad student, so it won’t happen anytime soon. Just become friends with your supervisor, or at least try. Get your relationship with your supervisor up to 100, if possible, and just wait for a coworker to do something to you. Don’t even Insult them or prank them back. If the option, report them to my supervisor, is available, then go with that one. Well, you know what they say? Like mother, like daughter LOL. Which in your case, is literally. Today was an amazing day. Bit life showed me love LOL. I got an ancient Greek amphora worth 512.5k. Really? They added that. Where if we migrate to another country, we can now go back for the funeral. I haven’t migrated in a long time. Might do that soon as well.


                                    By Ornella

                                    3 years ago

                                    Thanks. Will try that out some time. I'm so tired to go and put in all the characters of that show I was out all day and feeling so tired. I didn't know before that we could assault our spouses but maybe that's a good thing that they took it out. You got a nice heirloom. Wished if I could inherit some good money when I'm a baby because I so want to leave the country. But if I don't I will just work a part time job. Its not so expensive to migrate out.


                                      By X2

                                      3 years ago

                                      In reply to X2 by Ornella

                                      I might become the richest idiot in the world LOL. If I migrate, I want to migrate to a nice place. Maybe London. No, too many people LOL. Africa. Yes, I might encounter a hippo or a gorilla, possibly both LOL. Well, rest up, play some BitLife, But try not to get into too much trouble LOL JK.


                                        By Moopie Curran

                                        3 years ago

                                        Yep, you are right, that is the guy! I'm surprised he couldn't even get away with one murder in bitlife, since he usually plays villainous characters in movies and tv. Also, Mickey mouse beat him up in elementary school, he scuffled with Mickey mouse, I think it said he snapped his torso or something. The next year, he provoked Mickey mouse by stealing and eating his fries at school lunch, Mickey mouse didn't beat him up again, he reported him to the principal, and despite being a proper southern gentleman and appologizing to the principal, the principal suspended him from school for four days.
                                        Also, I have literally hundreds of custom people in my bitlife app, it makes it more fun the combinations it comes up with. In fact when I was playing my own self in bitlife with my own name, I ended up marrying the actor in question, although in bitlife, he was a firefighter, lol, we had six kids together, lol. Then he died of measles or something when we were in our seventies, which caused me to snap and murder a couple of people, lol. And unlike him, I got away with it, haha.


                                          By Ornella

                                          3 years ago

                                          That's the thing. I'm now so tired but can't sleep. I'm going to play till I feel sleepy. Its after 1 am here now so opening the app for the first time for the day. Oh puke. A basketball worth $10.

                                            I insulted

                                            By Ornella

                                            3 years ago

                                            One year I insulted my stepfather 20 times and he never called me skeezy at all. That achievement is really hard to get. I insulted him right up till I turned 18. In that same year I migrated to Italy. Its so expensive to live there but its better and far away from my parents. Hell if I had gotten Canada in the list of options I would've gone there in a heartbeat. Lol.

                                              Moopie and ornella

                                              By X2

                                              3 years ago

                                              In reply to X2 by Ornella

                                              Moopie, omg i knew it lol. When you said Lee Russell, i was like, i got it, say no more. I can just imagine that. Mickey mouse beating someone up and yelling at them with his high pitched voice lol. I think 4 days is the max for being suspended because i’ve been suspended tons in the game i’m playing and i always get 4 days. No more than that. I’m still adding more names to my bitlife. I have all the characters from spongebob on there lol. In fact, patrick star is my principal. So you know how that school is going lol. Also, i love horror movies and shows and i added a very popular clown to the game. See if you can guess. Or if anyone wants to guess, there welcome to. Anyway, the clown bullied me but i fought back. I also have my dog on there. But she hasn’t popped up yet. So is it possible to be born as one of the people you added to the game? For example, lets say i choose to start a random life and lets also say that i have dora the explora added to the game, could i be born as dora the explora? Or they only pop up in the game, if that makes sense. And for the record, i don’t have dora’s name on bitlife, yet. Lol jk. The reason i ask is because i added some characters from game of thrones and if i’m born as one, it might be kind of strange running into someone with the name of another character from the show and they begin dating or something. But in the show there enemies. I mean don’t get me wrong, it can be funny, i’m just curious.
                                              Ornella, I hate when that happens. You’re tired but you can’t fall asleep. Its almost 11 PM where i’m at. i’ve fallen asleep playing the game countless times lol. It puts you to sleep. Well, at least for me it does. But i have to lay in a certain position. I know, i’m weird lol. I think i lost my precious heirloom because when i went to go sell it, it wasn’t there. It was like if i didn’t get one at all. But its showing that i got it in the heirlooms section in the main menu. So maybe its a bug or something.I think thats why the skeezy achievement is the last one on the list. Since its so random and hard to get. Lol you hate your parents that much? That you would even go to canada, your favorite place in the world. Lol. I know my parents hate my guts right now lol. Italy is a nice place. I’ll consider moving there. Thanks for the idea lol.


                                                By Ornella

                                                3 years ago

                                                The reason why I hate my parents is because my stepfather has 0% kindness I mean what type of guy is my mom looking for? One time he put a fake snake on my desk and I attacked him. I hate sometimes when you're really young and you attack someone its not like a lot of damage. I attacked him and only just grazed his ankle. He need plenty more pain. Yeah Italy is nice but expensive. I'm working as a camera man and getting over 80k a year and I'm bearly 25 yet. I didn't go to university. As soon as I turned 18 I got the hell out of there. But when my mom dies I will go to see how much it will cost me for a ticket back and forth and I know that even if you live somewhere else you still get the inheritance so that's nice.


                                                  By Ornella

                                                  3 years ago

                                                  I forgot to answer one of your questions. You could be born as one of the people you add in the game. I didn't use that feature yet but I watched biju mike's reviews on it and he did it. The thing for me is that if I'm adding custom people I might just add from 1 show and then remove them I'm a comedy person so I don't know if I want to have everyone from different shows mix together. Maybe. So I think I will add road island as a custom city. Lol. What are the odds of Ashton Kutcher And Charley Sheen crossing paths? They hate each other in real life so that might actually be fun. Haha. But I will put their character names not their real names.


                                                    By X2

                                                    3 years ago

                                                    In reply to X2 by Ornella

                                                    LOL well, that seems to be the type that everybody wants in bit life. Because every time my parents remarried, it’s usually with someone with low kindness. Only twice have I gotten nice stepparents. A fake snake? Really? LOL that’s funny. Yeah, I agree. In one of my previous lives, my mom remarried a guy with 0% kindness and I was only four or five and he insulted me. I attacked him And it said that i punched his thigh and slapped his leg. Another time, I attacked him after he prank to me and it said that I bit his ear and punched his nostril or something like that. But he never did anything both times. Since you say Italy is expensive, imagine being a famous actor or singer? I wonder how much money you would make. Where were you living before? You can add quahog as a custom city LOL. I haven’t even thought about that. That’s where the griffins live. Speaking of Family Guy, have you seen the latest episode? It’s hilarious. I watched it yesterday, it’s a Thanksgiving episode. Omg I forgot about Ashton Kutcher and Charlie sheen. Lol. I wonder what’s up with them too. I haven’t seen that video that you’re talking about, from Biju Mike. Oh yuck! I got a stupid diary.


                                                      By Moopie Curran

                                                      3 years ago

                                                      Mike, the child of the actor that was born when the actor was 91, his mother remarried, she remarried a person with 0 percent kindness, they were only married for a year. The stepfather didn’t do anything to Mike, so I don’t know why his mother divorced him, I guess he really wasn’t nice, lol. More about Mike in my next post.


                                                        By Moopie Curran

                                                        3 years ago

                                                        You can be born as a custom person when you do a random life? I never do random lives, because I enjoy picking on people too much, lol. In fact, when I’m playing bitlife, my grandfather always asks who I’m picking on this time.
                                                        I have tons of people in there, the people’s real names and the names of characters they’ve played. I also have everybody from family members to friends to teachers and professors to singers to actors to characters the actors have played. I even have a tv judge in there, I know her last name, but I put her first name in there as Judge, etc, because at the time, I didn’t know how to spell her last name, and if I didn’t put that she was a judge, and any of my family members or something ever read a journal with her in it, they wouldn’t recognize her name, unless they watch her show, lol. You probably know who I’m referring to. Anyway, one time, I was playing a character with my Dad’s name, and he ended up with her, that’s a real match made in heaven, lol. I always have my bitlive people end up with custom characters, lol, I just love the combinations it comes up with. Oh, I also have news and weather people as my custom people, lol. I wish my custom people and cities and stuff would back up so I don’t have to add them to bitlife on all my devices.

                                                          I wish

                                                          By DMNagel

                                                          3 years ago

                                                          I wish there was an option that would allow you to swap names from your country with names from another country. I'm just not very happy with the names of the people in my country LOL. Unfortunately, i'm too lazy to add dozens and dozens of custom people. My only alternative is to play in the US or other countries with more normal names.

                                                            several things

                                                            By Moopie Curran

                                                            3 years ago

                                                            Several things in this post. After I wrote that one of his kids was named Lee Russell, I thought that just might be a dead give-away, lol. One of his other kids was actually named Baby Billy, because one of the characters he played/plays on a show has that name, lol. Anyway, Patrick Star as your school principal, that must be interesting, lol. I’d love to put Snoopy and Gooffy and Pluto in there, but they really don’t have last names, lol. I did put my aunts, Mom, and grandmother’s dogs (past and present) in there. One time, my aunt’s dog was a doctor, yuck, I definitely didn’t go to her, way too wild, Zoe is like the most hyper dog you’d ever see, so bad I personally go in the other room and take cover when she comes over, I gave her the nickname Dognado, lol. Anyway, this was all before the doctor percentages came up, so I don’t know how experienced she was, I didn’t go to her anyway, lol.
                                                            I play bitlife every night before going to sleep. If a bitlife is interesting enough, as the one with the actor was, I save it by going to the cemetery, click on the life I want, then tap journal, then when it says age zero years, etc. I do a four-finger double tap, and it copies the giant lump of text onto the clipboard, then I go into voice dream and do an add document from the clipboard. For example, the latest bitlife I did, the one with the actor was 52 minutes long with voice dream reading it. I’m usually too busy laughing at the combinations it comes up with to actually go to sleep playing bitlife, but when I copy a previous life, and read the whole thing in voice dream, that usually lulls me to sleep, lol.

                                                              More about Mike

                                                              By Moopie Curran

                                                              3 years ago

                                                              The actor’s son, Mike was four when he died. Mike wound up not going to college, and he became a truck driver. He had five kids, one of which was named after his father, and three of which were adopted. BTW, you can adopt older kids now, I don’t know if you noticed, before, you could only adopt kids from 1-7, well Mike adopted two 11-year-olds, not at the same time, lol. Oh, Mike got away with two murders, he murdered his first wife because she didn’t want to have any more kids after the first one, and he murdered his supervisor after he kept making him put in 70 plus hours per week, and by then, he was suffering from high blood pressure. Mike died at age 45 of a massive heart attack. I’m now continuing as one of his sons, he’s 20 I think. It’s funny that Mike got away with two murders, when his father, a person who was named after an actor who plays villainous characters usually couldn’t even get away with one, lol.

                                                                Visiting doctors

                                                                By DMNagel

                                                                3 years ago

                                                                Looks like they have changed it a little. We must now be four years old before we can go to the doctor.


                                                                  By Ornella

                                                                  3 years ago

                                                                  Dm, my country isn't even in the list. Lol. But When I play from the US people in my countries have most of those names. And I thought that was a bug with the doctor thing to. So if you're sick with something you have to suffer through till you could go to the doctor or hope it could be cured. Moopie, There are so much judge shows on tv now wonder if you're talking about judge Judy? Her last name well I didn't even look up the spelling for it. X2, Yep I watched it last week. Was funny how well most of them were in jail including stewie. I don't think I will add brian as a dog because in the show he did more humanly things so having him as a dog would have less interaction in this game and we need him.

                                                                    Funeral travels

                                                                    By Ornella

                                                                    3 years ago

                                                                    So my mom died in the US and I'm living in Italy. The popup was if I wanted to go or skip it. So I went and it cost me 1000 uros. It doesn't say if you flew back but it covered the cost so I'm back in Italy. Didn't get any inheritance. She probably left it for my evil step father. But she didn't like me either so I wasted money going.

                                                                      Moopie, dm, and ornella

                                                                      By X2

                                                                      3 years ago

                                                                      Moopie, i’m wondering if you’re talking about Judge Judy? She’s the only TV judge I know LOL. And that journal thing you’re talking about is still available? I didn’t know that. I thought they took that off. I know before when a character would die, it would ask you, rest in peace. Or haunt this game. But they took that out. Wow, you had a wild adventure LOL. I have hated all the stepparents in my previous lives. It’s like, man, what do our parents seeing these people LOL. Like I never date someone who has kids. I only did it once and the girls kids were old enough to be my siblings LOL. She was 50 or 51 and I was 31. Her oldest was 29 and her youngest was 26. I ended up marrying her but she died a few years later. And ever since, her kids hated me. That was an interesting lifE. You can still add snoopy and pluto. Just split there names up. For snoopy you can put, snoo, as his first name. And, py, as his last. And for pluto, you can put something like, pluto mouse lol. Since he’s mickey’s dog, so he could take the last name. Or you can just put pluto the dog. Lol. Just some ideas.
                                                                      Dm, wow really? We have to be 4 in order to go the doctor? Thats dumb. What if we get sick before that. The names are weird in other countries so it can make it more realistic. Can you imagine being a Bob in mexico? Lol. Or a billy in russia.
                                                                      Ornella, omg yes lol. Stewie is just something else. He made the episode more funny lol. And peter didn’t even react or say anything when cleveland pointed stewie out. I added brian to the game. Like you said, it wouldn’t be the same if brian wasn’t added since he’s more human than dog. Wow, i didn’t think you would go back for your mom’s funeral since you hated her lol. 1000 euros isn’t that bad. I thought It would’ve been more. Well, maybe if your stepdad dies, you can go. O wait, he might not leave any money. So never mind.
                                                                      So i’ve been expeled from 4 different middle schools and 3 different high schools lol. After my 3rd expulsion from high school, i didn’t get enroled into another one. So either my parents didn’t care anymore. Or no other high school would take me. Either way, i dropped out at age 15 lol. Now i’m working as a bouncer at a night club. I applied as a go go dancer but was rejected.


                                                                        By Ornella

                                                                        3 years ago

                                                                        If you get expelled from school and you don't get to go to another one see if there's a GED thing. Tap on it and you will get to complete all your schooling. I think you should get plenty smarts. I did it once so I'm not sure if that's available in other countries. I was in the US at that time. I payed $1000 to do it.The reason why I went to my mom's funeral was to test the feature to see how it was. So when my family treat me like crap I'm getting the hell out of there. I was adding characters but I'm getting so tired of just typing so I scrapped out everything. When I'm in the mood I will add them. Plus I have to organize the list instead of having to research in case I forgot anyone and I don't know how to line it up so that it could be james woods high well they changed the name of that school since Mayer West died so I don't thing we could add school names either. They took out that jernal thing a long time ago and I never used it so it didn't bother me. Why can't the animals have their own tab? Its so tiring to deal with all of them at once.

                                                                          That was fast

                                                                          By Ornella

                                                                          3 years ago

                                                                          So I made a life with name peter Griffin and didn't care about the rest. I turned down a turtle and my brother and I kept fighting till I had like 3% health and then I had sicosell disease and I was encouraging bad behavior and insulted the principal. Aged up to 7 and I died. My brother didn't attend my funeral. It said that we fought a lot. This life that I just made I might have to be bad and good because instantly I have 100 smarts but ugly as hell and my parents are already divorced but my mom married this guy with 11% kindness but he has 86% money. When I turned 4 my dad came out of the closet as gay so I supported him. I'm living in Portugal. Never lived there before so will see how it is. Oh and there's free health care in Italy.

                                                                            huh, no they didn't

                                                                            By Moopie Curran

                                                                            3 years ago

                                                                            They didn't take the journal out.
                                                                            You go under cemetery, tap the life you want, then go all the way to the bottom and tap journal. I use it quite frequently to make books of my favorite bitlives.


                                                                              By Moopie Curran

                                                                              3 years ago

                                                                              Yes, X2 and Ornella, you are both right, it's Judge Judy. I know her last name is like Shineland or something, but for anyone who might read the journals, I want people to know, I guess I could've put her first name as Judge Judy and her last as Shineland or however you spell it, lol, but what's done is done. Anyway, when you said Pluto Mouse, it not only made me laugh, but also gave me an aha moment, Snoopy belongs to Charlie Brown, so I guess he'd be Snoopy Brown, lol. For Goofy, I put Goofy dog, because that's what he is, he's a dog, lol.

                                                                                Ornella and moopie

                                                                                By X2

                                                                                3 years ago

                                                                                In reply to That was fast by Ornella

                                                                                Ornella, well, the whole point was to get expelled from the beginning. I just wanted to act really bad lol. I died at the age of 47. I died in a fight with and inmate. It said that, while walking through the cemetery, you see a marijuana Farmer having sex. And I intervened. He assaulted me and I thought right back. So that’s how I went to jail. OMG, I forgot that mayor Wes died. Did they ever say who the new mayor is? I don’t remember if they did an episode on that. Do you have lots of animals? Are you sure you were fighting with your brother? It wasn’t the big chicken? LOL JK. You died at age 7? That’s the youngest I’ve ever died in the history of this game. Except I died of stomach cancer. And don’t feel bad about your luxe. You’re just an ugly genius LOL. It’s better to be an ugly genius than a pretty idiot. Sometimes. LOL. I haven’t gotten a gay parent in a while. There’s free healthcare in Italy? Good to know, thanks for that.
                                                                                Moopie, yeah you’re right. They didn’t remove the journal. I thought they did, I didn’t see it there last time. Maybe I didn’t scroll down far enough. And the app that you use, is it free or paid? And what is it called again? I’m going to look it up on the App Store. Snoopy Brown! That one didn’t even cross my mind at the time LOL. And Goofy dog? That’s another good one.


                                                                                  By Moopie Curran

                                                                                  3 years ago

                                                                                  Whoa, you can get a gay parent? One time playing as another actor, I had a Dad who was straight, then I was so bad at school, he turned gay eventually, not sure if my bitlife character did that, likely not, lol. Anyway, you can use one of two apps, I tend to use an app called voice dream reader, and just add the "document" from my clipboard, besides, if I wanted to share the text of the document, I can do an export original document, and it can be shared as a text file from within voice dream. I hope this helps. Oh yeah, it's a $9.99 app, but I use it way more than for bitlife stuff, I use it to read books. Oh, and one of the voices you can purchase for it has a southern accent, it's the Micah acappella voice, and I had already bought that voice a very long time ago to use with bookshare books, and so since I had it, and since I know Walton Goggins is from the south, I had the voice dream reader read that text document about his bitlife in that voice, lol.


                                                                                    By Moopie Curran

                                                                                    3 years ago

                                                                                    If you emigrate, can you move back eventually, suppose you move to a different country and hate it?

                                                                                      The earliest

                                                                                      By Moopie Curran

                                                                                      3 years ago

                                                                                      I think the earliest I died was age 1 or maybe it was two, I had whooping cough. That's why it's bad we can't see the doctor until we're four.

                                                                                        Moopie and x2

                                                                                        By Ornella

                                                                                        3 years ago

                                                                                        Moopie, if you want to you could go back to your original country if you hate it. I wanted to do that in Italy because my evil stepfather and mom died but I knew if I went back I would have the step siblings to deal with so I stayed. X2, there's no new mayer but they did a tribute to him. I turned down the turtle that's why we got in to a fight. And I wanted to attack him till he couldn't do anything about it like when I insult my stepfather and he do it back. I never let them have the last word. Has anyone begged their supervisor to keep their job and was it successful? Anytime I beg my supervisor I get fired anyway. I died at age 1 but I only did that just to get the achievement what ever its called. To surrender.

                                                                                          At x2, not necessarily

                                                                                          By DMNagel

                                                                                          3 years ago

                                                                                          The way they have it now is not necessarily realistic given the fact that there are many English speaking people in South Africa. Yes, the majority of people in our country is black but people speaking other languages still exist. The way the game is now, if you choose to be a South African, you will always get a zulu name or something, Like they are the only people in the country LOL. Even if I add my own name or any other English name, I will still get a surname in that language LOL. I've sent them an email with my suggestion. Anyway, I've seen that when you allow your Partner to steal from you without saying anything, their craziness will go up. Also, some extra curriculum activities can make you smarter. So far the chess club, Billiards club, books club, the year books club, the Dungeons and dragons club, Speech and debate team And the board games club will boost your smarts by 4 points each year. I'm still trying some of them out, so I'm not sure if there's more.

                                                                                            Moopie, ornella, and dm

                                                                                            By X2

                                                                                            3 years ago

                                                                                            In reply to At x2, not necessarily by DMNagel

                                                                                            Moopie, voice dream reads bookshare books? I’ve been looking for an app to red books from there. I have bard but there library is no where close to bookshare’s library, in my opinion. I also have dolphin easy reader and it can access bookshare but i don’t really like using it. Anyway, yeah parents can be gay now. I don’t think i’ve ever had a gay dad come to think of it. I’ve had gay moms. But usually they come out after my dad dies and there like in there 80s lol. You can immigrate back to your original country if you wanted to. If you move back to your original country, you return to the city you were born in.
                                                                                            Ornella, thats good that you stayed in italy, so you wouldn’t have to deal with your step siblings. Really? How come i can’t remember the tribute they did for mayor west. I’m going to have to look for it and rewatch it. I would’ve done the same if my brother attacked me lol. I haven’t been successful in begging my supervisor to stay. I usually insult them or close out the app lol. Have you ever taxidermied one of your family members? Also, have you ever gotten a choking popup? It says something like, while having lunch, your mother begins choking on yogurt. And you can either save her yourself, call the paramedics, or sit back and watch. Lol i sat back once. It was my step brother and he was choking on a hard boiled egg.
                                                                                            Dm, thats a good point you made, i agree with that. Maybe the game just assumes that when your born in a country, only people from that country live there. Like what you said, english is widely spoken in south africa butt the names are in zulu or swahili. If your partner has high crazyness, your more likely to have 3 sums lol. I don’t know if its the same for you or anyone else. But whenever i have 3 sum, my partner is pretty crazy. Really? I know that the chess, board games, and speech and debate clubs will increase your smarts. But i didn’t know about the others. Also, i think the foreign language club can boost your smarts.
                                                                                            So i got a new character. I was born in brazil as a female. And guess what? I’m a stripper!!! My life long dream has come true. Lol jk. But no really, i’m a stripper. All my stats are at 100. I think my coworkers are little jealous of me. Well, not a little,,, a lot lol. I also got a butt lift, along with a boob job and a tummy tuck to make me thinner. I don’t know if it does make you thinner, but i still did it anyway. I think thats why they hate me though. But i will give them this. Everyone whose working there, have their looks above 80%. Not joking. I didn’t think that was possible lol. But then again, you have to be hot if you want to be a stripper right? Lol. Lets see how much money i make with this job. O also, apparently i’m lactose intolerant. I think thats a new one. Has anyone else gotten that?

                                                                                              Dm and x2

                                                                                              By Ornella

                                                                                              3 years ago

                                                                                              Dm, I'm not sure if also the yearbook club or the tutering club will improve your smarts. This girl I was dating in one life she was in cooking club so I joined. I don't think that helps with smarts but also testing out some of them to. When I was in university I dated a girl who was in a sorority but I don't know what to do to joint those things. X2, I had my mom taxidermid once only to see how it is. That's expensive. In real life that's legal in certain countries so I'm going to play in different countries and see what they do there. When ever anyone wants to be cremated I throw their ashes in the trash. Lol. I'm not keeping that thing. I got one where its says my brother was choaking on a turkey leg and I just sat and watched. He died. He was mean to me so I was never saving him. I got lacktose intolerance but its not curable. I got tired treating it so I just let it be. I'm tired of getting this darn fountain pen. But you don't have to wait till you're 12 to sell it no more. When you get it sell it right away. First time I got money for mines this week because I tried to sell another one and no one wanted it.


                                                                                                By X2

                                                                                                3 years ago

                                                                                                In reply to Dm and x2 by Ornella

                                                                                                I know taxiderming a human is illegal in the US, so maybe if you throw a house party and the cops show up. They might arrest you if they search your house. How do you throw there ashes away? I didn’t know you can do that. One time, my son got mad at me so he flushed my mother’s ashes down the toilet lol. Another time, my cat made a mess of my dad’s ashes. you can play with the heirloom now. Before you were only able to play with it if. You were a kid and with certain items. Like scissors. I got a seashell. And its only worth 1 freakenn dollar. In real life, i don’t think being lactose intolerant is curable. I didn’t even bother going to the doctor because i know they won’t be able to do anything. O and i got that entry thing your were talkking about. Where it says something about your birthday. Mine said, i was hoping to get a jacket for my birthday but instead got a cat. I checked and there was no cat at all. Lol. So don’t know how that works.


                                                                                                  By Ornella

                                                                                                  3 years ago

                                                                                                  After the funeral if you chose cremation there would be a few options. It would ask what do you want to do with the ashes. You could keep it in an ern, sprinkle it somewhere special or throw it in the trash. Yeah that entry is just there. There should add celebrations and more holidays. So like birthday parties or celebrate valentines day. Actually I think in the options with the parties they could ask what type of party do you want to throw. A birthday party, Christmas party, easter celebrations and god knows what other weird parties there are. Dam my mind went somewhere else. The police would so arrest for that. Lol. Also one thing to note is that if you have low health and you do all the things like the gym meditating and getting a massage, if you do akipuncture your health will increase by a few. Now I'm busting my butt for anything I want here because every year as I turned 18 I'm going on vacations. Both cruise and travel. I only do economy when I'm low on money. Sometimes I ask my dad for money and I do free lance to make it up. I go so far as donating sperm and playing in the casino. Thang god I have good luck but this age that I am now I may not be able to travel because my dad refused to give me money and the free lance didn't pay enough so I might try at the casino again. I want to get the travel ribbon. I'm a history teacher because I studied history in university. My parents didn't want to pay so I had to take out a loan and no scholarship.


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