Little Einsteins Little Red Rockethood book

For the Song, see: Get the Soup.

For the Book, See: Little Red Rockethood (Book).

Little Red Rockethood is the 16th episode of Season 2 of series Little Einsteins.


Rocket is playing as Little Red Rockethood, like the story of Little Red Riding Hood. After the team gave Rocket some Rocket Soup from the 14th episode "Rocket Soup", they are making another one for his Grandma Rocket, who feels ill in the hangar. But then, Big Jet, who is playing as the Big Bad Wolf, has returned to the forest and steals the Rocket Soup so that he can eat all of it, and it is up to the team to retrieve the Rocket Soup from Big Jet before he eats it all up.


To get the Rocket Soup, First: you must go to the Dragonflies Forest to avoid all dragonflies that Big Jet woke them up of using his cymbals. Second: you have to help Leo conduct crescendo to make the Musical Tunnel's music get louder and harder. Third: you have to find a cloud from the art Landscape near Murnau that Big Jet is hiding with the soup. And fourth: You'll fly Super Fast to catch the Rocket Soup and deliver it to Grandma Rocket from her house.


The Fairy Tale episode starts with the whole team marching through the Bialowieza Forest in Poland to visit Grandma Rocket and then, the whole team stop marching so Rocket put out his picture of Grandma Rocket with his grab nabber and Annie knew that Grandma Rocket laid on her bed because Grandma Rocket got a cold. Then, Rocket put out his big pot of rocket soup which are healthy and delicious. Then, June knew that rocket soup can make Grandma Rocket feel all better. Soon, they heard big jet who also love Rocket soup. Big Jet takes a sneak peek on Rocket soup behind the tree at the Bialowieza forest, then fly over Rocket and take rocket soup from Rocket using big jet's claws. Rocket feels bad about Big Jet taking Rocket soup from him. Leo agree on getting back the Rocket soup from Big Jet and bring Rocket Soup to her house so she can feel better. Leo put out his baton and told everyone that they’ve got a mission about getting back Rocket soup from big jet and deliver it to Grandma Rocket's house so she can feel better. So they all head inside Rocket, buckle their seatbelts, do the pat sequence, and Blast off.

After they blast off, Annie sang getting the soup back from big jet with her microphone. Soon, they arrived at the dragonfly forest and they heard Rocket soup and they saw big jet camouflage himself as a tree with Rocket soup on the top. Even though Rocket doesn't think that is a tree, Big jet camouflage as a tree with Rocket soup on top. Therefore, Big Jet detach the leaves and flies away and Rocket chase after him. Then, Big jet stops and uses his own cymbals to wake up the dragonflies to stop the Little Einsteins from getting Rocket soup and Rocket tries to avoid it, but the dragonflies move so fast and Rocket can't get past all those dragonflies to get the Rocket soup. Soon, June got a plan on getting past all of those dragonflies by clapping on four corners. First, June claps up high to get past all of those low flying dragonflies, secondly, June claps down low to get past all of those high flying dragonflies. Meanwhile, more dragonflies invade the path so June had to clap up high and then down low. Thirdly, June had to clap to the left to avoid all of those dragonflies that Rocket is flying and lastly, June had to clap to the right to avoid all of those dragonflies that Rocket is flying. Now, June had to clap everyone and Rocket avoid all of those dragonflies and soon, Rocket made it out of the dragonflies forest and got past all of those dragonflies.

After avoiding all of those dragonflies in the dragonfly forest, Annie sang getting the soup back from big jet once again and saw the train track and they saw Big Jet who's pretending to be a train pulling a big pot of rocket soup because of the cardboard side, front end, funnel, and cab. Even though that Rocket doesn't think that is a train, Big Jet pretends to be a train and detaches all of the cardboard train parts and jets the rail. Therefore, Rocket lands on the tracks and transforms into a train to catch to big jet. Soon, Big Jet headed toward the musical tunnel and Big Jet switches the tracks that allow Rocket go to the small tunnel and Rocket is too big to fit through the small tunnel and Rocket stops just in time. But Big Jet pass the whole team with Rocket soup. Soon, they heard that this tunnel is a musical tunnel and Leo got a plan on fitting through the tunnel to get Rocket soup back from Big Jet. Leo can conduct a crescendo to make the musical tunnel big enough for Rocket to fit through to allow Rocket to get the Rocket soup back from Big Jet. Soon, Rocket raises Leo on the platform while retracting his funnel and Leo uses his baton to conduct a crescendo by putting his hands down low and slowly raise them up higher to make the tunnel bigger so Rocket can fit through the tunnel and soon, the tunnel grew half way through, because it's not big enough. Then, Leo did the same thing to make the tunnel even bigger to allow Rocket to go through the tunnel! And soon, the tunnel is big enough for Rocket to fit through and Rocket retracts his platform and redeploys his funnel and Rocket chugs through a grown tunnel and soon, they reached at the end of the train tracks and Rocket transforms back to it's normal shape.

After growing the musical tunnel, Annie sang getting the soup back from big again one last time and the whole team enter the polish grass field and Rocket saw three clouds while Quincy put out his bass and play Aida for Rocket soup song. First, they listen to the first cloud, but the first cloud didn't sound like big jet so Rocket blow away the first cloud with his breeze blower. Secondly, they listen to the second cloud, but the second cloud didn't sound like big jet either so Rocket blow away the second cloud. Lastly, they listen to the third cloud and third cloud did sound like big jet and Rocket uses his breeze blower to blow away the third cloud in which big jet is covering and they saw Big Jet. But Big Jet is scared and he accidentally drop Rocket soup and it's going to crash in the ground and goes splat and make a big mess! So they all had to fly super fast nose down to catch Rocket soup and soon, they caught Rocket soup right into front of grandma Rocket's house as Rocket retract his backup booster.

After they fly super fast nose down and caught Rocket soup, they made it to grandma rocket's house and Rocket landed at the entrance of grandma rocket's house and the whole team enter grandma Rocket's house. Once inside, the whole team told grandma rocket that the whole team is here, even though big jet pretends to be grandma rocket, because of long nose, big wings and large engine of his back as Annie told that the better to smell with followed by Quincy who told that the better to hold the soup with and June who said that the better to fly away with the soup. Leo knew that Rocket doesn't think that his grandma because big jet pretend to be grandma rocket and big jet uncovers and puts out his claws to prepare a hyper combo that God shall smite the Fairy Tale Wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit and flies out of grandma rocket's house as Rocket ducks under to avoid big jet from getting rocket soup. Soon, Big jet flew into some mud at the mud pit and then surrenders himself and he flew far away to his throne of Russia.

Soon, they heard grandma Rocket who is actually on the rocking chair. Rocket is so excited to see her and so did grandma rocket. Annie told her that Rocket made a big bowl of Rocket soup to help her feel better. Soon, Rocket handed out his pot of Rocket soup and grandma rocket puts out her straw and she did like rocket soup as she slurps all of the soup and then, she feels all better as she retract her soup. Soon, Grandma Rocket heads out of her home and Rocket goes after her and she thanking Rocket for making her feel better by giving Rocket soup to her, then, grandma rocket gives her grandson a kiss. And they all live Happily Ever After. Mission completion!


Main Characters

  • Little Einsteins
    • Leo
    • June
    • Quincy
    • Annie
    • Rocket

Minor Characters

  • Grandma Rocket (Only Appearance)

Villain Characters

  • Big Jet
  • Dragonflies (Only Appearance)

Super Fast segments

  • When Rocket finds Big Jet and scares him, Big Jet suddenly drops the soup and it takes a nosedive! So the Little Einsteins are ready to fly Super Fast to catch the soup before it crashes the ground and spills all over!

That's So Silly segments

  • After the curtain call, June catches an elephant plush.


  • Art: Landscape Near Murnau By Alexej Von Jawlensky


Music Put Together

  • Aida by Giuseppe Verdi

Music Breakdown

  • Aida Act 2 Scene 2 Marcia Trionfale by Giuseppe Verdi
  • Aida Act 2 Scene 3 Ballabile by Giuseppe Verdi


  • Bialowieza Forest, Poland
  • Dragonflies Forest
  • Track Switch
  • Musical Tunnel
  • Polish Grassland (Landscape near Murnau)
  • Grandma Rocket's House


  • Get the Soup

Rocket Transformation

  • Train

Who is in the center of the episode

  • Little Einsteins


  • Little Red Rockethood/Transcript


  • Quincy: Yay! He’s giving up and flying far, far away!



  • This is Big Jet's sixth appearance.
  • This episode is based on the story of Brothers Grimm's fairytale, "Little Red Riding Hood".
    • Rocket plays out the role of Little Red Riding Hood.
    • Little Einsteins play out the role of Little Red Riding Hood's friends.
    • Big Jet plays out the role of the Big Bad Wolf.
    • Grandma Rocket plays out the role of Little Red Riding Hood and her friends’s grandma.
  • This is the first episode to use Verdi's music.
  • Aida was used again in The Puzzle of the Sphinx.
  • This is the second appearance that Rocket transforms into a train, since its first appearance was used in "The Great Sky Race Rematch".
  • This episode is a sequel to the episode "Rocket Soup", because it takes place after the team start helping their friends Little Mouse, Good Knight and Joey of giving the ingredients and cooking the first Rocket Soup and gave it to Rocket so that he can have a lot of energy.



Big Jet as a Tree - Little Einsteins

Rocket turns into a train (Little Red Rockethood)

Little Einsteins season 2 super fast in episode 16

Big Jet as Grandma? - Little Einsteins

The Real Grandma Rocket - Little EInsteins

DVD Inclusions


v - e - d

Season 1: "Ring Around the Planet" • "I Love to Conduct" • "Hungarian Hiccups" • "Whale Tale" • "Pirate's Treasure" • "The Birthday Balloons" • "The Legend of the Golden Pyramid" • "Dragon Kite" • "Go West, Young Train" • "Farmer Annie" • "A Little Einsteins Halloween" • "Annie's Solo Mission" • "The Mouse and the Moon" • "The Good Knight and the Bad Knight" • "The Christmas Wish" • "How We Became the Little Einsteins: The True Story" • "Jump for Joey" • "The Northern Night Light" • "O Yes, O Yes, It's Springtime!" • "A Tall Totem Tale" • "The Incredible Shrinking Adventure" • "Duck, Duck, June" • "Rocket Safari" • "Knock on Wood" • "A Galactic Goodnight" • "The Birthday Machine" • "A Brand New Outfit" • "The Missing Invitation"

Season 2: "Quincy and the Magic Instruments" • "Brothers and Sisters to the Rescue" • "The Glass Slipper Ball" • "Annie's Love Song" • "Melody, the Music Pet" • "The Puppet Princess" • "Super Fast!!" • "He Speaks Music!" • "Hello, Cello" • "Annie and the Little Toy Plane" • "Carmine's Big Race" • "The Great Sky Race Rematch" • "Sleeping Bassoon" • "Rocket Soup" • "The Blue-Footed Booby Bird Ballet" • "Little Red Rockethood" • "The Puzzle of the Sphinx" • "The Wild Goose Chase" • "Annie and the Beanstalk" • "The Wind-Up Toy Prince" • "Mr. Penguin's Ice Cream Adventure" • "Annie, Get Your Microphone" • "The Treasure Behind the Little Red Door" • "The Secret Mystery Prize" • "Animal Snack Time" • "The Great Schubert's Guessing Game" • "Quincy and the Instrument Dinosaurs" • "Build It, Rocket!" • "Melody and Me" • "Music Monsters" • "The Song of the Unicorn" • "Flight of the Instrument Fairies" • "Silly Sock Saves the Circus" • "Go Team!" • "The Music Robot from Outer Space" • "Show and Tell" • "Fire Truck Rocket" • "Rocket the Bug" • "Little Elephant's Big Parade"

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