How to make closet smell good Reddit

I live in a very old house and it can get a bit musty sometimes. I find that right after washing, my clothes obviously smell great, but after sitting in the closet for a while, they begin to pick up a sort of stale (for lack of a better word) odor. I've tried using cedar to absorb moisture in the air and improve the general aroma, but the smell of the cedar isn't lasting very long.

Is there anything else you guys would recommend to keep my closet smelling fresh?


[Edit] I think a lot of people are getting a misconstrued idea of the issue. There's no mold or fungus problem. The smell isn't necessarily bad, it's just the nature of living in an old house. I'm more looking for ways to ADD a pleasant aroma to my closet, not eradicate mold.

The goal here is not to mask the smell, it's to neutralize it, then you can worry about dryer sheets, and candles and shit. Most of my room smell is dirty clothes so if your like me make sure you have a hamper hopefully with a lid, and if you tend to sweat a lot you might want to just not keep them in your room, I had a landing on the stairs down to the basement where I put my hamper.

Might also want to make sure it's dry in your room and devoid of dirty dishes.

And I like to remember that if I think it smells funny other people probably want to puke.

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Our top recommendations are usually Bar Keepers Friend (great for kitchen surfaces), melamine foam (Magic Erasers), Murphy's Oil Soap (wood cleaner), and Nature's Miracle (enzyme cleaner). Make sure you use cleaners appropriate to the surfaces you are working with and follow all safety labels.

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Does anyone have any experience with this? I’m guessing it could be because of the pandemic, most of my clothes have gone unworn for a year but as the title says, my closet is starting to smell. It’s not a bad smell but it’s like a stale smell like when you buy clothes at the thrift store or goodwill, which I do, but I always wash first before putting items in my closet. I’ve noticed it on items I recently washed but sat in the closet for only a few days. I also keep my dirty laundry basket in my closet but I don’t think that’s it because this is a new problem and it doesn’t smell like dirty clothes.

Anyone have any experience with this or know how to get rid of the smell? TIA!

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  1. Type of material/surface being cleaned (to the best of your knowledge)

  2. Type of dirt/stain to be removed (if known)

  3. Any products or tools you've tried so far

  4. Pictures are preferred

Our top recommendations are usually Bar Keepers Friend (great for kitchen surfaces), melamine foam (Magic Erasers), Murphy's Oil Soap (wood cleaner), and Nature's Miracle (enzyme cleaner). Make sure you use cleaners appropriate to the surfaces you are working with and follow all safety labels.

If you receive an answer that helps you, please flair your post as "Answered" so other users may find solutions as well. While you wait, why not browse the subreddit to see if you might be able to help someone else, or find similar situations that could help you? Happy cleaning!

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Hello all,

I just went through my closet exchanging winter for spring and my spring stuff (jackets, scarves etc.) always end up smelling like “closet” at the end of each season. I live in a pretty old house and there’s no help for it, BUT I have a secret trick.

Throw the clothes in the dryer on air dry (of it can handle heat, use heat) and spritz 4-5 sprays of your favourite fragrance with the nozzle facing upward so you’re not spraying the garments directly, quickly close the dryer and turn it on, let it tumble for 5-10 minutes and voila! it’s gives a nice ambient scent throughout the garment that is not at all overpowering and completely removes the closet smell.

I hope this helps someone :)

What can I put in my closet to make it smell better?

Using charcoal, scented hangers, vodka, baking soda, and vinegar can help. Bar soap and potpourri can also add a pleasant smell to the area. Try a combination of methods to ensure that you get the best smelling clothing and custom closets possible.

How do I make my closet clothes smell good Reddit?

Hang clothing outside for a day -- the fresh air can help get rid of the smells. Wash in hot water once (if possible for the material). Wash with bleach once (if possible for the color). Soak in a vinegar dilution, or add to the laundry (look up how much).

How do I get rid of the smell in my closet Reddit?

saw this on pinterest: in a shallow container (I'm using empty face cream containers) put some baking soda, and in the baking soda, put a few drops of essential oil (lavender, rose, vanilla, lemon, grapefruit, whatever you like). 5-8 drops last at least a week.

How do you get rid of a weird closet smell?

Try to avoid packing clothes on hangers tightly together, as this also contributes to poor closet circulation..
Clean Your Dirty Clothes Basket/Hamper. ... .
Use the Dryer Sheet Method. ... .
Put Herbs in Cotton Bags and Store. ... .
Use The Bar Soap Method. ... .
Scent Your Hangers. ... .
Consider Using Essential Oils. ... .
Make Your Own Natural Air Freshener..


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