Is Round Planet still on Netflix?

How to watch Round Planet: Season 1 (2016) on Netflix Australia!

The availability of Round Planet: Season 1 on Australian Netflix can be found in our listings below for each season. If the season/episode you want isn't available, you may be able to unlock it right now in Australia and start watching! Change your Netflix country with a few simple steps and start watching.

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Comedian and actor Matt Lucas takes on the persona of natural history doyen Armstrong Wedgewood to give a unique twist to the story of our planet. The eccentric nature of the natural world is revealed through the voice of an eccentric naturalist.

Round Planet: Season 1

Season 1 of Round Planet has 10 episodes. Because different Netflix countries have different availability for episodes, you'll need to check the episode listing below to see which are available in Australia.

You can also click on any episode below to get more information on which Netflix countries it is available in.

Episode 1 Arctic  Not available on Netflix Australia

Arctic creatures aren't bothered by the cold. Rather, they fear the warmth caused by human activity that's setting "the Earth's freezer" to "defrost."

Episode 2 Yellowstone  Not available on Netflix Australia

Serene as it appears, Yellowstone National Park is more unpredictable than an atom of Radium-226, thanks to the active super-volcano beneath it.

Episode 3 Oceans Not available on Netflix Australia

Most of Earth's animals live in the sea, where they form a "living soup" or a "massive death chowder" in which it's eat or be eaten.

Episode 4 Wildebeest Not available on Netflix Australia

The wildebeest, one of the many species of ungulates and "cud munchers" that populate the Serengeti, take part in a grand migration every year.

Episode 5 Madagascar Not available on Netflix Australia

Many of the flora and fauna of Madagascar are found nowhere else on Earth, which is why the island isn't called "Normal-a-gascar."

Episode 6 Penguins Not available on Netflix Australia

Penguins, "the natural world's answer to Charlie Chaplin," only have to waddle about to make children -- and Amstrong Wedgewood -- smile.

Episode 7 Islands Not available on Netflix Australia

Life on islands evolves in isolation from the wider world, and in a manner that is "absolutely potty." Much of this life is weird and wonderful.

Episode 8 Great Apes Not available on Netflix Australia

The great apes, not to be confused with monkeys, have opposable thumbs, complex social politics and other "phenomenally humanlike" qualities.

Episode 9 Forests Not available on Netflix Australia

In forests, the perfect combination of sunlight and rain "makes trees grow like billy-o." Among these trees, an entire world springs into being.

Episode 10 Bears Not available on Netflix Australia

Bears, the largest land predators on Earth, live in the tropics as well as the Arctic and exude a general air of "bear-iness."

Unfortunately "Round Planet" is no longer available to stream on Netflix USA. It may return in the future and you can always ask Netflix to put it back again. For information about how to request films and TV shows please follow this link: How To Ask Netflix To Add Your Favourite Movie or Show

Date Added: 3rd November 2017

Date Removed: 3rd November 2019

Available for: 24 months


Comedian and actor Matt Lucas takes on the persona of natural history doyen Armstrong Wedgewood to give a unique twist to the story of our planet.

Certificate: TV-PG Parental guidance suggested

Year: 2016

Duration: 1 Season

Seasons: Season 1 (10 Ep)

Audio: English [Original]

Subtitles: English

Episode Length: 25min

Cast and Crew

Cast: Matt Lucas

Not yet rated



Where else can you watch 'Round Planet' on Netflix?

Where can I watch Round Planet in the US?

Watch Round Planet - Season 1 | Prime Video.

Does Netflix have David Attenborough?

Watch David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet | Netflix Official Site.


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