Is it cheaper to live in PA or OH?

pay 7.6% less for restaurants




Basic meal with drink at inexpensive restaurant $14.03 $13.53 -3.6%
Fast food combo meal

McDonalds, or similar

$8.05 $7.46 -7.3%
Bottle of Coca-Cola (0.33 liter) $1.94 $1.78 -8.3%
Bottle of water (0.33 liter) $1.53 $1.36 -11.3%
Average     -7.6%

Pennsylvania vs. Ohio - Cost of restaurants

Improve prices · Change currency (USD)

pay 17.6% less for groceries





1 loaf

$2.89 $2.08 -28.1%
Local cheese (500 grams) $6.07 $4.95 -18.5%
Milk (1 liter) $1.09 $0.66 -39.4%

1 dozen

$2.55 $2.16 -15.3%
Boneless chicken breast (1 kg) $11.94 $9.02 -24.4%
Apples (1 kg) $4.64 $4.20 -9.3%
Bananas (1 kg) $1.55 $1.37 -11.6%
Oranges (1 kg) $4.73 $4.11 -13.2%
Tomatoes (1 kg) $4.86 $4.31 -11.2%
Potatoes (1 kg) $2.74 $2.60 -4.9%
Onions (1 kg) $2.70 $2.70
Average     -17.6%

Pennsylvania vs. Ohio - Cost of groceries

Improve prices · Change currency (USD)

pay 6.8% less for transportation




Gasoline (1 liter) $1.21 $1.07 -11.4%
Monthly public transit pass $77.33 $62.11 -19.7%
New Volkswagen Golf 1.4 (standard edition) $22,766.25 $24,855.59 +9.2%
Taxi trip in downtown area (8 km) $17.87 $16.94 -5.2%
Average     -6.8%

Pennsylvania vs. Ohio - Cost of transportation

Improve prices · Change currency (USD)

pay 11.2% less for housing




Internet connection

50 mbps or faster, cable/dsl

$70.08 $69.31 -1.1%
1-Bedroom apartment in downtown area $1,211.47 $1,029.52 -15.0%
1-Bedroom apartment outside city center $969.78 $689.93 -28.9%
Utilities for two (65 m2 apartment)

including electric, gas, water, heating

$134.01 $134.23 +0.2%
Average     -11.2%

Pennsylvania vs. Ohio - Cost of housing

Improve prices · Change currency (USD)

pay 7.9% less for childcare




Private preschool for 1 child, monthly $952.50 $931.75 -2.2%
Middle school for 1 child, two semesters $12,616.25 $10,897.01 -13.6%
Average     -7.9%

Pennsylvania vs. Ohio - Cost of childcare

Improve prices · Change currency (USD)

pay 7.7% less for entertainment and sports




Domestic/local beer $4.74 $4.30 -9.2%
Cappuccino in mid-range area $3.99 $4.13 +3.3%
Pack of cigarettes

Marlboro or similar

$8.21 $7.25 -11.6%
Monthly membership at local gym $32.70 $28.41 -13.1%
Movie ticket to theater/cinema $11.80 $10.90 -7.7%
Average     -7.7%

Pennsylvania vs. Ohio - Cost of entertainment and sports

Improve prices · Change currency (USD)

pay 5.5% less for clothing




Regular jeans

Levi's brand

$42.66 $42.97 +0.7%
Regular dress

from H&M or similar store

$34.95 $33.70 -3.6%
Running shoes

Nike or Adidas

$75.66 $74.18 -2.0%
Men's business shoes (leather) $114.45 $94.80 -17.2%
Average     -5.5%

Pennsylvania vs. Ohio - Cost of clothing

Improve prices · Change currency (USD)

The statistics used to build this comparison are calculated using data from users just like you. We average the price of thousands of data points entered by users across the world. Learn more about our data sources. Page last updated: August 2022

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Is it better to live in Ohio or Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania ranks highest in opportunity and health care but lowest in fiscal stability and quality of life. Ohio's highest categories are crime and corrections and infrastructure, but it ranks lowest in quality of life and education. Out of 77 metrics, this report misses one positive aspect of Ohio.

Is it cheaper to live in PA or VA?

Pennsylvania is 6.5% cheaper than Virginia.

Is PA an expensive state to live in?

On a cost of living level, Pennsylvania is about midway down. According to the third-quarter 2021 MERIC cost of living index , Pennsylvania is in 29th position, meaning it's just slightly more expensive than Minnesota and slightly less expensive than Montana.

Is it cheaper to live in PA?

The cost of living in Pennsylvania is 3% higher than the national average. Housing is 1% lower than the national average, while utilities are 10% higher. When it comes to basic necessities such as food and clothing, groceries are around 2% higher than in the rest of the country, while clothing costs 2% higher.

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