Is half a pint of vodka too much?

If a person drinks a HALF a pint of vodka a day ...

in Other

  1. ... but she totally acts "normal" as if she weren't drinking at all ...

    is she still an alcoholic?

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  3. Clay I've asked her the same question and her answer is something like this:

    "Helps me get through the day."

    Mind you, her job requires her to speak in front of about 30-40 people twice a week or so.

    She seems absolutely "normal," to where no one would ever suspect that she's drinking.

    It's so damn hard to get through to her.

  4. Oh, and she's one of these "health freaks" as well.

    She probably runs 4-5 miles in the morning, 5 days a week.  Exercises regularly (was a D1 athlete, water polo).  Watches what she eats.

    This alcohol thing really throws me off.

    I do know her mother has a prescription for Xanax, if that's an indication of anything.

  5. She needs to admit shes an alcoholic first. Remind her that it is bad for her health and that her family would like to keep her around for a while. Doing that will only take years off her life. By drinking she is filling in a gap in her life that she cant fill herself. Maybe self esteem issues, or shes hurting over something from her past she hasnt dealt with it yet and this helps her. She needs to talk to someone. Maybe a doctor.

  6. Also, with what you just said sounds like she feels its "accepted" to have something to make her feel better. If her mopm takes Xanax for depression or anxiety, it looks like a pattern within the family. She may be a great girl, but she sounds like she has some problems.

  7. If she is a health freak she would stop. Health freaks take care of their body. She knows waht she  is doing with her health by doing this. She is risking kidney failure at a later age. As I said, she is lying to herself and convincing herself that it is "accepted" to have something ease such feelings as "pain, anxiety, depression". Some people resort to food, some gambling, some pills or meds. Her its alcohol.

  8. Jane, great points.

    It's just baffling because she doesn't seem depressed at all.

    She's happy, or she's really good at fronting that.

     But to an extent, yeah, she's probably in complete denial about it.

    I'd understand if it was like a shot or two every now and then, but she admitted to me that it's approximately a half a pint a day, starting around lunch time at work.

    She'll go get something to eat then grab a drink or two.  Goes back to work for a few hours, gets off, then continues it at home or if she goes out with her girlfriends to dinner.

    The stubbornness is also a big thing.  She'll look at you right in the eye and say: "Don't worry about me.  I'm good."

    That attitude.

    And yes, there is NOT a hint of inebriation or any sort of "buzz" coming from her whatsoever.

  9. Her body is probably use to it by now... I would try to educate her on the definition of an alcoholic. Normal people do not feel the need to drink that much a day. Its like someone who eats three chocolate bars a day, or drinks 3 bottles of soda a day. Those items may not be "bad" for you, but its all in moderation. Her drinking a half a pint of vodka is not moderation.

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  11. "Helps me get through the day."

    She says she needs it = dependent. She may or may nor be an alchy already but she is well on the way. Anyone who "needs" a stimulant or depressant ( which alcohol is) to get by is basically an addict

  12. No debate here.  She is an alcoholic but she is the one that has to admit it.  Otherwise no one can help her.

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  14. 5 hours ago Milo S. says:

    Oh, and she's one of these "health freaks" as well.

    She probably runs 4-5 miles in the morning, 5 days a week. Exercises regularly (was a D1 athlete, water polo). Watches what she eats.

    This alcohol thing really throws me off.

    I do know her mother has a prescription for Xanax, if that's an indication of anything.

    If she is drinking the vodka straight out of the bottle and then does all of this too, she is tending her garden while her house is burning down.

    Also, I have 2 beers or a light night cap before bed but, if I had to work and drank a 1/2 a pint I could in no way function; there are functional alcoholics but, that catches up with you too.

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  17. i think she's lying to you and her vodka bottles are filled with mineral water.

  18. if she admits to half a pint (8 oz.), I'm curious how much the actual amount is.

    She may just be a high functioning alcoholic. There are a lot of attorneys like that.

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  21. I agree with Clayton. Can she say, not touch alcohol for a week? If she can't feel good without several drinks per day, then odds are there is a chemical dependence at work here.

    What everyone else said is also true, though - she's the only one who can do something about it, and if she thinks it's ok then there's not a thing anyone else can do.

    Other cultures drink much more than we do in the USA, and this doesn't make them all alcoholics. There are things to look for though - hiding that she's drinking, drinking in the morning, not being able to stop at one drink...

    Most alcoholics are more fun and seem happier when they're drinking - even if you can't tell they've been hitting the bottle.

    Some people don't realize there's a problem until they wake up somewhere without knowing how they got there (as in parked on the sidewalk in an unfamiliar neighborhood). Hope she's not one of them.

  22. best question she hot? and if so..why aren't you hittin it?

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  24. Half a pint of Vodka a day?  Ppppppppppffffffft....

    Tell her to step her game up.

  25. Alcoholism is all about how your body and brain react to the alcohol.  There are plenty of people that drink daily that aren't alcoholics.  Can she go a day without a drink?

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  27. I'm with Clayton.  It's not how much you drink, it's why you drink.

    Functional alcoholics are the worst of them all, as they deny being alcoholics and don't seek help since they associate alcoholism as the guy throwing up in the gutter

  28. Clayton, really good primary insights.  2 Liters daily is pretty insane, I'd say.

    And yes, she can STOP whenever she wants.

    Got away for a few days around Christmas and she didn't have a single drop of anything at all.

    New Year's eve, surprisingly, she had one drink was THE designated driver in the group.

    So I'm guessing she's "OK."  And yes, I do leave her alone about it.  I only talk about it when she initiates the subject.

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  31. yes because she is still destroying her liver and feeding or developing a physical addiction to alcohol.

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  33. poor liver...
    you're not gonna get another don't be reckless

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  36. Well, I remember a family member telling me, long ago, that he could stop whenever he wanted....after not having a drink for a few days.
    But...he couldn't maintain the "stopping", and went back to daily drinking again.....which indicated he didn't/couldn't stop.

  37. as Shallow Hal would say..."she sounds hot"

  38. And as far as "getting through to her" can't.  You can't make her stop drinking or control her drinking.  If and when she's ready, she'll do that for herself.

  39. Hahaha!!! II think this is pretty funny. This girl clearly has a problem when having drinks starting at lunch and drinks a half pint of 80 Proof alcohol everyday and people are saying she's fine.

    Come one, come all! Step right up!   See what you score....…

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  41. This Yelper's account has been closed.

  42. Drinking half a pint over the course of the day and not getting messed up is definitely possible. But every day? I would think it would eventually start to take a toll, especially since she is a woman and probably weighs a lot less than Al or me.

    No matter how high of tolerance a person has (and mine is pretty high), it's always healthier to drink in moderation, if at all.

  43. I scored a 6. I drink more than the average bear, I admit.  I am nowhere near the Milo's friend w/ frequency and it's not affecting me in any obvious way, but I am cutting back because whether I feel it or not, it's affect on my health.

    Question for all: How many drinks do you have per week?
    a bottle of beer, a shot or a glass of wine = 1drink.

  44. I scored a 1 and I'm sure I drink more than you two. lol

  45. I scored a 6...

    I think 2-3 years ago I may have been a 10 or so.  I dont' get wasted on weeknights like I used to.  But Friday/Saturday, especially if my girl's not around.   Ooowee.  I get buzzed

  46. That's up for debate, Michael. Ha!

    That doesn't add up though. Unless you are the Most Incredible Man in the World you're not being true to the quiz.

  47. Trust me, I'm being true to the quiz, Dennis. I was trained by British construction workers in Geneva. lol

  48. I have a very high tolerance. I hadn't even puked from drinking until I started hanging out with those blokes.

  49. Ok...

    One question was, "Have you ever drank alcohol to feel more confident?"  I didn't take that as me being a pussy hiding in a corner and I wanted to break outta my shell. Alcohol loosens me up and makes me more outgoing.  You can't say that's never happened.

    Question 2 that you basically confirmed was, "Have you ever blacked out?" C'mon, maaaaan!!!!

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  52. never blacked out, never drank to feel more confident. I've puked from drinking 5 or 6 times in my life. I've had some nasty hangovers. But that's about it.

  53. drink to loosen up? yes
    blackedo out?  yes
    drink alone? yes
    institution? yes (big one)
    embarrassed in the morning ever? yes
    hurt my reputation? yes.

    anythign work, performance, family, money

  54. You guys must be Chuck Norris' twin babies, I guess. My bad.

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  56. I've got the enzyme or whatever. But as I was saying above, no matter how much you can drink without ill effects, it's always healthier to drink in moderation. I am more athletic, more energetic and just feel better when I take a break.

  57. Anyone who buys Clayton's rationalization for drinking copious alcohol without being an alcoholic is misguided. Very rare is the person who drinks vast amounts or even 1/2 pint a day who would not be classified as one. If Clayton did indeed drink and do all he claims, and then walk away from it, I would be quite surprised. The vast majority would not be able to.

    To pick up on Michael/s story used to bartend years ago and served a mostly British crowd, They would walk in every night after work and drink 10 pints of beer a night, all the while not wrinkling a hair of their 3 piece suits. This would occur nightly. Is this lifestyle or alcoholism? I'd say both

  58. I get it. I don't really get hangovers and I have only thrown up 4 times from drinking. If I did, I wouldn't drink nearly as much! That shit is awful!

    It just may sound like you slip between the cracks of those questions, but you're in the same boat. Welcome.

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  60. read more deeply, Clayton.

    You cited yourself as an example for others. And I am citing you're referencing yourself as not being a valid example as for the vast majority, they would be alcoholics doing what you claim you did.

    Clearly you had problems of some sort at the time, consuming such vast quantities. Those are escapist tactics.  And who was driving when you were drinking 2 liters a day + blunts? Hmm?

  61. Clayton says:
    I really dislike when someone who has never met me decides they are an "expert" on me just because they watched a few Dr. Phil episodes.
    isn't that exactly what you are doing with others with your rude and contemptuous comments concerning people going to AA?

  62. 2 liters is absolutely insane. The only person I've ever read about drinking that much is Eric Clapton and he had to have 3 ulcers repaired in his stomach, one the size of a fist.

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  64. This Yelper's account has been closed.

  65. Frederick "O" G. says:

    read more deeply, Clayton.

    You cited yourself as an example for others. And I am citing you're referencing yourself as not being a valid example as for the vast majority, they would be alcoholics doing what you claim you did.

    Clearly you had problems of some sort at the time, consuming such vast quantities. Those are escapist tactics.  And who was driving when you were drinking 2 liters a day + blunts? Hmm?
    that's right Clayton, ignore this ripe and accurate comment about you and go for the miscue instead.

    You clearly have issues still and at one point were a real menace to those around you. You're attacking AA types who are willing to do something for themselves shows you are still not healed and will or have probably found another form of escape.

  66. Michael "Come Rain or Come Shine" M. says:
    2 liters is absolutely insane. The only person I've ever read about drinking that much is Eric Clapton and he had to have 3 ulcers repaired in his stomach, one the size of a fist.
    C'mon - like you believe this




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  70. I disagree with the aa statements and I've been to well over 200 meetings.... It's designed for moral support and help.   Though I believe they trade alcohol and drugs for insane amounts of coffee and cigarettes

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  74. Clayton W. says:

    Sorry but AA doesn't work, and it's an institution full of people who are dysfunctional.  Your mistake Fredrick is thinking I need to be healed, and even saying that alone marks you as a AA freak,but sorry, I am no alcoholic who needs a "higher power" and a group of losers to help me with a drinking problem.

    Also I was never a menace around anyone with my drinking. I'm not irresponsible that way, but it sounds like perhaps you were. One thing AA people are good at is projecting their defects upon other people.  Sorry, but I was just a guy having some fun, and then I stopped without the need for a lame institution that has a 20% success rate.
    Hey Dr Phil, when did I say I was with AA? You are ASSuming.

    20% success is better than 0% I would say. What does Your Wiseness think is a better alternative for recovery from addictions?

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  76. "Though I believe they trade alcohol and drugs for insane amounts of coffee and cigarettes"

    That doesn't sound good. =/

    I've been reading up a lot on how coffee affects metabolism and general health and I've cut the daily cup out of my morning routine. It works better for me that way in case I need to pull a late night and be bright eyed for a meeting the next day.

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Is a half pint of vodka a day too much?

A pint of beer is a very reasonable amount of alcohol, and generally falls within the daily recommended limit. However, a pint of vodka is equal to about 10 vodka shots. This is five times or more the daily limit for moderate drinking.

Is a half pint a lot to drink?

Seriously, a half pint of the hard stuff is like drinking 2 bottles of wine or 8 beers. On a daily basis, that's not good at all. Its not a healthy, moderate habit, like a glass or two of wine is.

How much vodka per day is OK?

If you drink alcohol every day, health experts recommend you do not drink more than 0.6 ounces (for women) or 1.2 ounces (for men) of pure alcohol. Due to vodka's high alcohol content, this comes out to 1 or 2 shots of vodka per day.

How many drinks can you get out of a pint of vodka?

A U.S. Liquid Pint holds 16 US fluid ounces and a shot measures 1.5 US fluid ounces, so technically, there are 10.67 shots in a Pint. However, pint-sized alcohol bottles such as beers and vodkas are 12 ounces (375 milliliters), so there are eight shots in a pint of alcohol.