Is it OK to feed your dog chicken noodle soup?

You’re probably wondering: “Can dogs eat chicken noodle soup, and is it safe?” We can rely on some foods to help make us feel better when we’re not feeling our best. Among these great foods, chicken noodle soup is a common go-to for when we’re feeling under the weather with the flu or need some comfort on a cold, rainy day. Yet beyond that, this classic soup can be perfect for any day, any weather. While the soup ingredients are simple, they have the power to transport us to simpler times of comfort and happiness. What about chicken noodle soup for your dog?

There may come a time when your dog isn’t feeling their best and need some comfort food. Maybe you’re whipping up a pot of soup for dinner and want to share some with your furry friend. Before you scoop up a separate bowl of chicken noodle soup just for your dog, it’s essential to know whether or not this dish is a good choice for your dog. Although there are just a few main ingredients, it’s important to note any ingredients that may be toxic for your dog and make them sick. To help you take care of your dog in what you feed them, here we share all you need to know about if dogs can eat chicken noodle soup. We’ll share some options when this works and when it doesn’t, as well as other ideas to feed your dog some comfort food.

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  • Store-Bought Chicken Noodle Soup For Dogs
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  • Conclusion For “Can Dogs Eat Chicken Noodle Soup”

In answering whether or not a dog can and should eat chicken noodle soup, it’s important to note what kind of soup is being served. Some types of chicken noodle soup may be just fine for your dog to consume. Other varieties can leave them sick and hurting. If you’re interested in feeding your dog some chicken noodle soup, here are the different types you need to know about to best care for your dog, whether they are already healthy or feeling sick.

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Store-Bought Chicken Noodle Soup For Dogs

When talking about the canned or prepackaged types of chicken noodle soup, you and your dog may fall into some trouble. To preserve its shelf life and as part of the production process of the soup, there are several additives in ready-to-heat soups. These can also include dry mix soups where all you have to do is add water and stick it in the microwave. If it’s on the shelf, give it extra attention on the ingredient list.  It might take you quite a bit of time searching for a canned soup option that does not contain as high as levels of sodium and MSG. And if you end up finding a kind, double-check all the ingredients to be sure that they don’t have one thing but just in a different word or phrase.

While dogs can eat this canned soup every once in a while too infrequently, it should not be something to incorporate into their everyday meals. Consuming too much of those additives and high levels of sodium and MSG can bring along some harmful effects on your dog’s digestive system and overall health. Excessive amounts of sodium can lead to some severe side effects and potentially even poisoning. These symptoms to know of that are due to excess salt include things like diarrhea or excessive thirst.

It’s also vitally important that the soup you serve your dog does not have garlic or onion in it. These ingredients are dangerous for dogs to have and should be avoided even in small amounts. Remember that even our favorite soups on the shelves can contain ingredients that aren’t the best for dogs. Watch product labels and confirm that the soup you purchase does not have any other harmful additives or extra ingredients that are not healthy for dogs.

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Homemade Soups For Dogs

When you make your chicken noodle soup from scratch at home, you have much more control over the ingredients and fine print things in your soup. Especially if you’re focused on clean eating and are intentional about things like sodium or MSG sources, making your soup can be a great solution. Sharing your soup with your dog is only beneficial if you know how to do it safely. Keep track of the ingredients you use and ensure that they don’t contain foods on a dog’s “no-no” list. With a homemade chicken noodle soup, you can start with the two essential ingredients: chicken broth, chicken, and noodles. After that, add in other vegetables that are safe for your dog.

These add-in veggies include celery, broccoli, and spinach, adding some color to your soup and providing helpful nutrients for your dog. As you make your soup, you’ll want to be sure that you don’t add too much salt. While a tiny amount can be okay, too much can harm your dog’s overall health and wellness. As with canned soups, ensure that the soup you serve your dog does not contain any garlic or onions. These ingredients are dangerous for your dog and can leave them very sick. Other elements that your dog should avoid include things like raw eggs or very sugary. Instead, cook the eggs!

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Conclusion For “Can Dogs Eat Chicken Noodle Soup”

While it can be fun to share a bowl or plate with your dog, you also want to do your best to care for their overall health. While eating human food every once in a while can be okay, depending on the ingredients, it isn’t a habit that you should get them into. Instead, purchase foods that you know are safe for dogs to consume. That can either be natural, whole foods without added preservatives and additives, or a specific brand of dog food that supports whole ingredients to care for your dog’s health.

Turning your food sharing with your dog can turn it into an occasional treat that they feel rewarded with, rather than another meal. You may even want to save the chicken noodle soup for times when they are ill and not feeling at their best. Just as the case for humans, chicken noodle soup can also have those healing powers in making your dog feel better about their health. As you occasionally feed your dog human food, be sure to monitor their health and notice if anything about their health seems to change following eating a specific type of food.

If their digestive habits change or something else seems off, you may either want to continue monitoring your dog’s health more intently or call up your veterinarian. Care for your dog’s overall health by being intentional about the food you share. Although it can be fun to let your dog slurp up the last of your chicken noodle soup, doing so should be done in moderation and with intentional care. Provide them excellent ingredients that are wholesome and beneficial for their health. Ensure that they consume enough vitamins and nutrients to have lots of energy and thrive as they explore life as a dog.

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To learn more about human food for dogs, you can watch “How to make Chicken Soup for Dogs”:

Can you feed your dog chicken noodle soup?

You should only feed your dog homemade soups made with pet-safe, organic ingredients. For example, you can make a simple homemade chicken noodle soup with unseasoned cooked chicken meat, egg noodles, carrots, and water—do not add salt or other hazardous ingredients like garlic, chives, or onions.

Is chicken soup healthy for dogs?

Some common questions we get from pet parents include, “can dogs have chicken broth?” and “is chicken broth good for dogs?” Chicken broth, specifically bone broth, is packed with benefits to support your dog's overall well-being and can be very versatile in its use.


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