I have cities but no houses mountains but no trees I have water, but no fish what am I

Last Updated: 23rd April, 2020 17:20 IST

I have cities but no houses riddle is making the rounds on the internet. Read more to know the correct answer to I have cities but no houses riddle.

During the current Coronavirus lockdown, the best way to get in touch with friends and family is through calls, messages and social media. A lot of people are sharing updates related to the Coronavirus situation around them over social media. A lot of people are also challenging their friends and loved ones for puzzles or riddles on WhatsApp and other social media during this time.

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These puzzles or riddles are an integral part of entertainment for many during this lockdown. Several puzzles and riddles are going viral and people are interested in solving them. Among many other puzzles and riddles, I have cities but no houses riddle is going viral on social media. Several people are trying to solve the riddle. However, many are still wondering if their answer is correct or not. Here is the I have cities but no houses answer with a logical explanation.

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I have cities but no houses riddle

During the lockdown, many riddles and puzzles are going viral. One such riddle is I have cities but no houses riddle. Here is the I have cities but no houses full riddle.

I Have Cities but no Houses. I Have Mountains but no Trees. I Have Water but no Fish. What Am I?

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I have cities but no houses answer

The answer to I have cities but no houses riddle is a Map.

The Answer of I have cities but no houses. 

The riddle goes as, “I Have Cities but no Houses. I Have Mountains but no Trees. I Have Water but no Fish. What Am I?”. If you look carefully, there are two kinds of things in I have cities but no houses riddle. Some things can be usually found on a map, while others are not usually seen on a map. All the things in the riddle which are referred to as ‘I have’ are mentioned in a regular map. Therefore the correct answer to I have cities but no houses riddle is a map.

First Published: 23rd April, 2020 17:20 IST


The ‘I have cities but no houses’ riddle will certainly leave you scratching your head but what’s the answer to this tricky teaser?

As the world went into lockdown earlier this year, millions of us were left stuck at home, searching for ways to keep ourselves entertained.

And while endless amounts of TV on Netflix and Disney+ were fine to begin with, many of us have been looking for more engaging forms of entertainment.

As a result, riddles and brain teasers have flooded social media in recent weeks and months and have provided us with the perfect solution to boredom.

The latest teaser to make its way onto social media is the ‘I have cities but no houses’ riddle but just what is the answer to this puzzling problem?

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Pawel Nolbert on Unsplash

Riddle: I have cities but no houses

The ‘I have cities but no houses’ riddle is as follows:

  • I have cities but no houses. I have mountains but no trees. I have water but no fish. What am I?

Now, this is a riddle to get your brain into gear. Any ideas on what the answer might be?

(JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash)

Answer: I have cities but no houses

  • A map

That’s right, the answer to the ‘I have cities but no houses’ riddle is a map.

You can easily see where this riddle is coming from as notable landmarks such as cities are pointed out in maps but finer details are often missed.

However, you could argue with this answer that some maps do show forests and have technically dohave trees as a result.

And on top of that, if you had maps of Washington D.C. or London for example, they’d likely include the White House, the Houses of Parliament and 10 Downing Street, so would also technically contain houses.

Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

Fancy another riddle?

If you’re looking for more tricky teasers like this one, we’ve got guides on several riddles waiting just for you.

See if any of these take your fancy:

  • How many letters are in ‘the alphabet?’ – It’s not 26! Find out the answer HERE.
  • I met a man on my way to St Ivory. He tipped his hat and drew his coat. I told you his name already. What’s his name? Discover the mysterious man’s name HERE.
  • My son was playing with a book and tore out pages 7, 8, 100, 101, 222 and 223. How many sheets did he tear out? Learn more about this riddle HERE.

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