Is Daly City a good neighborhood?

I view Daly City as a city that has a very diverse community, having many Asian inspired stores and cuisine. It's such a welcoming and safe area, there's hardly anything to worry about. I feel pretty safe walking around the town, since everything is so close together. However, there are slight downsides, such as Daly City is not some place that is the most exciting. Once, you've seen it all, you've seen it all. The only places that are remotely interesting are the malls, which can get quite boring if you've been there multiple times. Daly City is a good community and place, but it's small and quite frankly, boring at times.

Daly City is nice and friendly. A simple neighborhood. It’s just that the weather is always on and off, it get foggy all the time too.

I very much like the minority communities in the neighborhoods and the mom and pop feel of a lot of the shopping plazas, but the weather was usually something terrible. It was either too cold, too foggy, or both.

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I liked how close everything. Restaurants, malls, EVERYTHING! As the Gateway to the Peninsula, it serves as a great place to grow, create, and experience the life of new exposures all served in one place.

Daly City's weather is always cold or foggy. Something nice about the city is that it is by the water so it has very nice views. Another thing about daly city is that everything is close together so it doesn't take far to go from one place to another.

Never have to worry about the sun. Stays around 50 degrees all year long. In the middle of sf and San Mateo where 10 mins either way can lead you to sun.

It's the place of my birth because the place keep changes. It's change of my situation when I enter college Describe its changes its surroundings I keep reminding how much its beautiful I keep images so no prefect. I am glad I came back of my hometown but people no prefect but lovely ☺.

I like Daly City because it is peaceful and quiet at times, with some nice neighborhoods. But the only issue that I have seen is that of parking, some streets are very narrow, and some have a pretty decent space. I have also seen an increase in the amount of homeless and intoxicated people out on the streets, and the city should find a way to protect the streets better.

I have grown up in Daly City my entire childhood. It is a quiet but lively city, with diversity and pride. There is an emersion of various cultures which provide us with great food, shopping, and activity options.

There's not much to do nor are there any big businesses around the area, the weather has been really nice recently, but usually it's cloudy and foggy which I don't love. Not very diverse, a big filipino community. It's convenient because of all the public transportation that comes through and is very accessible.

I grew up here and it's pretty good. I like the city and it's diversity. I have many friends of different races and always find good places to hang out at. One thing I don't like is the weather and how expensive the rent is here.

It's big city but it's really spread out with different residential areas. There's a more wealthy are like westlake and right next to it there's a not so wealthy one. There isn't much to do here but there's the mall, the westlake shopping center and the theater.

I love the diversity of people living in Daly City, especially I wish rent was cheaper. There are many different types of food places.

It's a nice city because it is located in the Bay Area. Just a few minutes away from San Francisco downtown and SF Airport. The cost of housing is extremely high though.

Start Your Review of Daly City

I love living in Daly City, It is located near my campus and near the city. It is a small suburb that values community and the family. Although I am still a student, I believe Daly City is the perfect place to settle down.

Growing up in Daly City, the community felt very tight-knit and safe to be around. We have indoor and outdoor recreation, schools, great restaurants and we're only a hop, skip and a jump away from San Francisco and other neighboring towns. However, with gentrification and the tech boom, the sense of community does seem to be shifting and deteriorating--not to mention cost of living has skyrocketed.

The area is very diverse with a majority of Asians in the area. The area is influenced by the many cultures as shown through the shops and restaurants that make its home there.

Is Daly City a rich neighborhood?

Daly City home prices are not only among the most expensive in California, but Daly City real estate also consistently ranks among the most expensive in America.

What is Daly City CA known for?

Named after John D. Daly, one of the City's original settlers and owner of the San Mateo Dairy, Daly City was nicknamed "the Gateway to the Peninsula." Originally settled by Irish immigrants, the City eventually became known for its numerous pig and dairy farms, as well as drinking saloons and gambling establishments.

Is Daly City cheaper than San Francisco?

San Francisco housing costs are 24.6% more expensive than Daly City housing costs.

What type of City is Daly City?

Daly City is a coastal community located at the northernmost edge of San Mateo County. Sharing a common border with the City/County of San Francisco, Daly City is known as the "Gateway to the Peninsula." The City's area extends from the Pacific Ocean on the west and nearly to San Francisco Bay on the east.


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