How to make vines in minecraft grow faster

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  • #1 Feb 21, 2012


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    • Carpenter
    • Join Date: 9/15/2011
    • Posts: 60
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    I have a map I've been working on and I need a ton of vines to grow like 100 blocks down. I don't really want to wait like forever for them to grow naturally though. Does anybody know of a way to make them 'instant' grow or something? Thanks in advance.

  • #2 Feb 21, 2012

  • #4 Mar 17, 2013

    I have a map I've been working on and I need a ton of vines to grow like 100 blocks down. I don't really want to wait like forever for them to grow naturally though. Does anybody know of a way to make them 'instant' grow or something? Thanks in advance.

    I've been having the same trouble with my new CTM map. I really need something quick because vines growing naturally is just too slow.

    Build a 1x1 tower and place the vines on the block. When finished, destroy the 1x1 tower and the vines will remain

    I've done that before, but it's really tedious especially if you're making a lot of vines in an area. Is there another way besides this? Like, a SinglePlayerCommands command?

    Eᴠᴇʀʏ 60 sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅs ɪɴ Aғʀɪᴄᴀ, ᴀ ᴍɪɴᴜᴛᴇ ᴘᴀssᴇs. Tᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ sᴛᴏᴘ ᴛʜɪs. Pʟᴇᴀsᴇ sᴘʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀᴅ

  • #6 Mar 30, 2013

    Impossible. MCEdit doesn't remember the vine directional data, and as a result, you create invisible vines.

    Eᴠᴇʀʏ 60 sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅs ɪɴ Aғʀɪᴄᴀ, ᴀ ᴍɪɴᴜᴛᴇ ᴘᴀssᴇs. Tᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ sᴛᴏᴘ ᴛʜɪs. Pʟᴇᴀsᴇ sᴘʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀᴅ

  • #7 Mar 30, 2013

    If you are building something big, place your vines and then build your thing when waiting for the vines to come down. If you have build what you want, build other things to make it bigger. And one thing after another while waiting for the vines, you will have surely build something very cool.

  • #9 May 8, 2015

    OMG! a_random_dude this trick really works amazing!!! I typed in command and then waited... nothing happened. then I set it to night and BOOM!! the vines grew in about 20 seconds!! its amazing!!! use the code /gamerule randomTickSpeed 6000 it seriously works wonders!!!


    • 2015-05-08_09.34.57

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  • Grow Vines Real Fast

Vines are climbable non-solid vegetation blocks that grow on walls.


Natural generation[]

Vines are naturally generated in jungles, swamps and lush caves. Jungle trees of both sizes have vines on their trunks and canopy edges, and vines grow on the sides of jungle terrain. Vines are also naturally generated on oak trees in swamps and mangrove trees. They are found in jungle temples and the allium room in woodland mansions. Vines can also generate on dying oak, spruce, jungle and dark oak trees.‌[Bedrock Edition only] Vines can generate in watchtower walls in pillager outposts.


Vines can be destroyed with any item, but in Java Edition, using shears is the only way to collect them, while Bedrock Edition also allows the use of an axe enchanted with Silk Touch. Shears enchanted with Efficiency are more efficient when used on vines; Efficiency II and above allows vines to be instantly broken.[1] Using an axe on vines can also increase efficiency, but does not allow for collection in Java Edition. If multiple vines exist within the same block space, breaking one of them breaks all of them instead of just the one targeted[2] and results in only a single vine dropping.[3]

Block VinesHardness Tool Breaking time[A]Default WoodenStoneIronDiamondNetheriteGoldenShearsSword

  1. Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed.


Vines are sold by wandering traders for an emerald.


On each block tick, the vine block has a 25% chance to spread in a randomly selected direction. Vines spread to adjacent blocks under certain conditions:

  • Downward:
    • If the block below is air, each side (north, south, east, and west) with vines has a 50% chance to spread downward.
    • If the block below is a block, each side of that block with vines on the ticked block has a 50% chance of gaining vines.
  • Upward:
    • If the block above is air and there are fewer than 4 other vine blocks in a 9×9×3 area surrounding the ticked vine block, each side (north, south, east, and west) with vines has a 50% chance to spread upward if that side is backed by a block that vines can be placed on.
  • Horizontally:
    • If the current vine block isn't covering the target direction and there are fewer than 4 other vine blocks in a 9×9×3 area surrounding the ticked vine block, then:
      • If the block in the target direction is air, then it tries:
  • If the vine block has vines to the right and that side of the air block is backed by something vines can be placed on, spread to the right side of the air block.
  • If the vine block has vines to the left and that side of the air block is backed by something vines can be placed on, spread to the left side of the air block.

[more information needed]

  • If the vine block has vines to the right, and that side of the air block is backed by another air block, and the right side of the vine block is backed by something vines can be placed on, spread around the corner.
  • If the vine block has vines to the left, and that side of the air block is backed by another air block, and the left side of the vine block is backed by something vines can be placed on, spread around the corner.
  • If the air block in the target direction has something vines could be placed on above it, spread to the top side of the air block.
  • If the block in the target direction is opaque and fills its whole cube, spread to that side of the ticked vine block.

Vines cannot be grown using bone meal.

Vines do not need light when growing.


Vines can be placed on the side of any block that fills its whole cube and blocks entity movement. They can also be placed on the bottom side of a block (although not the bottom side of another vine - this was programmed intentionally[4]). However, a vine block without vines on any of the horizontal sides disappears if it gets an update from a neighboring block. Vines attached to the bottom of stairs are completely deleted by any block update.[5]

Several vines can be placed in the same block space, as long as they are facing different directions.

Vines can be climbed by standing next to them and holding the jump key. If there is a solid block behind the vines, the walk forward key can also be used.

Vines cancel a sprint if the player is sprinting, slowing the movement speed.

Vines absorb all fall damage, even without a solid surface nearby. Sneaking on vines causes the player to hang, even if the vines are not adjacent to any surface.

Blocks can replace vines if placed within the same block space. However, item frames and paintings cannot.[6]

Crafting ingredient[]

NameIngredientsCrafting recipeDescription Banner Pattern Bordure IndentedMossy CobblestoneMossy Stone Bricks
Paper +
‌[Bedrock Edition only]
Cobblestone +
Stone Bricks +


Placing vines into a composter has a 50% chance of raising the compost level by 1.

List of colors[]

This section is missing information about Bedrock Edition colors (see Water#color, if they're still there).

Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.

Java Edition[]

Hard-coded Color

  • In the Inventory, Vines have a Color:

Biome Colors

These values are generated by the biome dyeing algorithm. See Biome colors for more information.

BiomeCategoryRainfallFoliage ColorTemperature AffectsRender
Badlands Mesa No #9e814d No
Beach Beach Rain #77ab2f
Birch Forest Forest Rain #6ba941
Cold Ocean Ocean Rain #71a74d
Dark Forest Forest Rain #59ae30
Deep Cold Ocean Ocean Rain #71a74d
Deep Frozen Ocean Ocean Rain #71a74d
Deep Lukewarm Ocean Ocean Rain #71a74d
Deep Ocean Ocean Rain #71a74d
Desert Desert No #aea42a
End Barrens The End No #71a74d
End Highlands The End No #71a74d
End Midlands The End No #71a74d
Eroded Badlands Mesa No #9e814d No
Flower Forest Forest Rain #59ae30
Forest Forest Rain #59ae30
Frozen Ocean Ocean Snow #60a17b
Frozen River River Snow #60a17b
Ice Spikes Icy Snow #60a17b
Jungle Jungle Rain #30bb0b
Lukewarm Ocean Ocean Rain #71a74d
Mushroom Fields Mushroom Rain #2bbb0f
Nether Nether No #aea42a
Ocean Ocean Rain #71a74d
Old Growth Birch Forest Forest Rain #6ba941
Old Growth Pine Taiga Taiga Rain #68a55f
Old Growth Spruce Taiga Taiga Rain #68a464
Plains Plains Rain #77ab2f
River River Rain #71a74d
Savanna Savanna No #aea42a
Savanna Plateau Savanna No #aea42a
Small End Islands The End No #71a74d
Snowy Beach Beach Snow #64a278
Snowy Taiga Taiga Snow #60a17b
Snowy Plains Icy Snow #60a17b
Sparse Jungle Jungle Rain #3eb80f
Stony Shore None Rain #6da36b
Sunflower Plains Plains Rain #77ab2f
Swamp Swamp Rain #6a7039 If temperature below -0.1, used #4C763C.
Taiga Taiga Rain #68a464
The End The End No #71a74d
The Void None No #71a74d
Warm Ocean Ocean Rain #71a74d
Windswept Gravelly Hills Extreme Hills Rain #6da36b
Windswept Hills Extreme Hills Rain #6da36b
Windswept Savanna Savanna No #aea42a
Wooded Badlands Mesa No #9e814d No

Bedrock Edition[]


Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
// Block broken Blocks Once the block has broken block.vine.break subtitles.block.generic.break 1.0 0.8 16
// None[sound 1] Entity-Dependent Falling on the block with fall damage block.vine.fall None[sound 1] 0.5 0.75 16
// Block breaking Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken block.vine.hit subtitles.block.generic.hit 0.25 0.5 16
// Block placed Blocks When the block is placed 1.0 0.8 16
// Footsteps Entity-Dependent Walking on the block block.vine.step subtitles.block.generic.footsteps 0.15 1.0 16

  1. ↑ a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:[more information needed]

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierFormBlock tagsTranslation key
Vines vine Block & Item climbable

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID FormItem ID[i 1]Translation key
Vines vine 106 Block & Giveable Item[i 2] Identical[i 3]

  1. ID of block's direct item form, which is used in savegame files and addons.
  2. Available with /give command.
  3. The block's direct item form has the same id with the block.

Block states[]

Java Edition:

NameDefault valueAllowed valuesDescriptioneastnorthsouthupwest
false false
When true, a vine texture is displayed on the east.
false false
When true, a vine texture is displayed on the north.
false false
When true, a vine texture is displayed on the south.
false false
When true, a vine texture is displayed on the top.
false false
When true, a vine texture is displayed on the west.

Bedrock Edition:

NameMetadata BitsDefault valueAllowed valuesValues for
Metadata BitsDescriptionvine_direction_bits
0 0
The directions the vine exists, excluding up. Each bit determines one direction:
  • 0x1: Vines at the south
  • 0x2: Vines at the west
  • 0x4: Vines at the north
  • 0x8: Vines at the east

Note: Vines gain the ceiling vines if there's a block above, block state doesn't change.


This article is missing information about Add info about "vines generated in mangrove trees" for BE.

Please expand the article to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.

August 26, 2011Java Edition Beta1.8Pre-release Pre-release 2 ;)Java Edition1.2.112w03a12w04a1.3.112w22a1.513w02a1.814w02a14w04a14w07a14w10a14w10b14w18a14w30c1.1116w39a1.1317w47a1.1418w43a18w48a19w03a19w05a1.1620w11a1.1721w03a21w05a21w10a21w13a1.1922w14a22w15aPocket Edition Alphav0.9.0build 1v0.15.0build 1Pocket Edition1.1.0alpha Edition1.2.0beta Console EditionTU5CU1 1.0 Patch 11.0.1TU9 1.90 New Nintendo 3DS Edition0.1.0
When the Adventure Update was showcased at PAX, vines hadn't been given a name, and a mouseover would not show a title. This implies that they didn't have an official name at the time.

File:Vines (U) JE1.png File:Vines (NU) JE1.png File:Vines (EU) JE1.png File:Vines (NEU) JE1.png File:Vines (SU) JE1.png File:Vines (NSU) JE1.png File:Vines (ESU) JE1.png File:Vines (NESU) JE1.png File:Vines (WU) JE1.png File:Vines (NWU) JE1.png File:Vines (EWU) JE1.png File:Vines (NEWU) JE1.png File:Vines (SWU) JE1.png File:Vines (NSWU) JE1.png File:Vines (ESWU) JE1.png File:Vines (NESWU) JE1.png
Added vines.
Vines take as long to break as leaves and drop nothing unless collected with shears.
The used data values are as follows (tested in 1.7.6, any potential changes between Beta 1.8 Pre-release are not known): DVDescription
0 No attachments
1 On south face
2 On west face
3 On south and west faces
4 On north face
5 On north and south faces
6 On north and west faces
7 On north, south and west faces
8 On east face
9 On east and south faces
10 On east and west faces
11 On east, south and west faces
12 On north and east faces
13 On north, east and south faces
14 On north, east and west faces
15 On north, east, south and west faces
Upward attachments are likely handled only in the game's memory and are not metadata-controlled. The face a vine is is relative to its block space, and is the opposite of the face of the block it's attached to or the direction it itself faces (a south face vine is in the southernmost area of the block it exists in, but is attached to the north side of a block and itself faces north).
Vines spread infinitely down now, but do not spread if there are more than four other vine blocks nearby.[7]
Vines are now climbable provided they are climbed against a solid block.
Players are now slowed when going through vines due to their nature of being a collisionless ladder.
Vines now generate naturally in jungle temples.
Players who die falling off of vines receive a message upon death: "<player> fell off some vines."
Added a crafting recipe for mossy stone bricks (uses 1 vine and 1 stone brick.)
Added a crafting recipe for moss stone (uses 1 vine and 1 cobblestone.)

Vines are no longer visible from behind.[8]
Vines with no connections have a missing model, which is also tinted.

Vines are visible from behind again. However, the back texture planes are no longer mirrored, unlike before, resulting in the texture always having the same orientation regardless of view direction, which is incorrect.
Vines with no connections now crash the game, effectively bricking the world for this version.
Vine data values are strange, often resulting in incorrect orientations in many arrangements.[9]

The data values appear to be as follows:

0 No attachments - causes game crash
1 On south face
2 On west face
3 On west and east faces
4 On north face
5 On north and south faces
6 On north and south faces
7 On north, south and west faces
8 On east face
9 On north and south faces
10 On east and west faces
11 On east, south and west faces
12 On east and west faces
13 On north, east and south faces
14 On north, east and west faces
15 On north, east, south and west faces
Likely as a crash fix, vines with no attachments now use the southmost vine model.

File:Vines (U) JE3.png File:Vines (NU) JE3.png File:Vines (EU) JE3.png File:Vines (NEU) JE3.png File:Vines (SU) JE3.png File:Vines (NSU) JE3.png File:Vines (ESU) JE3.png File:Vines (NESU) JE3.png File:Vines (WU) JE3.png File:Vines (NWU) JE3.png File:Vines (EWU) JE3.png File:Vines (NEWU) JE3.png File:Vines (SWU) JE3.png File:Vines (NSWU) JE3.png File:Vines (ESWU) JE3.png File:Vines (NESWU) JE3.png
Vine data values, according to  Setblock, appear to have reverted to their pre-14w10a states: DVDescription
0 No attachments - appears on south face
1 On south face
2 On west face
3 On south and west faces
4 On north face
5 On north and south faces
6 On north and west faces
7 On north, south and west faces
8 On east face
9 On east and south faces
10 On east and west faces
11 On east, south and west faces
12 On north and east faces
13 On north, east and south faces
14 On north, east and west faces
15 On north, east, south and west faces
However, MC-50729 implies some mismatching still exists in some form, possibly with upward-attached vines, or possibly due to the grown vine blocks themselves usng the wrong states instead of just models.[more information needed]
Vines are now used to create the fancy border pattern for banners.
Vines now generate in woodland mansions.
Vines can now be placed on the bottom of blocks, as well as not replacing existing vines.
Prior to The Flattening, this block's numeral ID was 106.
The texture of vines have been changed.
Vines can now be climbed without it being attached to supporting blocks.
Placing a vine into the new composter now has a 20% chance of raising the compost level by 1.
Vines now have a 50% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.
Added wandering traders, which sell vines.
Vines now play sounds when climbed.
Vines now use a multipart model, rather than each combination of vines having a unique model which would be rotated accordingly. As such, vine blocks with an upper vine present no longer rotate with certain state changes, and vine blocks with no vines present are once again invisible.[10]
Vines now have unique sounds.
Shears enchanted with Efficiency now break vines faster.
Vines can now generate in lush caves.
The model of the vines has been changed that the rear texture plane is correctly mirrored again.[11]
Vines can now generate on mangrove trees.
Vines can now be placed on the top[verify] and sides of soul sand, mud and maximum height snow.
[verify] Added vines.
Vines now generate naturally in jungle temples.
Vines now generate in woodland mansions.
Vines can now be used to make border patterns on banners.
The texture of vines have been changed.
Vines can now be used to craft bordure indented banner pattern.
Vines now generate in pillager outpost watchtowers.
Vines are now sold by wandering traders.
Vines can now be used to fill up composters.
Vines can now be climbed by without supporting block.
Vines now play sounds when climbed.
Vines can now generate in lush caves.
Vines can now generate on mangrove trees.
[verify] Added vines.
Vines are now climbable provided they are climbed against a solid block.
The texture of vines have been changed.
[verify] Added vines.


Issues relating to "Vines" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


  • A screenshot by Jeb of a floating island with vines.

  • Griefing with vines in the Beta 1.8 pre-release.

  • Growing player-placed vines.

  • Vines hanging from trees in the swamp.

  • Vines in a jungle biome.

  • Vines growing from the edges of small jungle trees.

  • Vines growing in a cave.

  • Vines on a jungle temple.


  1. [1]
  2. MC-129114 resolved as "Invalid"
  3. MC-123140 resolved as Works as Intended
  4. MC-177513
  5. MC-128672
  6. MC-130017
  7. //
  8. MC-48512
  9. MC-50729
  10. MC-203397
  11. MC-199239

How long does it take Minecraft vines to grow?

However, they are can be collected by using shears. Vines grow at a somewhat fast-paced rate, which enables them to be farmed. Covering the side of a wall with just one vine will produce a full wall of vines in about three Minecraft days. They are usually found in jungles.

Can you bonemeal vines in Minecraft?

Vines cannot be grown using bone meal.

How do you multiply vines in Minecraft?

You can add vines to your inventory in Survival mode by clipping vines from a tree using a pair of shears.


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