Laser hair removal and sun exposure

Reposted from LOVE INC

If you’ve ever had a laser hair removal treatment, then you know spending time in the sun before and after your appointment is a major faux pas. It’s the cardinal rule of laser hair removal that, in turn, has perpetuated a myth that it can’t or shouldn’t be done in the summer. Although it is extremely important to limit direct sun exposure before going under the laser, the idea that it isn’t safe in the sunny summer months isn’t true. So we got the inside scoop from Niki Garcia, a laser expert at Boom Boom Brow Bar in New York City’s Greenwich Village, who is sharing her expert tips for safe laser hair removal in the summer.


This is one instruction that isn’t optional. Untanned skin that has been shielded from the sun for a few weeks is best. Not only are you going to see the best results, but you’ll also avoid permanent damage to your skin. “Some rules are not meant to be broken,” Niki says. “Avoid sun exposure and tanning two weeks before and two weeks after a laser hair removal treatment — period. The problem is the sun makes skin more sensitive to heat, and using a laser on heat sensitive skin can cause hyper-pigmentation, burns and even scarring.” But Niki stresses that doesn’t mean all laser services need to be avoided in the summer. 


In the summer, Niki says you should not laser the face or any other areas that are prone to sun exposure, such as the arms, legs, fingers and toes. This is extremely important because even if those skin areas do not look tan to the naked eye, the exposure to UVB and UVA rays are still active. “UVB rays affect the top layer of skin, and UVA rays go even deeper,” she says. “Have you ever showered after being in the sun and then you think you look darker? It’s because you’re exfoliating the top layers off, revealing the deeper, darker skin that the UVA rays altered.”


While there are many areas you should avoid for laser hair removal during the summer, Niki says there’s also a few that are consistently shielded from the sun that make them prime spots for summer treatments. The underarm area is protected by the arm and  doesn’t often see direct sunlight, so this is an area you can target year-round without worry. “The bikini area can also be treated because, hello, we wear pants!” she adds. 


Sunscreen is an imperative element for everyday skincare even if you aren’t undergoing laser hair removal, but if you elect to have the treatment done, it’s absolutely necessary. Niki suggests applying a broad spectrum SPF that protects against both UVA and UVB rays daily — even on an overcast day or a day when you don’t expect to spend a lot of time outside. You’re better off safe than sorry! And if after laser hair removal you experience routine dry skin, Niki says you should use aloe vera or a fragrance-free lotion to keep your skin hydrated.


Because laser hair removal opens your pores, your skin will be extra vulnerable and susceptible to infection following a treatment, so you’ll want to take certain precautions while waiting for your skin to heal. Niki says it’s important to avoid going to the gym, sauna, jacuzzi or swimming in the ocean or pool for at least two days. After that point, it’s safe to exercise and get your sweat on. It’s also important to refrain from exfoliating your skin for at least five days following a treatment. So toss those shower loofahs, sponges and body scrubs to the side until your skin has had ample time to heal.

Written by Danielle Renton

Laser hair removal is now more affordable and accessible than ever. After years of shaving or waxing, you may be considering having laser for unwanted hair for a more permanent outcome. Here are some important things to know before you start treatment so you can achieve silky smooth results!

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How it works

It might seem like magic, but there’s a science behind it! Using a cosmetic medical-grade laser, the hair follicle is targeted with a concentrated beam of light. Depending on whether your skin is lighter or darker, the laser will either target the pigment or the blood supply in the hair follicle. This destroys and stunts the hair growth, reducing the amount of hair that will regrow. Laser hair removal is effective on both the body and face.

Laser hair removal is considered a cosmetic procedure and therefore is governed by strict regulations. Before booking your treatment, always ask if the technicians are qualified and that the equipment is TGA approved.

1. Avoid sun exposure

We cannot treat you if you have had sun exposure within two weeks of your laser hair removal treatment as laser will sizzle any pigment on your skin. This means that if you are sunburned, or even just tanned, you may need to reschedule your appointment. If you’re a bit of a beach babe or surfer guy, you may wish to start your treatments during the winter months to avoid any inconvenience.

2. A fake tan’s a safe tan… unless you’re getting laser!

Before your appointment, make sure you’re not exposed to the sun for two weeks prior. The laser will sizzle any pigment in your skin including sunburn and tanned skin, so leave your skin au naturel. Winter is a great time to start your treatments, especially if you’re a sun worshipper (which we don’t recommend!)

Just like with a real tan, we unfortunately can’t treat skin with fake tan either. So, ditch the bottle before your appointment and use our Balense Skin Resurfacing Cleanser to remove any fake tan residue.

3. Shave, don’t wax!

Laser will only work on hairs that have the root still intact, so don’t wax, epilate or use depilatory creams before treatment. To prepare for your laser hair removal, shave the area 12-14 hours before your appointment with a clean, sharp razor. Be sure to remove all hairs especially longer hairs sitting above the skin as this can cause burns.

To stay smooth throughout your course of treatments, you can shave in between your laser hair removal appointments if there is no lingering redness in the skin.

4. Skip the deodorant

On your appointment day, make sure the treatment area is clean and free of moisturiser, deodorant and other skin products. If your face is being treated, it’s best to avoid makeup. After your laser hair removal treatment, we recommend that you avoid wearing deodorant or applying other products for 24 hours, except for soothing products such as Balense Recovery Cream.

5. Avoid swimming after laser

While it might be tempting to cool off in the ocean or pool, we recommend no swimming for 24-48 hours after laser hair removal. Your skin will be more sensitive than usual so it’s best to avoid any bacteria or chemicals that might be in the water. Don’t worry, it won’t be long before you can hit the beach again with smooth skin!

6. Honesty is key

Before you start your treatment, you’ll receive a complimentary consultation with one of our friendly technicians to assess your hair and skin type. You can discuss any concerns at this time, such as ingrown hairs or other issues. Our qualified technicians use medical-grade equipment so it’s important that you tell us about previous treatments and medications you’re taking so we can treat you safely. If you’ve had a recent skin treatment or are taking Roaccutane, this can affect your suitability for laser hair removal.

7. Use the recommended products

After your treatment, your skin may appear ‘sunburnt’. The best way to treat any minor discomfort or swelling is with a skincare product such as Balense Recovery Cream and a cold compress. Your skin will be sensitive to sunlight so avoid sun exposure for 48 hours and apply Balense UV Defiance SPF 50+ on the treated area to prevent discoloration or sunburn.

8. Book regular treatments

Timing is everything with laser hair removal! Your results can vary dramatically depending on the frequency of treatments. Laser hair removal is only effective in the first stage of hair growth when the hair follicle is rich in melanin, which is the pigment targeted by the laser. Timing your appointments 4-6 weeks apart is the most effective way to ensure all your hair follicles are treated. That’s why we highly recommend booking a course of laser hair removal treatments rather than making ad hoc appointments. For the best results, attend your appointments at the rate your technician advises.

9. Skip the gym and hot showers

Exercise and hot showers will increase your body temperature, causing sweating which can be a breeding ground for bacteria. To help avoid infection or ingrown hairs, wait at least 24 hours after a laser hair removal treatment before resuming your exercise routine.

10. Have realistic expectations

To achieve long-term hair reduction, you’ll need multiple treatments, but the effort will be well worth it! At your obligation free consultation, your technician will assess your skin and hair type and help determine your treatment plan. The number of treatments you need will vary from person-to-person as regrowth can be affected by hormones and other biological factors. Remember that no laser clinic can promise 100 per cent hair removal as some hair will always return, but we can work with you to achieve the best possible results.

Now that you understand more about laser hair removal, you’re ready to book your complimentary consultation with one of our friendly technicians at Australian Skin Clinics! Contact us on 1300 303 014 and book today.

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Can you go in sun after laser hair removal?

After you have had laser hair removal done, you should also avoid sun exposure for about two weeks. This gives your treated skin a chance to heal while also reducing your risk of having hyperpigmentation or other problems occur. Remember that even if your skin does not look tanned, it is still being exposed to UV rays.

How long do I need to stay out of the sun after laser hair removal?

Limit direct sun exposure two weeks after the procedure, as your skin is still sensitive to heat and needs to settle for healing. Prolonged UV rays exposed to fresh laser hair treatment may cause skin damage.

What happens if you go into the sun after laser?

Common response to sun exposure after treatment is for your skin to darken, freckle, and to be "photo-damaged." Typically photo-damaged skin is more susceptible to scaly, patchy skin and skin cancers.


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