I have 10 apples and I give all but 6 away how many do I have left

Algebraic expressions  

Algebraic equations consist of several terms with mathematical operations. Mathematical statements can be expressed in algebraic equations. By completing the above statement, you have 6 remaining apples.

Further explanation

Algebraic expressions in mathematics are a combination of coefficients, numbers, variables, constants, and arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.  

The main composition of algebraic expressions are:  

  • 1. phrases  

algebraic forms separated by arithmetic operations  

consists of one phrase (monomial) to many phrases (polynomial)  

  • 2. variable  

is a value that can be changed, can be in the form of letters, for example, x, y, a, b, etc.  

  • 3. constants  

is a fixed value, can be a number  

  • 4. arithmetic operations ⇒ +, -,:, x  

Calculation operations include multiply, divide, add, subtract, etc.  

I have 10 apples and I give all but 6 away. Can be interpreted that

  • initial apple state = 10
  • given all but 6 = means given 4 and kept 6

The mathematical expression becomes:

the word "but" can be interpreted as a subtraction operation

10-4 = 6

Learn more  

Equation represents the number of glasses : brainly.ph/question/1267795  

The total distance traveled : brainly.ph/question/1932180  

Jin has run 2.7 km in two weeks : brainly.ph/question/2720996



Riddles can be a great way to spend time training the mind, encouraging people to think outside the box, read in between the lines and understand wordplay.

While the famous “If you take 3 apples from 10 apples” riddle continues to circulate the internet and social media, many have struggled in search of the answer.

Explore the answer to the viral riddle as we finally reveal a clear explanation calculating the math.

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Photo by Yan Xin/VCG via Getty Images

“If you take 3 apples from 10 apples” riddle

Riddles are both engaging and enjoyable and despite often being hard to answer, they offer a great way to exercise the mind.

The latest riddle trending online reads is the puzzling statement:

“If you take 3 apples from 10 apples, how many do you have?”

The Answer


If you take 3 apples from 10 apples, you are simply left with 3 apples.

The Explanation

Many people confuse themselves with the mathematical equation, subtracting three apples away from 10 and therefore equalling an answer of seven apples. This is incorrect.

You did not have any apples to begin with. So by taking 3 apples from 10 apples, you therefore now have 3 apples.

Although, some people somewhat wrongly debate that the answer could also be 13.

Answer Riddle argue that by taking 3 apples from 10 apples, you now have 3 more apples than whatever you started with, making the final number of apples a total of 13.

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What is the answer to the Apple riddle?

The answer to the above riddle is, "Four kids get an apple and the fifth kid gets an apple still in the basket." This way, everyone gets an apple and the last apple sill stays inside the basket. There are hundreds of riddles like this one that will keep you occupied during the lockdown.

Is there are 6 apples and you take away 4 How many do you have?

The answer is 6,4,2 apples. Thus you have 4 apples and the bowl has 2 apples.

When you take 3 apples from 10 apples How many do you have?

The Explanation Many people confuse themselves with the mathematical equation, subtracting three apples away from 10 and therefore equalling an answer of seven apples. This is incorrect. You did not have any apples to begin with. So by taking 3 apples from 10 apples, you therefore now have 3 apples.