Is community bank a local bank?

Switch and be the change

You may not think who you bank with matters. But it does. For our customers, their banking is making a real difference.

Every day our customers help change lives, and save lives, simply by banking with us. Their home loans are building skate and sports parks, hospital wings and classrooms. Personal loans, business banking and credit cards are funding ambulances, rescue boats, disabled and aged care facilities.

Everyday banking is providing all this and more. In fact, $272 million has been returned to communities and initiatives Australia-wide.

You need a bank to give you the products and services you need. We need your banking to help us make a difference.

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Video transcript - Be the change - Mt Gambier, South Australia

How you going?

I'm good. How are you? So I'll just get your account up. It looks like you've built up a lot of change from banking with us. Would you like to see the change?


Yeah? Cool. I'll just pop out. I won't be a minute. Is that okay?

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Great. Hi. Can I just grab you out here for a sec?


Thank you.

What's happening? What's this for?

Thank you.

Thank you for banking with us. This is to show where your money goes.

Thank you.

This is just to thank you for banking with Bendigo Bank. Your banking allows Bendigo Bank to support food bank, their school breakfast programme. Kids are having social interaction in the morning, and their learning's improving. So that is a big thank you.

That's fantastic.

So that is a big thank you. So thank you for that.

Bendigo Bank have bought Australia Red Cross a bus, a 10-seater bus that we can take isolated people on trips around the Southeast.

I'd like to introduce you to some members and competitors from our club. This is Bella, Snoopy, Amari, and Tali.

Oh, they're beautiful.

Bella would like to say, thank you. Thank you.

On behalf of the Limestone Coast Symphony Orchestra, we would just like to thank you. We rely on community support to exist. So thank you very much.

The Sunset Community Kitchen cook meals for people just to help them out with their financial difficulties, and the Bendigo Bank have recently given us an amount of money that enabled us to instal a fabulous new stove, and we are so very grateful. So thank you very much for banking with Bendigo Bank.

Thank you for what you do for the community.

Thank you.

In the community there are a lot of struggling people and to have a donation or some help and a backup from something like the Bendigo Bank, it's fantastic for the community.

No matter where you are around Australia, see the change your banking can make. Bendigo Bank: Be the change.

Are you one of us?

In the late 1990’s a new type of banking model came onto Australia’s banking scene. Bendigo’s Community Bank branches.

It was a brave and bold move by a regional bank in a rapidly evolving banking and finance sector. Today, more than 20 years later, there are 324 Community Bank branches throughout Australia, partnering with one of Australia's biggest banks.

Not only do these Community Bank branches provide banking and financial services, they have a unique point of difference.

Sharing profits with Australian communities.

$272 million in profits from our Community Bank partnerships have been reinvested in Australian communities since 1998. This year contributions included:

$5.8m for sport & recreation

$4.7m for facilities & infrastructure

$4.1m for education & research

$3.2m for health & wellbeing

$2.3m for art, culture & heritage

$267k for environment & animal welfare

$769k for emergency services & support

Sharing profits with communities in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory

More than $21 million in funding has been distributed to local community projects and initiatives across Australia in the 2020-21 financial year, with New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory Community Bank branches contributing $3.3 million to this milestone.

Contributions from the state included:

$309k for art, culture & heritage

$775k for education & research

$146k for emergency services & support

$39k for environment & animal welfare

$539k for health & wellbeing

$873k for facilities & infrastructure

$620k for sport & recreation

Sharing profits with communities in Victoria

More than $21 million in funding has been distributed to local community projects and initiatives across Australia in the 2020-21 financial year, with Victorian Community Bank branches contributing more than $12 million to this milestone.

$1.1m for art, culture & heritage

$2.2m for education & research

$458k for emergency services & support

$144k for environment & animal welfare

$1.8m for health & wellbeing

$2.5m for facilities & infrastructure

$3.5m for sport & recreation

Sharing profits with communities in South Australia

More than $21 million in funding has been distributed to local community projects and initiatives across Australia in the 2020-21 financial year, with South Australian Community Bank branches contributing more than $1.1 million to this milestone.

$220k for art, culture & heritage

$126k for education & research

$17k for emergency services & support

$4k for environment & animal welfare

$207k for health & wellbeing

$215k for facilities & infrastructure

$337k for sport & recreation

Sharing profits with communities in the Northern Territory

More than $21 million in funding has been distributed to local community projects and initiatives across Australia in the 2020-21 financial year, with NT Community Bank branches contributing more than $165,000 to this milestone.

$18k for art, culture & heritage

$21K for education & research

$1k for emergency services & support

$3k for environment & animal welfare

$31k for health & wellbeing

$8k for facilities & infrastructure

$81k for sport & recreation

Sharing profits with communities in Western Australia

More than $21 million in funding has been distributed to local community projects and initiatives across Australia in the 2020-21 financial year, with WA Community Bank branches contributing more than $2 million to this milestone.

$314k for art, culture & heritage

$353k for education & research

$91k for emergency services & support

$29k for environment & animal welfare

$194k for health & wellbeing

$523k for facilities & infrastructure

$574k for sport & recreation

Sharing profits with communities in Tasmania

More than $21 million in funding has been distributed to local community projects and initiatives across Australia in the 2020-21 financial year, with Tasmanian Community Bank branches contributing more than $626,000 to this milestone.

$52k for art, culture & heritage

$169k for education & research

$30k for emergency services & support

$23k for environment & animal welfare

$84k for health & wellbeing

$121k for facilities & infrastructure

$144k for sport & recreation

Sharing profits with communities in Queensland

More than $21 million in funding has been distributed to local community projects and initiatives across Australia in the 2020-21 financial year, with Queensland Community Bank branches contributing more than $1.9 million to this milestone.

$206k for art, culture & heritage

$443k for education & research

$23k for emergency services & support

$23k for environment & animal welfare

$362k for health & wellbeing

$436k for facilities & infrastructure

$454k for sport & recreation

What is considered a local bank?

A local community bank is one that is chartered under state laws. It, too, is considered “commercial”; however, not in the same sense as larger, national banking chains. A community bank pulls its funds and lends funds from the community where it is in current operation.

Is Community Bank NA a local bank?

Community Bank, N.A. (CBNA), is a commercial bank serving customers in Upstate New York, Northeastern Pennsylvania, Vermont and Massachusetts.

What makes a community bank different?

What Sets Community Banks Apart. Local Focus: Unlike larger banks that may take deposits in one state and lend in others, community banks channel their loans to the neighborhoods where their depositors live and work, which helps local businesses and communities thrive.

How do I find a local bank?

Visit the Independent Community Bankers of America's site, where you can search for local banks. My search generated more than a dozen local banks, several of which I've never even heard of. You also might want to search for local credit unions via the Credit Union National Association.


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