How to use parachute in GTA 5 PS4

Parachutes in the GTA are designed for one purpose only, to safely return the player to ground level after falling from a significant height.

In older GTA games like GTA and GTA 2, fall damage was rarely something to worry about as the top down style of the game resulted in smaller building sizes and lesser opportunities for fall damage.

In the 3D universe, games like GTA Vice City and GTA 3 gave players an unrealistic amount of health so they could survive big falls most of the time.

In GTA San Andreas, Rockstar added realistic fall damage to the game. The parachute was introduced as a life-saving option, available at various high elevations throughout the state of San Andreas, including building rooftops or when bailing out of any flying vehicles after obtaining a pilot's license.

The parachute appeared again in GTA Ballad of Gay Tony, an expansion for GTA 4. It follows the same system as GTA San Andreas except the need to obtain a pilot license to equip it.

The parachute is back again in GTA 5. It is now made by the company Prolapse and is a very big part of the game, being utilized in many main story and side missions.

Also read: 5 hardest GTA San Andreas missions that tested players' patience

Where to find and equip a parachute in GTA 5

Image via Reddit

The parachute can be found at high elevations like Mount Chilliad and the Maze Bank building. It can also be bought at Ammu-nation.

Players can use cheats to equip a parachute:

  • PS3 / PS4 - Left ,Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, Left, Left, Right, L1.
  • Xbox One / Xbox 360 - Left, Right, LB, LT, RB, RT, RT, Left, Left, Right, LB.
  • Cell Phone - 1-999-759-3483.

A Parachute will also be equipped every time you get into a helicopter or plane.

Image via Reddit

Once a parachute is bought or found, it will show up on the bottom right of the weapon wheel. This means it is equipped.

Now, when the player starts falling jumps off a building or helicopter, a parachute will automatically show up on their back and they can open it.

How to use the parachute

Once in free fall, press X on PS4, A on Xbox and X key on PC to open the parachute. When opened, its direction can be changed by using the left analog stick or the move keys on PC. The left and right bumpers can be used to make sharp turns and when pressed together will enter a focused landing mode.

Once landed safely, the parachute will be removed and will need to be equipped again before it can be used.

Also read: Is Trevor the best GTA 5 protagonist

For comprehensive guides and walkthroughs, check out SK GTA Wiki

Edited by Gautham Balaji

Thank You!

Once you finish the "Risk Assessment" mission in GTA V, the Parachute Jump activity will be unlocked. You can use any character and perform Parachute Jumps at 13 different locations in the city.


Parachute Jump Locations

These are the 13 jump locations marked on the map, and they all have varied payouts as well. As stated above, you can find all these locations on our interactive map too, where you can zoom in to the exact location.

  1. Pacific Tour - $200
  2. Photo Finish - $350
  3. Turbine Terror - $400
  4. The Decline - $400
  5. Bank Bailout - $200
  6. What Goes Up - $200
  7. Falling Mouse - $350
  8. Runaway Train - $200
  9. Aim for the Fairway - $200
  10. Carving the Mountain - $500
  11. Fall of the Alamo - $550
  12. Damned If You Don't - $550
  13. Razer Rock Dive - $230

Parachute Jump Controls

First, before you jump, you'll be able to look around using the right stick. When you're ready, press the square button (PlayStation) or X button (Xbox) to jump.

Once you jump, you can steer your fall with the left stick. Use the X button (PlayStation) or A button (Xbox) to deploy your parachute.

After the parachute deploys, you'll have a wider range of controls available to you. You can still steer using the left stick, but you can also make sharp turns by holding down L1 or R1. Holding down these buttons as you approach the ground will also enable you to make a more precise landing. To release the parachute, you must press the triangle button (PlayStation) or Y button (Xbox).

Finally, you can use the cinematic camera by holding down the O button (PlayStation) or B button (Xbox).

If at any point during the jump you'd like to cancel and retry, you can do so by pressing the square button (PS3) or X button (Xbox). If you quit a jump instead of retrying, you won't earn any money for it.

The controls work differently on PC. You control your descent just like you control your character with WASD, and you actually deploy the parachute with the right mouse button. You abandon the parachute by pressing F, steer hard right and left with E and Q, activate precision control with L-Shift and pop smoke with X.

How do you use the parachute?

Pulling the right side of your lines moves your parachute to the right; while pulling left guides you left. If you pull both at the same time (“flaring”), that'll slow down your descent— since this causes your canopy to reduce its rate of descent.

How do you use the parachute in GTA 5 Skyfall PS4?

Once the enter cheat menu shows up, players need to type "Skyfall" and hit enter. Players will immediately spawn in the sky and start falling towards the ground. When players reach closer to the ground, they can click the mouse button to activate the parachute and land safely.

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