Is apple safe for guinea pigs?

Guinea pigs make wonderful pets because they’re easy to care for and feed (not to mention, completely adorable).

As herbivores, guinea pigs should eat a balanced diet consisting of hay, fiber-rich guinea pig pellets and fresh vegetables, especially those high in vitamin C. But what about fruit? Can guinea pigs eat apples — and should they?

We spoke with Dr. Sara Ochoa, a small-animal veterinarian and consultant for DogLab, and Dr. Michelle Burch, a veterinarian with Paramount Pet Health, to find out more about a guinea pig’s fruit intake.

Turns out (as with most foods), when it comes to guinea pigs and apples, the term “everything in moderation” applies.

Can guinea pigs eat apples safely? And if so, how much?

“Yes, your guinea pig can eat a small bite of an apple,” Dr. Ochoa told The Dodo. “However, it’s important to introduce new fruits and vegetables gradually to avoid stomach upset.”

Because fruit’s high in sugar, apples should be considered a treat that’s only offered once a day or a few days during the week. And according to Dr. Ochoa, portion size should be kept small.

As stomach upset is definitely possible with the introduction of any new food, if you notice anything unusual afterwards (like diarrhea or loose stools), reduce the new food and reintroduce slowly into your guinea pig’s diet in even smaller portions.

Are there any health benefits to guinea pigs eating apples?

Yes! There’s something to be said for the old proverb “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

“Apples are packed full of vitamins and minerals, which are great for your guinea pig to have as an occasional treat,” Dr. Ochoa said.

“Even the peel of an apple is high in fiber, which is beneficial for a guinea pig’s intestinal health and digestion,” Dr. Burch told The Dodo.

Aside from the obvious health benefits, those vitamins are vitally important to a guinea pig’s diet for another reason altogether.

“Guinea pigs must eat vitamin C daily to prevent the development of scurvy,” Dr. Burch said. “Symptoms of scurvy in a guinea pig include poor appetite, swollen and painful joints, reluctance to move, inadequate bone and teeth development, and spontaneous bleeding.”

Scurvy is prevented by feeding your guinea pig a balanced diet rich in vitamin C (in addition to apples, fresh vegetables like bell peppers, tomatoes and asparagus are great options).

What happens if a guinea pig eats too many apples?

Unfortunately, too many apple slices may cause your guinea pig to feel sick.

“Yes, feeding your guinea pig too many apples can cause your pet to have GI issues, such as diarrhea and tummy pain,” Dr. Ochoa said.

Luckily, there are no long-term effects to a guinea pig overindulging on apples. Dr. Burch said, “If a guinea pig eats too many apple pieces in one sitting, it may experience bloating and diarrhea. Symptoms should resolve in 24–48 hours, but if additional signs are seen or do not resolve, I recommend visiting your veterinarian.”

If apples are not fed in moderation, guinea pigs can gain weight and become obese. “Obese guinea pigs can have trouble grooming around their backend, stomach and back,” Dr. Burch said. “Lack of grooming can result in poor hair coat quality, which may result in an infection with a parasite called Cheyletiella.”

So, when considering your guinea pig’s diet (or becoming a guinea pig parent for the first time!), just remember that balance and moderation are key. And if you decide to try giving your guinea pig an apple and are in need of a little inspiration in the kitchen, check out our recipe for sushi that your guinea pig will love!

Can guinea pigs eat apples?

If you’re looking for answers, you’re about to find them.

I’ll take a look at whether apples belong on the list of guinea pig-safe foods or if you should avoid them at all costs.

So pet lovers, read on for the answers you seek!

Don’t forget to check our guide about poisonous foods for guinea pigs too!

  • Can Guinea Pigs Eat Apples?
    • How much apple can you give your guinea pig
    • Can guinea pigs eat apple peel?
    • Can guinea pigs eat apple seeds?
    • Can guinea pigs eat apple cores?
  • Health benefits of feeding your guinea pig apple
    • Vitamin C
    • Fiber
    • Hydration
  • Guinea pigs and apples – The risks  
    • Obesity
    • Diabetes
    • Secondary risks
  • FAQS
    • How much apple can I give my guinea pig?
    • Can guinea pigs eat apple sauce?

Is apple safe for guinea pigs?

Guinea pigs can safely eat the many types of apples available; they are not toxic and present no immediate risk of harm.

As with many fresh fruits and veggies, moderation is key. Too much apple can lead to health problems for your cavy.

The main reason for this is the relatively high amount of sugar in apples.

We’ll touch on that in more detail later…

So, I’ve told you that you shouldn’t feed your guinea pig too much apple. I suppose it would be helpful if I explained what too much is.

How much apple can you give your guinea pig

Is apple safe for guinea pigs?

While a small amount of fresh apple will help add some variety and additional nutrients to your guinea pig’s diet, too much can be harmful.

Veterinarian Dr. Edele Grey recommends that a good portion size for cavies is 1/2 a cup of apple, chopped into manageable chunks. 

She suggests that one serving a week is the absolute maximum, with one every two weeks being a more moderate approach to giving healthy occasional treats.

Can guinea pigs eat apples? Yes, but an entire apple is definitely off the menu!

I’ve answered the question can guinea pigs eat apples, and looked a how much is suitable to give them. But what about apple peel, core, and skin?

I’ll cover that now…

Can guinea pigs eat apple peel?

Is apple safe for guinea pigs?

Your guinea pig can safely enjoy apple skin/peel. There’s no need to remove the skin before feeding.

In fact, this part of the apple offers unique benefits in terms of nutrition and enrichment.

While some people prefer to remove fruit and vegetable peel, registered dietician Alina Petre has written that peels are rich in vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants.

An unpeeled apple contains 115% more vitamin C and 20% more calcium than a peeled one. 

The fiber and antioxidants in the peel also offer additional health benefits to help your guinea pig stay healthy.

More on those coming up…

If you decide to feed your guinea pig an unpeeled apple treat, ensure you rinse the skin thoroughly first.

While not 100% effective, rinsing an apple in clean water will help remove any pesticide residue or other dirt from the skin before consumption.

As an aside, not all fruit and vegetable peels are edible. Oranges are one such example.

RELATED: Can Guinea Pigs Drink Orange Juice?

Can guinea pigs eat apple seeds?

There are mixed views when it comes to the matter of seeds.

They aren’t outright dangerous for your cavy, but they have the potential to do some harm if eaten in greater quantity.

Those who suggest not feeding seeds cite the fact that they contain a chemical called amygdalin, which can turn into cyanide when digested.

While this is true, those who say seeds are safe point out that your guinea pig would have to eat lots of seeds to produce harmful concentrations of cyanide.

Is apple safe for guinea pigs?

Your cavy won’t see any benefit from eating apple seeds, but at the same time, they won’t harm her either. 

Based on the above, I would make an effort to remove any seeds when preparing apple for my guinea pig.

At the same time, I wouldn’t lose any sleep if one or two slipped the net.

Can guinea pigs eat apple cores?

Is apple safe for guinea pigs?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat apple cores. 

While you might normally discard the apple core, it can be an enriching and physically stimulating treat for your cavy.

As the core is slightly tougher and more fibrous than the rest of the apple’s flesh, it can help give your cavy’s teeth a workout.

While the core is no different in terms of nutritional value, the distinct texture adds some tactile interest to your piggy’s diet. 

After reading the section above, you may want to consider removing the seeds from any cores you decide to give to your cavy.

Health benefits of feeding your guinea pig apple

Vitamin C

According to the USDA, apples contain 4.6 mg of vitamin C per 100 g.

While nowhere near as much as you would find in 100 g of orange, it still counts towards your cavy’s 10-50 mg daily vitamin C requirement.

Meeting this daily requirement is vital as guinea pigs are unable to produce vitamin C. They rely entirely on dietary sources of this essential vitamin.

Vitamin C plays a significant role in many bodily functions, including maintaining skin and joints and the healing of wounds.

Extreme vitamin C deficiency can lead to your cavy suffering from a condition called scurvy.

While apple boosts levels of vitamin C to your cavy’s diet, guinea pig food and supplements are the preferred primary source of vitamins.


Apples contain 2.4 g of dietary fiber per 100 g. That’s about the same as is found in a banana. Check our in-depth guide answering “Can Guinea Pigs Eat Bananas?”

Fiber plays an essential role in flushing toxins and small particles of undigested food from your guinea pig’s digestive tract.

It helps to keep the digestive system running smoothly and maintains the balance of good bacteria.

Food containing fiber is also helpful in maintaining your cavy’s dental health.

It’s always great to include fiber-rich snacks in your guinea pig’s diet, but their primary source of dietary fiber should always be hay and pellets.


Apples are super juicy and succulent because they are full of water. To be more precise, water accounts for 85% of an apple’s nutrient profile.

If you think that’s impressive, celery is 95% water. It’s ok to feed guinea pigs celery, but only in moderation.

It’s essential to keep your cavy hydrated, and water-rich treats can help you to do just that.

Naturally, apples are no substitute for a water bottle, and your piggy should always have access to as much fresh, clean water as she wants.

Guinea pigs and apples – The risks  


Left to their own devices, guinea pigs will eat more treats than they should. That’s why it’s important to follow veterinary feeding advice, as I’ve included above.

Just like humans and many other animals, if cavies overeat, they will become obese. This puts them at risk of a variety of obesity-related health issues.

More on that in a moment…

Hay and pellets should form the majority of a cavy’s complete diet, with fruit and veg snacks given sparingly for additional nutrients and variety. 


It’s the 10 g of sugar per 100 g that gives apples their sweet taste. Sadly, excessive sugar can also be damaging to a cavy’s health.

Diabetes, poor digestion, and diarrhea can all result from too much sugar in your guinea pig’s diet.

You can reverse these conditions through an improved, healthier diet, but prevention is always better than cure. 

Secondary risks

As I mentioned earlier, if your cavy consumes too many apple seeds, there is a risk of cyanide poisoning.

A more everyday possibility is that seeds could be a choking hazard.

If you’re giving guinea pigs apples with the skin on, there is a risk of pesticides and other contaminants being present. Always be sure to wash them thoroughly before feeding.


How much apple can I give my guinea pig?

Vets recommend limiting apple treats to half a cup of chopped apple once a week. Once every two weeks would be preferable in the interest of moderation. Exceeding this amount risks obesity and linked diseases due to excess sugar intake.

Can guinea pigs eat apple sauce?

Apple sauce is not toxic or directly harmful to guinea pigs, and technically they can eat it. However, apple sauce has a very high sugar content which is highly unhealthy for cavies. Offer a small amount of chopped apple instead.


Can guinea pigs eat apples? That was the question I set out to answer in this article.

You learned that while apples are not immediately toxic to guinea pigs, they still pose some health risks and should be fed in moderation.

Apples are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants which count towards your cavy’s requirements.

But, they are also high in sugar which makes them more calorific than other alternatives veggies and fruits. Excess sugar has the potential to cause obesity, diarrhea, and diabetes.

Vets recommend limiting your cavy’s apple treats to no more than 1/2 a cup of chopped apple once a week.

Include the peel and core but remove the seeds to be extra safe. That strikes a good balance and allows your cavy to enjoy the nutritional benefits of apple.

Remember, your cavy should get the majority of her daily nutrition from hay and guinea pig pellets.

Thank you for being a responsible pet owner; taking the time to research before feeding ensures your pet’s safety.

Thanks for reading! 


  • Hughes, E 2021, Can Guinea Pigs Eat Apple?, FeedingMyPet, viewed 7 June 2021, <>.
  • Petrie, A (MS RD) 2017, Should you peel your fruits and vegetables?, Healthline, viewed 7 June 2021, <>.
  • Petruzzello, M n.d., Can Apple Seeds Kill You?, Britannica, viewed 7 June 2021, <>.
  • Apple Raw 2020, U.S. Department of Agriculture, viewed 7 June 2021,<>.
  • Hess, L (DVM) n.d., Feeding Guinea Pigs, VCA Hospitals, viewed 7 June 2021, <>.
  • Herbert, J DVM n.d., Nutrition for Guinea Pig, Centre Vétérinaire Laval, viewed 2 June 2021, <>.

Is apple safe for guinea pigs?

Can guinea pigs eat apples? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Barry Stingmore

Barry Stingmore is a British content writer living in Fuerteventura, Spain. An animal lover at heart, he shares his home with a dog and four rescue cats and has a passion for writing about animals big and small.

Barry loves finding answers to your animal-related questions, the more research involved the better! You can rely on him to find the facts.

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Is apple poisonous to guinea pigs?

Is it safe for guinea pigs to eat apples? Absolutely, and your piggie will love you for it! Apples can become your go-to fruit when you want to reward your pet. A whole one is likely too much for your tiny friend though, so here's where you get to share.

Can guinea pigs eat apples with skin?

Can guinea pigs eat apple skin? The skin of an apple, also known as the peel, contains lots of fibre and nutrients, so it is most beneficial to give a piece of apple to your guinea pigs with the skin on, but do wash it first.

Can guinea pigs eat apples daily?

“Yes, your guinea pig can eat a small bite of an apple,” Dr. Ochoa told The Dodo. “However, it's important to introduce new fruits and vegetables gradually to avoid stomach upset.” Because fruit's high in sugar, apples should be considered a treat that's only offered once a day or a few days during the week.

Can I give my guinea pig apple slices?

Yes, apples are a safe treat for your guinea pig, as long as they're enjoyed in moderation (isn't it always the way?). Guinea pigs aren't typically over-eaters, but apples contain far more sugar by volume than grass or hay. This means they can easily consume too many calories eating apples (and fruits in general).