We are surrounded by people; both good and bad. It is a privilege and somewhat when you know that the people around you are good people, yes, you could be regarded as lucky a person. When the circles of our lives are filled with people we could look over our shoulder to and be assured of their support and comfort, then we are in our paradise on earth. These
good people around us are strategically there to fulfil one role in our lives or the other, and when they do this, it’s like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle fitting together one by one. Messages to appreciate friends who stood by us are deemed fit for these ones from time to time. Creating special moments for special people is something that should be become a habit as well as learning how to tell someone
special that they are special in a special way should also be a top priority in our relationships. So, for those special friends in your life whose presence has become succour to you, you will definitely need these I am lucky to have a friend like you quotes to show them how special they are to you. It would help them to know that what they do, the position they occupy and the roles they play in your life are not looked down upon. No one rejects scintillating messages of honour especially
when directed at them. Now, directs the messages below to your friends. To say I am lucky to have you in my life is an understatement because a friend like you is one that is rare to find. Your life is filled with messages that could be transmitted daily to many people as a lesson of how to be friends. Indeed I am lucky to have you as a friend. Thanks for all you do. 1. Dear, your friendship to me is like sweet wine, they refresh me every day. Thanks for being such a wonderful person. I don’t know where I would have been without you. 2. My fabulous friend. I don’t know how I would have ended up without your words of encouragement and your support to me. I am the luckiest man to have you as a friend. Thank you so much. 3. If you know the way I value your friendship, my dear friend, you would know that not all heroes wear capes, someone is made into simple friends like you. 4. If you weren’t in my life, I may have been negatively influenced. I love you so much. Thanks to you, my dear friend. 5. To be brunt and kindly is not very common in people, but you have the mix of both in perfect harmony. Thanks for being such a friend. 6. I love your openness and at the same time your beautiful sense of humour. You have taught me a lot of things in this life and I can say I am lucky to have you as a friend. Thanks. 7. Please keep being who you are, my darling friend. You are a friend that is singled out in a crowd. Thank you for being my friend. I am lucky to have you. 8. Dear friend, when I look back and see what value this friendship has brought tint my life, I can say I am lucky to have you. You are the best. 9. Twenty-four hours of a day become too short when I am with you. Dearest friend, thank you for who you are to me. You are a true friend and I am lucky to have you. 10. Every life you mingle with comes out better. I am very lucky to be one of the few that you are friends with. Thank you so much. 11. My day is made when I see you and incomplete without you. That’s how important you are to me, dear friend. I am lucky to have you in my life. 12. I don’t know how I got to be friends with you but I am happy and lucky that I am a friend to you. 13. You make living worthwhile. I cherish you my dear friend and with you, the earth will be replenished. 14. You are so amazing in your way and that makes you awesome and flawless. Your good virtues have rubbed off on me. I am lucky to have you as a friend. 15. Your patience and endurance with people need to be rewarded. Dear friend, thanks for being such a wonderful person. I love you. 16. Dearest friend, no matter where I go, I would always have you in my life and in my heart. I am privileged and lucky to have you in my life. 17. My friend, sometimes we get too busy with life that we forget to tell special people how important they are to us. Today let me tell you that I am lucky to have you as a friend. 18. You are a friend worth sticking with to the very end. You are a rose in the garden and I treasure our friendship so much. 19. Dear friend, your friendship with me has provided a quality lifestyle to me. You give quality meaning to friendship. I am indeed lucky to have in my life. 20. Dear friend, what would I have done without your support and love? You are worth more than a friend and I am very lucky to have you. 21. You have always been there for me as a friend. Sometimes, I become lazy because I know you will see there and cover my mess. You are a friend made in heaven. I am indeed lucky to have you. 22. Hey friend! Congrats on being a super friend. I am lucky to have you. Please keep it up. 23. Dear friend, no matter how long it takes me to say it, you will always remain the best friend I have. Best friends, that’s what we are and that’s what we’ll always be. 24. Friends like you are desires of everyone; people who will stand by your side whether rain or shine. I am lucky to have you in my life. 25. You have proven that distance means nothing to true friendship. Thanks for being a friend indeed. 26. At the breaking of each day, I can’t wait to see you soon because your presence means a lot to me. Like little children we have been. Thanks for being who you are. I am lucky to have you as a friend. 27. I will always be thankful that I have you as a friend because when I consider other people and the constant wrangling of their relationship, I consider myself lucky to have you as a friend. Thanks. 28. I’m grateful for this friendship I share with you. You are a special one in a million. Thanks for being who you are. 29. Our constant touch and reminders make our friendship newer every day. It is not like this in many other relationships, but because you are a friend who wants things to work. I am lucky to have you. Thanks so much. 30. I value that our friendship is never stale; we renew it with acts of kindness. Dear friend, thanks so much. I am Lucky to Have a Friend Like You In My Life QuotesThere are many words I could have said, many quotes to dish out of how friendship is but you beat them all because, with you, friendship get a newer meaning entirely. Thank you for always being there. I am lucky to have a friend like you. 31. Burdens are shared when good friendships play the tune. Thank you for being there, dear friend. 32. You make all my troubles so light, they’re almost insignificant. I value your friendship. 33. Peace is present in lives that welcome it. When you’re around, my mind is at peace. I am lucky to have you, dear friend. 34. Trusting you is something I do easily. I am lucky to have you as a friend. 35. A friend that one can rely on is more than a friend. Dear friend, thank you for being more than a friend to me. 36. Love is the most powerful magic. Thanks for making it easier, dear friend. 37. Who wouldn’t be happy to have a friend like you close to the hands to the body? I am very lucky to have you as a friend in my life. 38. You deserve accolades for being the example of who a friend truly is, dear best friend. I am lucky to have you. 39. It is with you that I got to know the value of true friends. Thanks for being there. 40. You are the epitome of hard work, diligence and compassion. Dear friend, I am lucky to have you in my life. 41. Dearest friend, your ability to make me smile in my worst moments is something I would always cherish. I am lucky to have you as a friend. 42. I consider myself lucky to have you as a friend because you have the most beautiful heart ever. Thanks to you, dear friend. 43. My lovely friend, much appreciation belongs to who imparts well in our lives. It is you. Keep it up. 44. Your positive vibes in my life would always be recognized as the light in my dark hours. I am indeed lucky to have you as a friend. 45. Your persistence in seeing the best come out of me is worthy of appreciation. Thank you, dear friend. I am lucky to have you. 46. My friend, your friendship is one to be treasured and nurtured ill eternity. Thank you for always seeing only the good in me. 47. With determination, almost everything on earth can be achieved. Your friendship taught me what determination is. I am very lucky to have you as a friend. 48. You’re the one I always turn to when I need reassurance, thanks for always being there. 49. True friends are those who will stand by you even when no one else is ready to stand. That’s who you are, my dear friend. Thanks a lot. 50. I don’t know what I have done to deserve a true friend like you but I am grateful I have you. 51. You keep saying to me ‘I have your best interest at heart, always, I’ll never lead you astray. You fulfilled your promise and kept your word. I am lucky to have you as a friend. 52. The difference in the lives of men is the extra they decide to put in. Dear friend, you are different from the remaining and I am lucky to have you in my life 53. Dearest friend, you are very special and I am happy to have you as a friend. You bring light and joy to my life! 54. Dear friend, thanks for always being there. You bring joy to my life with your good sense of humour. 55. You have never betrayed my trust in spite of the fact that I keep my secrets with you. Thank you so much and I m lucky to have you around in my life. You’re the best friend, ever. 56. It is difficult to get good people off the mind because the memory of good people is sweet to refresh. You are my special friend. Thanks for having me in my life. 57. This text is to tell you how special and important you are to me. Trust you’re okay, darling friend. I am lucky to have you in my life. 58. The heart of man is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things! Who can know it? Dear friend, to have one like you with a good heart is rare. I am lucky to have you as a friend. 59. No matter the distance, no matter the time, great people are always remembered. Today, you top the list of the great people in my life. I am lucky to have you in my life. 60. Good wine makes the heart merry. My dear friend, I carry you in my heart, everywhere I go. I consider myself lucky to have you as a friend. 61. Just like wine, you get better with age. Dear friend, I have come to know that as the year go by, you get better age. Thanks for being a special friend. 62. Life is fun when you have beautiful people around you. Dearest friend, you top that list in my life. Thanks. 63. You are the candy and sweets of my life. I am lucky to have a friend as sweet as you. Thank you, dear friend. 64. I am very happy and confident that you are a friend that doesn’t disappoint. It is rare to have people like that. I am very lucky to have you in my life. Love you lots. 65. Life is fun, with you! Thank you for being such a reliable friend. 66. Dear friend, I can’t begin to count the number of times you have rescued me from my mess. Thank you. You bring out the best in me. 67. I am very lucky to have such a wonderful friend like you. One who goes all out to rescue and cover me in my tracks. You’re so good to me, thank you. 68. Dearest friend, you make loving you very easy. I won’t stop loving you, dear friend. I am lucky to have you. 69. Friends don’t betray friends, dudes cover for their fellow. The day betrays sips in, friendship code is broken. Thanks for not letting me down. I am so lucky to have you in my life. 70. Dearest friend, your friendship is sweet like honey. Thank you for accepting me the way I am. Thank you for loving me despite my flaws. I am lucky to have you in my life. Very Lucky to Have a Friend Like You QuotesTo have a friend like you is something special. I consider myself lucky to have you as my friend. You are a friend like no other. Words cannot describe how I value you, not even the beautiful quotes of wise men. Keep being very good to everyone. 71. In the presence of love, peace thrives. Dear friend. With you, there is an atmosphere of peace. So lucky to have you as a friend. 72. No matter how large the world can be, a loving heart can accommodate them all. Thanks for being a friend with a very large heart. I am lucky to have you as a friend. 73. Dearest friend, you are truly beautiful; not just in your physical but also in your heart. You are truly the special one. 74. I am very lucky to have you as a friend. Our friendship has affected me positively more than any other. 75. Friendships in the perfect way is supposed to weather many storms. And that’s exactly what you bring to the party. I am very lucky to have you as a friend. 76. Trading you for anything else is an act of foolishness. Who wouldn’t want to befriend someone like you? Thank you for always standing by. I love you. 77. I am very lucky to be associated with you as a friend. I can’t thank God enough for making our paths meet. You complete me just as I do you. 78. From the beginning of our friendship, I had seen the stuff of the person you are made of. You are not just intelligent, you are also very helpful. Thanks for being such a good friend. 79. The world is so large for everyone to explore. Thanks for spreading out to me as a friend. 80. You mean so much to me. You’re my best friend. 81. Nothing can deter true love from manifestation. With you, I can always express myself without feeling ashamed. You are special to me. 82. The pressure of life can make many people cave in; there are many sellouts in friendship. Yours is not like that. Thank you for loving me just the way I am. 83. They are called FRIENDS because they are supposed to be there till the END. You are the perfect example and I am very lucky to have you in my life. 84. No one is flawless but when perfection comes in, flaws are covered in understanding. I am very lucky to have an understanding friend like you. I love you just the way you are. 85. Friendship is a haven and friends are treasures. You are a rare treasure. I love you, my dear. 86. I am very lucky to have a beautiful and kind friend like you. There’s no one who I’d rather share my secrets with other than you. Thanks for being so real to me. 87. Confidentiality is the sauce of true friendship; where darkest secrets are safe. Thanks for being such a friend that meets all these requirements. You’re the best friend ever. 88. The beauty of friendship is a strong bond that never breaks. You’re a friend like no other. Thanks for being a friend, a true friend. 89. You’re more to me like a family than a friend. One that I share my sad and gloomy moments with. I am very lucky to have you. 90. A friend that sticks closer than a brother, who can find? I have found you. Thanks for all you do. I am Lucky to Have a Best Friend Like You MessagesTo call you a friend like no one is truly deserving. My dear friend, what more can I say. You deserve all the beautiful messages a friend could get today. I am very lucky to have someone like you. 91. From the beginning of this friendship, I have always cherished you and admired your positive influence. I am indeed a lucky person to have you. 92. If I miss a friend like you, the pains would be mine because I have benefitted more from this friendship. I will savour our fun times together always. 93. Dear friend, we have come a long way together. I wish that we go far and never be separated. 94. Today, I want you to know that you are the best friend in my life and I consider myself lucky to have someone like you in my life. I’m certain no one can put asunder our friendship. 95. Be it in rain or shine, I promise to always be there for you have more for me in this friendship than I have done for you. I am lucky to have you in my life. 96. Dear friend, you have proven to be more than a friend and I can assure you today that no matter what life brings our way, I can never forget you. You are my best friend. 97. With you I have no doubt that this friendship will last long enough. Loyal friends are not easy to come by. Thanks for being true. 98. You are the amazing friend I have always wanted. Dear friend, I’m always so proud of you. 99. A loving friend and a praying friend is a complete package. I am lucky to have that package in you. Thank you so much. 100. You are a friend I call upon to at any time and you will answer. You are a listening friend. I am lucky to have you as a friend. With these messages above, you would be appreciating a friend for being a friend; a true friend. Considering yourself lucky with these I am lucky to have a friend like you quotes, you would be raising your friend over the top and giving a feeling of the special person s/he is. Please send to as many friends as possible and let it go around your friends by sharing. How do you say I am lucky to have a friend like you?Thank you, for never being there for me, when I've needed you, and always coming to me, when you need someone. Lucky me.
How do you say I am lucky to have you in my life?29 Quotes About Being Lucky to Have Someone. I am really happy to have you in my life.. I want you to know how much I value you.. I wish you could see yourself from my eyes and realize just how special you are.. I'm always happy with you by my side.. I know that I am never going to find anyone like you.. What to say to someone who is your best friend?What to Say to Someone. You are more fun than anyone or anything I know, including bubble wrap.. You are the most perfect you there is.. You are enough.. You are one of the strongest people I know.. You look great today.. You have the best smile.. Your outlook on life is amazing.. You just light up the room.. How do you wish someone a friendship?Happy friendship day." "You may be far, but you are always right here in my heart. I miss you dearly and on this Friendship day, know that you are on my mind." "My life would be so boring without you, for all the tolerance you have shown with me, all the love, I just want to thank you for being my best friend.
How do you say thank you to a friend?Try them with your next appreciation post.. I'm so thankful for this friendship. ... . You have always been there for me unconditionally. ... . Thanks so much for always being around. ... . Thanks for all of the laughs, advice, and sweet (and naughty) memories throughout time.. |