Is iPhone Pro Max too big Reddit

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Posted by4 months ago

I've enjoyed the normal-sized 6s and X for many years, but now with the 14P and 14PM looming, I don't want to invest in a 5-year conspiculously-large and droppable 14 Pro Max experience, unless y'all think those trade-offs are worth it.

Pro vs. Pro Max?

level 1

Same as cyberknight77, bought the 12P Max for the camera, but then the same unit went on the 13P and the camera on the 14P and 14P Max are the same so will be getting the 14P.

level 2

Yep. I was drawn in to the Max devices because the sensor on the main camera has usually been larger, and the prospect of that was irresistible. This year they are identical, except the size and battery. So I'm gladly choosing Pro.

level 1

I had a couple “Plus” models back when they originally launched. The battery life was nice but the phone was too large and heavy.

level 2

Aren’t the old Plus phones just the regular size now?

level 1

Have the 12 Pro Max but only got it because of the better camera. Would get a 14P if buying today.

level 2

I actually did the same exact thing. I’m trading in the 12 Pro Max and getting the 14 Pro (non Max).

level 2

I skipped the 12 because of that.

Otherwise the normal Pro is the way to go. Sure, you lose screen size and battery but you also aren’t holding a concealed weapon.

Every year since the XS Max I’ve tossed between the two and my wife reminds me how much I hated the XS Max because it just wasn’t comfortable to use or toss into my pocket.

I got a 14 Pro this time again lol

level 2

Did this and got the 12 Pro when I had the Plus size prior and it just felt too small to me after being used to a larger screen. Returned in and got the Max and love it although I do miss being able to do everything with one hand.

level 2

If I decide to get a 14 that's probably what I'll do.

I have big hands and the 12PM is... fine, but it is a big phone and if I could get the exact same featureset save a couple hours of battery life in something a bit easier to handle that'd be great.

Ideally I'd get like... 6.5" or 6.4". 6.7" is a hair too big, 6.1" is a hair too small. But I think this time around if I get a new phone I'll go for a hair too small.

level 2

I feel the opposite. I just got the 14 pro and had the 13 pro max and it feels way smaller

level 2

Exact same decision was made here, going down a size on the 14

level 1

Eyes love it, thumbs hate it.

Sticking with the pro.

level 2

Same here. “Downgrading” to the iPhone 14 pro

I am gonna miss the battery life though.

Edit: since I got some responses. I thought about just sticking the pro max. But the dynamic island gave me a little nudge to go with the smaller pro. If it’s a feature that requires me to reach the top of the screen a lot. Then it’s only going to worsen my experience on the pro max

I‘m thinking about finally going for the switch from my iPhone X to the new iPhone: Either the Pro or the Pro Max.

I‘m looking at the Pro Max for quite some time. I‘m mainly using my device for browsing, productivity, reading and media consumption. So the bigger screen would be quite handy, as well as the better cameras and battery life.

My question to you: Do you regret your decision to get a Pro Max for any reasons? Has it turned out to be too big? Are the advantages not as powerful as you hoped they would? Do you even benefit from the bigger screen size?

I‘d love to hear some answers about your use case and opinion.

Edit: Thanks for all the awesome replies! I checked it out briefly in an Apple Store and I do like it. It should fit most of my pockets, but only time might show how comfy it is (or not). The weight won’t be an issue - I‘m using my iPhone X with a battery case (274g in total) for over a year without any problems. The PM weights 224g which is totally fine. After all your answers, I do tend to the new iPhone 13 PM. Especially since the battery gets A LOT bigger (way more than the Pro). That promises even more battery life and that’d be super awesome.

Is the iPhone Pro 13 Max too big?

The iPhone 13 Pro Max is definitely a big phone with a 6.7-inch screen. It is 25% bigger than the iPhone 11 Max, which means the handset is tall, wide and thick. If you want a closer comparison, it's just a few millimeters narrower than the iPhone 11 Pro.

Is iPhone Pro Max too big for pocket?

If you like to take your phone with you on a run, or stash it in your pocket when cycling, forget it. A new phone size also means you'll have to get a new iPhone 13 Pro Max case. Although the phone size and weight may still be bearable, the addition of the case certainly declassifies it as a pocket-friendly phone.

Is iPhone 14 Pro Max too big?

Yes, the iPhone 14 Pro Max is still a very tall and very heavy smartphone. For some people, it'll always be just too big to comfortably use. But, I'm personally at a point where I'm used to its weight and have found ways to maneuver it with one hand.


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