Is there a shiny Spritzee in Pokémon Go?

For Feb. 8, 2021, Spritzee will be in the spotlight, and you’ll get double Stardust for catching Pokémon. And no, Spritzee cannot be shiny in Pokémon Go, yet.

Pokémon is about catching ’em all, and in Pokémon Go that means catching every variant, including rare Shiny versions of Pokémon. Every Tuesday in Pokémon Go, players will see a specific Pokémon spawning more frequently during Spotlight Hour, which runs from 6 p.m. to 6:59 p.m. local time. Spotlight Hour is your chance to load up on candy, a chance for high CP Pokémon, and, if you’re lucky, a Shiny Pokémon.

Are shiny rates boosted during Spotlight Hour?

Shiny rates do not appear to be boosted during Spotlight Hours, based on data gathered by Pokémon community The Silph Road. However, the sheer number of Pokémon that spawn during the hourlong weekly event will give you an improved chance of clicking on a random shiny. The more Pokémon you click on, the more opportunity you have to catch a Shiny Pokémon.

What can I do to attract more Shiny Pokémon?

Not much, unfortunately. It appears to be random chance. Shiny Pokémon catch rates are set by developer Niantic, and they are typically only boosted during special events like Community Days or Safari Zones, or in Legendary Raids. There are no consumable items that boost Shiny Pokémon rates.

Where can I find a list of available Shiny Pokémon?

LeekDuck keeps a list of currently available Shiny Pokémon. It’s a helpful visual guide that illustrates what all of the existing Shiny Pokémon look like.

For more tips, check out Polygon’s Pokémon Go guides.

Pokemon GO February 2022 Spotlight Hour features Spritzee and here is whether there is a shiny spritzee in the game or not.

Is there a shiny Spritzee in Pokémon Go?

Pokemon Go is all set to feature an exciting Pokemon in this week's Spotlight Hour and fans are eager to learn more about it.

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The Lunar New Year event just concluded in Pokemon Go and fans got to get a number of rewards for themselves. We also witnessed the arrival of an all-new shiny Pokemon in the game, which was Shiny Litleo. Litleo also got a spotlight Hour, so a number of players got their hands on the Pokemon.

Is There a Shiny Spritzee in Pokemon GO February 2022 Spotlight Hour?

For the second Spotlight Hour of Pokemon Go for February, we have Spritzee as the featured Pokemon. It's been a while since we have seen Spritzee as the featured Pokemon so fans would be quite excited for this. As usual, the event kicks off at 6 pm local time and will be going on until 7 pm local time. Players will be seeing Spritzee twice the number of times they usually see it, so that is something that will give you a great chance to catch the Pokemon if you don't have it already.

Spritzee is a Fairy-type Pokémon that was added all the way back in Generation VI. It hails from the much-loved Kalos region. Spritzee evolves into Aromatisse, and that is the final evolution of the Pokemon.

Now coming to the most important part, whether a shiny variant of the Pokemon exists in the game or not. Well, unfortunately, it doesn't. This would be quite disappointing for many fans out there, but there is no Shiny Spritzee in Pokemon Go as of now. We don't know when Niantic will be adding the shiny variant in the game, so if you are looking for one, you might have to wait a while.

Is there a shiny Spritzee in Pokémon Go?

Image via Niantic

Shiny Pokémon are rare versions of Pokémon in Pokémon Go that have modified looks. They are called shiny because they generally add a slight sheen to their color palette, making them stand out more than the normal versions. For Spritzee and Armoatisse, the difference is that the shiny versions have purple fur rather than the pink fur on the normal versions.

Apart from the Pokémon that don't have shiny versions in the game, every Pokémon has a base shiny rate that tells you how often you'll see its shiny version. Spritzee is a standard Pokémon with no shiny rate boost, so it follows the standard shiny rate of 1 in 500 (about 0.20 percent). So, for every 500 Spritzee you catch, you'll probably only get one shiny version.

Amartisse is an incredibly rare encounter in the wild, so the chances of seeing a shiny version in the wild are essentially zero. For the vast majority of people, the only way to get one is to catch a shiny Spritzee and evolve it.

Related: Pokémon Go Spotlight Hour Schedule for February 2022

How to get a shiny Spritzee

There is no way to force a shiny version of a Pokémon to appear. Instead, you must simply play the game and hope to run into one. However, players can use a few tricks to make it easier to get one.

  • Play during events that feature Spritzee - The upcoming Spotlight Hour that features this Pokémon will be hosted on Feb. 8, 2022. Spotlight Hours don't boost the shiny rate for Pokémon, but they dramatically increase the encounter rate for them in the wild. More Spritzee encounters means more chances for one of them to be shiny. Use Lures and Incense to attract even more Spritzee to you during the Spotlight Hour.
  • Find Spritzee Nests - Similar to Spotlight Hours, Nests don't increase the odds of finding a Shiny Spritzee. Instead, they increase the number of encounters. Spotlight Hours are preferable, but Nests are the next best thing, assuming there's one nearby. Use The Silph Road's Nest Atlas to find a Spritzee nest near your location.


The images below show the normal and shiny versions of Spritzee and Aromatisse, respectively.

Is there a shiny Spritzee in Pokémon Go?
Is there a shiny Spritzee in Pokémon Go?
Shiny Spritzee
Is there a shiny Spritzee in Pokémon Go?
Is there a shiny Spritzee in Pokémon Go?
Shiny Aromatisse

That's everything there is to know about how to get a shiny Spritzee and a shiny Aromatisse!

Be sure to check out our guide Pokémon Go Raid Schedule: Best Counters and Weaknesses to prep for any current raids!

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Can you get shiny Spritzee in Pokemon go?

For Feb. 8, 2021, Spritzee will be in the spotlight, and you'll get double Stardust for catching Pokémon. And no, Spritzee cannot be shiny in Pokémon Go, yet. Pokémon is about catching 'em all, and in Pokémon Go that means catching every variant, including rare Shiny versions of Pokémon.

How rare is shiny Spritzee?

Spritzee is a standard Pokémon with no shiny rate boost, so it follows the standard shiny rate of 1 in 500 (about 0.20 percent). So, for every 500 Spritzee you catch, you'll probably only get one shiny version.

What color is a shiny Spritzee?

What do Shiny Spritzee and Aromatisse look like? Spritzee and its evolution Aromatisse are a pair of bright pink Pokemon. Unlike some monsters, the pair have a decent palate swap when in their shiny forms. Spritzee changes from bright pink to a darker purple colour.

Can Spritzee be Shiny Pokémon Go May 2022?

Well, unfortunately, it doesn't. This would be quite disappointing for many fans out there, but there is no Shiny Spritzee in Pokemon Go as of now.