Is energy recycled by living organisms

Thereafter, herbivores or animals that only feed on plants are a part of the second trophic level. The third trophic level comprises of the predators that ultimately eat herbivores.


Also, if there are even larger predators, they occupy higher trophic levels. In the same vein, organisms such as the grizzly bears that eat both salmon and berries are at the highest trophic levels as they feed on multiple trophic levels.

Source: Thompsma/Wikimedia Commons

Then comes the decomposers, including fungi, bacteria, worms, insects as well as mold that break down all the dead organisms and waste to energy. The transformation takes place to return their nutrients to the place they belong- the soil.  

This, in a nutshell, is how the ecosystem works. Let us now delve a bit further into why energy is not recyclable!

Why is energy not recyclable?

In order to understand why it is not possible to recycle energy, it is first crucial to take note of the working of the ecosystem. Plants convert solar energy into their roots, leaves, stems, fruits, and flowers by way of photosynthesis.

Then, the organisms that consume these plants use the stored energy through respiration to carry out a number of everyday activities. Some energy is also lost as heat in the process.

In simple terms, 90% of the energy is used by organisms that they get from plants, and therefore, when this progresses a few steps into the food chain, there is no energy to recycle.

It is important to note that the transfer of energy in the ecosystem is a rather complex process. Energy is needed at all levels of the food chain, as are nutrients.

However, when the energy passes on to organism after organism from the initial plants, it is also used up and exhausted, and ultimately, nothing remains that can be recycled to form more energy.

What is the role of energy in ecosystems?

Energy plays a crucial role in ecosystems for an obvious reason. It helps organisms carry out their daily activities optimally. There is a stunning array of varied ecosystems on the planet, and the process of energy transfer makes it possible for these ecosystems to carry out their function naturally. The availability of energy decreases as it moves along a continuum.

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Teaching about energy in biological processes is supported by 6 key concepts:

3.1 The Sun is the major source of energy for organisms and the ecosystems of which they are a part. Producers such as plants, algae, and cyanobacteria use the energy from sunlight to make organic matter from carbon dioxide and water. This establishes the beginning of energy flow through almost all food webs.

Energy from the Sun fuels life on Earth

The continual input of energy, mostly from sunlight, sustains the process of life. Sunlight allows plants, algae and cyanobacteria to use photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide and water into organic compounds like carbohydrates. This process is the fundamental source of organic material in the biosphere. There are a few exceptions to this, such as ecosystems living around hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor, which derive their energy from the chemical compounds such as methane and hydrogen sulfide. In either case, the overall productivity of an ecosystem is controlled by the total energy available.

Energy flows through all life on Earth

Diagram of a food chain for waterbirds of the Chesapeake Bay. Image from US Geological Survey

Food webs show how energy moves throughout a system. Plants use energy from the Sun to create organic matter. Plants are then eaten by primary consumers who are in turn eaten by secondary consumers, and so on. In each step, the energy that was originally emitted by the Sun is consumed, but that energy also dissipates with each step. Animals use up 90% of the energy contained in the foods they eat for their normal activities. This leaves just 10% of the original energy available for the next consumer. The efficiency of the food chain decreases as you go upward. (Learn more about the transfer of energy in the food chain.)

This points out a critical factor in the distribution of energy in human foods too. Eating producers (plants) at the bottom of the food chain is the most efficient way for humans to acquire energy for living. This has implications for humans as we strive to keep a growing human population adequately nourished.

These ideas also introduce the origin of organic matter that later can become fossil fuels. The original source of energy in fossil fuels is sunlight, which fueled photosynthesis. Oil and natural gas come from photosynthetic plankton, which have been preserved in sediments on the ocean floor, heated, and chemically altered into hydrocarbons. Coal comes from plants that have been buried in sediment, compacted, and preserved. These ideas are further explored in Energy Principle 4. (Learn more about where oil comes from.)

Helping students understand these ideas

Companion video by the Department of Energy
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While many students can readily relate to the idea of the terrestrial food web, the marine food web may be less familiar to them. Students may be surprised to learn that about half the Earth's primary productivity of organic material comes from the oceans.

Other topics that tie into this theme are:

  • examining methods of measuring primary productivity in different ecosystems,
  • mapping the distribution of primary productivity across the oceans and on land,
  • calculating the available energy in different trophic levels,
  • calculating the embodied energy in different foods,
  • considering the science, technology, economics or ethics of agriculture and livestock production,
  • examining various impacts to the energy balance of ecosystems, such as fires, disease, population dynamics, and changes in land use.

Bringing these ideas into your classroom

A variety of foods, each with its own embodied energy and environmental footprint.

Compared to Energy Principles 1 and 2, this principle is more concrete and easier to visualize. We all have direct experiences with different types of foods. Many of these concepts, such as how sunlight drives photosynthesis and food webs, are commonly taught in middle school and high school curricula. Educators can take these opportunities to tie in an energy theme with these topics.

A quantitative approach can be used to examine the energy embodied in different types of foods. Here are some examples of activities that do this.

How Much Energy is on my Plate? leads students through a sequence of learning steps that highlight the embedded energy that is necessary to produce various types of food. leads students through a sequence of activities that highlight the embodied energy that is necessary to produce various types of food (high school or introductory-level college).

The Lifestyle Project challenges students to dramatically lower their energy use, and adopting a vegetarian diet is one of the paths that students may elect to take. This project can be used with middle school through college audiences.

Related teaching materials

Teaching about Food with teaching materials for college students

A hands-on way to teach these topics is from the point of view of a meal or a community garden. All of the concepts contained in this principle can be illustrated in a garden that produces food.

Teaching materials from the CLEAN collection

Middle school

  • To Boldly Go... is a web-based activity tackles the broad reasons for undertaking ocean exploration - studying the interconnected issues of climate change, ocean health, energy and human health. Students examine the types of technology ocean scientists use to collect important data.
  • The video The Ocean's Green Machines further explores the marine food web by examining phytoplankton. These organisms form the base of the marine food web, are the source of half of the oxygen on Earth, and are an important means to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. This video is suitable for a middle school or high school audience.
  • Inland Fish and Warming Waters is an activity that relates water temperature to fishery health within inland freshwater watersheds.
  • World of Change: Amazon Deforestation is a series of NASA satellite images taken over a 10 year period, 2000-2010, showing the extent of deforestation in western Brazil.

High school

  • Stressed Out! is an activity where students research various topics about ocean health, such as overfishing, habitat destruction, invasive species, climate change, pollution, and ocean acidification. An optional extension activity has instructions to create an aquatic biosphere in a bottle and then manipulate variables.
  • Food webs are commonly taught with concept maps, such as with the Oceanic Food Web. The concept map-like connections on this visualization encourage students to link the abiotic and biotic interactions within the oceanic food web. This is also suitable for introductory college students.
  • Fermentation in a Bag and Bioprospecting for Cellulose-degrading Microbes are two hands-on activities that explore the production of cellulosic ethanol.


  • How Much Energy is on My Plate? leads students through a sequence of learning steps that highlight the embedded energy that is necessary to produce various types of food. Students start by thinking through the components of a basic meal and are later asked to review the necessary energy to produce different types of protein.This activity may be paired with The Lifestyle Project.
  • The Effects of El Niño/La Niña on Phytoplankton and Fish video illustrates the effects of climatic cycles with phytoplankton populations. Phytoplankton form the base of the food web and supply half of all the oxygen that we breathe.

Find activities and visuals for teaching this topic

Search by grade level: middle school high school intro college upper college search all grade levels


Energy Economics in Ecosystems What powers life? In most ecosystems, sunlight is absorbed and converted into usable forms of energy via photosynthesis. These usable forms of energy are carbon-based.

Ocean Productivity The purpose of this website is to provide the science and broader communities with global, updated ocean productivity estimates.

Campus Farmers The site offers a wealth of information and links to resources about starting an on-campus farm, managing farm finances, and staying in business.

Why energy is not recycled in an ecosystem?

This one-way flow of energy through ecosystems means that every ecosystem needs a constant supply of energy, usually from the sun, in order to function. Energy can be passed between organisms, but it cannot be recycled because some of it is lost as heat in each transfer.

How does energy leave an organism?

The energy these organisms use eventually leaves their bodies in the form of heat. The amount of energy that is transferred from one organism to the next varies in different food chains. Generally, about ten percent of the energy from one level of a food chain makes it to the next.

Is energy lost in an ecosystem?

Energy transfer in ecosystems Not all the energy is passed from one level of the food chain to the next. About 90 per cent of energy may be lost as heat (released during respiration), through movement, or in materials that the consumer does not digest.

Is energy recycled through the trophic structure?

In an ecosystem, energy is recycled through the trophic structure. energy is usually captured from sunlight by primary producers, passed to secondary producers in the form of organic compounds, and lost to detritivores in the form of heat.


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