Is tybalt a Capulet or montague

Tybalt is a 6'1, and lighty muscled. Historically, he has olive-toned skin, and brown curly hair. He has a square-ish jaw, thick eyebrows, and a round, slightly wide nose.


In Act I, Scene I, Tybalt enters and helps his own servants, Sampson and Gregory, who are fighting in the streets with servants of the Montagues, Abraham and Balthasar. Seeing Benvolio (Romeo's friend) trying to stop the fight, Tybalt draws his sword to fight Benvolio.

Later, at the Capulets' ball, Tybalt is the first to recognize Romeo through his disguise, and would kill him if not forbidden by his uncle, Lord Capulet. His lust for revenge unsated, Tybalt sends a challenge letter to Romeo for a duel to the death. At the beginning of Act III, he enters looking for Romeo, only to create tensions with Mercutio, who was mocking Tybalt even before he walked into the scene. Tybalt initially ignores Mercutio and confronts Romeo, who refuses to fight because of his secret recent marriage to Juliet. Tybalt becomes even angrier; he does not know Romeo cannot fight him because they are now relatives.

Mercutio loses his temper and begins fighting Tybalt himself. Romeo tries to stop the combat by rushing between them, and Tybalt then stabs Mercutio under his arm. Mercutio dies from the wound, angering an already emotional Romeo. Enraged, Romeo duels and kills Tybalt in return, leading to his own exile by prince Escalus. Thus meaning he has anger problems as he lets spiteful words get to him

Tybalt is revealed to be Juliet's maternal first cousin, when Lady Capulet arrives at the scene where Tybalt lies dead. Resulting in Romeo’s banishment by the Prince instead of execution.


Tybalt Capulet is a rambunctuous and fiery individual. As shown in the play, he lives for playful battle, but can be easily angered and switch over to genuine combat. He is also loud, and has many friends - all who encourage him and hype him up during his fights. He is also hot tempered, impatient and vengeful  man who shares a deep hatred for everyone in the Montague family. Specially Romeo. He is also never afraid to start fights with them by continuously provoking them despite warnings made by the Prince.


He was revealed to be Juliet's first cousin, and the nephew of Juliet's mother and father in the quote

Tybalt is a loyal Capulet and Juliet’s cousin. She hates the Montague family, especially the son of Lord Montague, Romeo. When Romeo dares to crash a Capulet party, Tybalt wants to kill him. Her uncle however stops her, fearing that she will make a scene.

The Prince of the City has warned the families against fighting. But Tybalt doesn’t listen to him, and sends Romeo a letter threatening him to duel. Instead, Mercutio stands up to Tybalt, and the two start fighting. Romeo tries to stop them, but Mercutio ends up fatally stabbed. Tybalt runs away from the scene, but she still has her sights set on killing Romeo.

The passionate, the witty, the proud, the loyal: learn what makes the characters from Romeo and Juliet so beloved.

Is tybalt a Capulet or montague

Romeo is the teenage son of the Montague family, who are busy feuding with the Capulets. In the beginning, Romeo is brooding over his unrequited love for Rosaline. When he sees Juliet at a party, Romeo instantly falls in love with her instead. They impulsively decide to marry the next day. Romeo initially refuses to fight Juliet’s cousin Tybalt; but when Tybalt kills Mercutio, Romeo avenges his friend’s death and kills him. He is banished as a result. Later, believing Juliet to be dead, he kills the mourning Paris, drinks poison and dies.

O true apothecary, / Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die

— Romeo; Act 5 Scene 3

Juliet Capulet, on the cusp of 14 years old, falls in love with Romeo, the son of her family’s enemy. She subsequently proposes marriage. With the help of Nurse, her guardian, they are secretly married. However, in the wake of Tybalt’s death (and ignorant of her marriage to Romeo) Lord Capulet arranges for Juliet to marry Count Paris the next day. Cut off from all support except for that of Friar Laurence, she takes a sleeping draught to fake her own death, hoping to reunite with Romeo. When she wakes to find him dead beside her, she stabs herself.

Parting is such sweet sorrow / That I shall say good night till it be morrow

— Juliet; Act 2 Scene 1
Is tybalt a Capulet or montague

Friar Laurence

Friar Laurence is a Franciscan friar and a mentor to Romeo and Juliet. He secretly marries them, hoping to broker peace between the two families. The Friar later arranges for a banished Romeo to spend the night with Juliet before he leaves. He prepares a potion for Juliet in order to fake her death, avoid marriage to Paris, and reunite with Romeo, but his warning message to Romeo never reaches him. When Juliet finds Romeo dead, the Friar fruitlessly tries to convince her to leave the tomb. He is initially suspected of her murder but soon freed.

These violent delights have violent ends

— Friar Laurence; Act 4 Scene 5

The Nurse

The widowed Nurse is a loyal companion to Juliet, having cared for her since she was a baby. Her long-winded stories, raunchy comments, and distaste for men generally serve as comic relief throughout the play. She helps to arrange Juliet and Romeo’s secret marriage and often acts as an intermediary between them. The Nurse tries to stand up for Juliet when her family cuts her off; however she later advises Juliet to marry Count Paris—which is ultimately the cause of the falling out between the two. She deeply grieves over Juliet’s death.

She's dead, deceased, she's dead; alack the day!

— Nurse; Act 4 Scene 5
Is tybalt a Capulet or montague


Mercutio is a relative of the Prince of Verona and a close friend to Romeo. His volatile nature, quick wit, and saucy wordplay serve as comic relief throughout the play. At the beginning of the play, he attends the Capulets’ party with Romeo and Benvolio. When Tybalt challenges Romeo and the latter refuses to fight back, Mercutio immediately attacks Tybalt. Finally, when Romeo tries to intervene, Mercutio is wounded and dies after cursing both families for their futile feuding. His death is a catalyst for the tragedies that follow.

A plague o’ both your houses

— Mercutio; Act 3 Scene 1


Tybalt is the nephew of Lady Capulet and Juliet’s cousin. The Nurse also considers him her best friend. Hot-headed and proud, Tybalt is always a troublemaker. Mercutio mockingly calls him 'the prince of cats'! Discovering the Montague boys at the Capulets’ party, he is eager to fight but is restrained by Lord Capulet. He later formally challenges Romeo, but Romeo refuses to fight. Mercutio fights Tybalt instead and is mortally wounded. Tybalt escapes the scene pursued by a vengeful Romeo and is slayed by his hand. His death is the cause of Romeo’s banishment.

How is Tybalt a Capulet?

In William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Tybalt is the nephew of Lord Capulet and Juliet's older cousin.

Is Mercutio a Capulet or Montague?

'Loyal,' 'devoted,' 'funny' and 'witty' are just a few of the words that describe Romeo's best friend, Mercutio, in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. He is neither a Montague nor a Capulet, but he is more than just an interested party in the epic family feud.

Is Tybalt in love with Mercutio?

On the outskirts of the most iconic love story of all time, Tybalt and Mercutio grapple with a love so potent and so forbidden it can only end in a tragic duel.

What family is Tybalt from?

Tybalt (/ˈtɪbəlt/) is a character in William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet. He is the son of Lady Capulet's brother, Juliet's short-tempered first cousin, and Romeo's rival.