Is there a bus from Boston to Foxborough?

How to get from Foxborough to Boston

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There are 4 ways to get from Foxborough to Boston by train, bus, taxi or car

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner.


  1. Take the train from Mansfield to South Station

Bus, line 39 bus

  1. Take the bus from 624 Washington St opp Bird Middle School to Forest Hills
  2. Take the line 39 bus from Forest Hills to Boylston St @ Clarendon St


  1. Take a taxi from Foxborough to Boston


  1. Drive from Foxborough to Boston

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Frequently Asked Questions

Am I allowed to travel from Foxborough to Boston?

Yes, travel within United States is currently allowed.

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What are the travel restrictions in Boston?

Domestic travel is not restricted, but some conditions may apply

  • Face masks are mandatory
  • There is a social distancing requirement of 2 metres
  • Observe COVID-19 safety rules

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What is the national COVID-19 helpline number in Boston?

The national COVID-19 helpline number in Boston is 800-232-4636.

Do I have to wear a face mask on public transport in Boston?

Wearing a face mask on public transport in Boston is mandatory.

What should I do if I have COVID-19 symptoms when I arrive in Boston?

Make yourself known to an official member of staff and/or call the national coronavirus helpline number on 800-232-4636.

Last updated: 7 Sep 2022
Exceptions may apply, for full details: Centers for Disease control and prevention (CDC).

We're working around the clock to bring you the latest COVID-19 travel updates.
This information is compiled from official sources. To the best of our knowledge, it is correct as of the last update.
Visit Rome2rio travel advice for general help.

Questions & Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Foxborough to Boston?

The cheapest way to get from Foxborough to Boston is to drive which costs $8 - $12 and takes 36 min.

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What is the fastest way to get from Foxborough to Boston?

The quickest way to get from Foxborough to Boston is to taxi which costs $150 - $190 and takes 36 min.

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How far is it from Foxborough to Boston?

The distance between Foxborough and Boston is 36 km. The road distance is 47.4 km.

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How do I travel from Foxborough to Boston without a car?

The best way to get from Foxborough to Boston without a car is to train which takes 49 min and costs $23 - $45.

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How long does it take to get from Foxborough to Boston?

It takes approximately 49 min to get from Foxborough to Boston, including transfers.

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Train or bus from Foxborough to Boston?

The best way to get from Foxborough to Boston is to train which takes 49 min and costs $23 - $45. Alternatively, you can bus and line 39 bus, which costs $40 - $60 and takes 1h 39m.

Mode details

Can I drive from Foxborough to Boston?

Yes, the driving distance between Foxborough to Boston is 47 km. It takes approximately 36 min to drive from Foxborough to Boston.

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Where can I stay near Boston?

There are 561+ hotels available in Boston. Prices start at $150 AUD per night.

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What companies run services between Foxborough, MA, USA and Boston, MA, USA?

MBTA operates a train from Mansfield to South Station hourly. Tickets cost $0 - $15 and the journey takes 43 min. Alternatively, you can take a bus from Foxborough to Boston via 624 Washington St opp Bird Middle School and Forest Hills in around 1h 39m.

Is there a bus from Boston to Foxborough?


Phone+1-617-222-3200Websitembta.comAve. Duration43 min FrequencyHourlyEstimated price$0 - $15WebsiteMBTAchildren 11 and under$0Adult$10 - $15

Is there a bus from Boston to Foxborough?


Phone+1-617-222-3200Websitembta.comAve. Duration50 min FrequencyHourlyEstimated price$0 - $7WebsiteMBTAChildren 11 and under$0Ave. Duration32 minFrequencyEvery 15 minutesEstimated price$0WebsiteMBTAChildren 11 and under$0

Taxi from Foxborough to Boston

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Where to next?

Trips from Foxborough

Trips to Boston

How do you get to Patriots game from Boston?

The MBTA offers train service from Boston and Providence to Patriots home games. Tickets can be purchased in advance via the MBTA mTicket app for iOS and Android. Simply visit your App Store, search for "MBTA mTicket" and download. Once downloaded, tap Buy Tickets, select your station(s) and click buy.

Where does the Boston commuter rail go?

The MBTA Commuter Rail connects communities in eastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island to downtown Boston, with 137 stops throughout the region. The service area includes 12 routes that run 7 days a week, plus special service to Gillette Stadium from Boston and Providence for sporting events and concerts.