Is Only Murders in the Building scary

July 17, 2022

People are over reacting

This show is amazing. People who say there is way to much swearing, violence, etc; stop. 90% chance your kid has already been exposed to cuss words and violence. Also your kid can be mature at 9 and watch this. Also, Lots of the show is about a suicide and its a mystery and they are trying to figure out if it was really a suicide or a murder. Overall this show is amazing!

2 people found this helpful.

July 2, 2022

A quality series

This show is very well made putting in an amazing feature, making you think about it day and night. This show has everything right and it's great for all you fans of mystery and crime, there is quite a bit of language though but nothing a teenager can't handle, this show has outstanding actors and gets my 10 out of 10

1 person found this helpful.

October 21, 2021

Great Show! Not for young kids.

I love this show it’s the right mix of comedy and murder. There are quite a few aspects that might not be appropriate for younger kids. There is a large use of swearing particularly the f word. There is mention of suicide and graphic images. An all together great Show for Children the right age.

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

Too much swearing

1 person found this helpful.

August 19, 2022

Tame Comedy, Mystery

I think it's very tame. It's a comedy, mystery series. Maybe even okay for some 9 or 8 year olds. Not too much violence. The most violence is just seeing the aftermath of murders. The whole theme of the show is about murder however the show is kinda wholesome all together. The comedy might be over kids heads

June 20, 2022

Pretty good

I really like this show it has like 2 or 3 F bombs every episode the first or second episode has some gore and blood in some episodes

May 2, 2022


This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

Too much violence

March 27, 2022

Really good but be warned!

As always when one watches tv there is different levels or maturity in the film and in the audience. So with that in mind I would say 12 years and up for the average child, it’s really good but there are some mature parts and a good amount of swearing. So please be warned that if you are not up for such maturity please do not watch. But it is really good, funny and a great mystery.

February 16, 2022

The ending...

It was so good and I was completely invested in it until the ending. It was surprising just not what I expected. I couldn't guess who the killer was! The ending was a cliffhanger but I'm confused. Still you should watch it because it had an amazing plot and story. It's a must watch! Not a lot of sex but a lot of hints. Very violent and the swearing is really bad. Overall, great acting and cast and good plot!

This title has:

Too much violence

Too much swearing

January 17, 2022

Brilliant Murder-Mystery Comedy!

This show is so amazing! The cast is wonderful, the story is awesome, and the way they execute it is great. One of the best tv shows I have seen. Go watch it now!

How gory is only murders in the building?

Very little to no blood. The aftermath of a stabbing is repeatedly shown. Not graphic, just blood seen on the victim's shirt and in a couple instances, a knitting needle is seen sticking into the victim. Mabel is seen with blood all over her chest at the end of Season 1 and throughout Season 2.

Are there inappropriate scenes in only murders in the building?

Alice wears a tank top with no bra for a prolonged scene. Her nipples are pronounced. A painting is shown multiple times that shows a female breast and a man's testicle, but the testicle is difficult to see, if it's even there.

What is the age rating for only murders in the building?

Too much foul language. Calling this 14+ seems really tone-deaf to me. There's more language and sexual innuendo than your average R-rated action comedy. Every F word hits you like a slap in the mouth because it's so out of step with the rest of the tone of the show.

Is only murders in the building funny?

Only Murders in the Building's silly approach to true crime obsessives is at once hilarious and insightful, thanks in large part to its extremely charming central trio.


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