May my father die Soon wiki

Hotaru serves as one of the two main protagonist of a one-shot manga called May My Father Die Soon. The younger sister of Asuka, and also the one responsible for the death of their abusive father.


Hotaru was born in a family with an abusive father who would act as a healthy and good-natured man in the eyes of the public, while in reality, he is in-fact a pedophilia that sexually assaulted his eldest daughter, this led Hotaru to lose her innocence due to living in the abusive environment, and would also be the main reason why she resorted to murder her father out of hatred.

After the incident of Asuka accidentally, unintentionally stabbing her father and sending him into a coma due to blood loss, she was sent to the juvenile center for rehabilitation. Hotaru, on the other hand, visits her father with a guardian, where she expresses that she wishes the father would've just died already, the office man who accompanied her knowing how the abuse affected her says that despite knowing that he got what he deserve it's still wrong to commit murder, Hotaru, not acknowledging the man's words, lies to him that she understands for him to leave, only for her to use this as an opportunity to end her father's life by removing the oxygen mask that is keeping him alive.

After their father's murder, Asuka and Hotaru were sent to a daycare center where there are kids who are just like them, it was also at that time that the sister learned about their father's death, though, since the police did not suspect that it was Hotaru because she is just a child, they eventually ended up closing the case as a death by misadventure, it wasn't long until Asuka confronts her younger sister and asked her about the death of their father, Hotaru happily admits that she is the culprit to Asuka's shock. Hotaru further explains that their father got what he deserves for all the inhumane treatments he's done to Asuka, though, as much as Asuka knows how horrible the man is, she still tries to tell and convinced Hotaru that murder is wrong, to which Hotaru breaks down into tears claiming that she is well aware but she couldn't let their father live out of the fear he might sexually assault Asuka once more, saying she did this because she loves her older sister. Asuka eventually ended up taking her sister's words into consideration and thanked her for killing their sicko father.

A few years later, Asuka and Hotaru visit an unknown distant relative of theirs, where the relative reveals to them the disgusting and tragic backstory of their father. It was there that the sisters learned that their abusive father lived with an unfaithful, desperate, and greedy mother that only showed him affection because his own existence is the key for her to attracting her husband's attention, which causes him to develop a sociopathic personality due to living under a fake love. This escorted to the point where he even caught his mother cheating on his father with another man, though, it didn't end there, as his mother even convinced and allows him to commit incest on her freely, which this is the result of his pedophile nature being born, even after being married and having a child, because of living in that fake love, their father couldn't display any genuine caring for his family, and it is also revealed that he kept his romantic and incest relationship a secret from his family. It wasn't long after he receives the news that his mother is dead, this led him to return him depressed, and upon seeing his daughter rushing towards him happily, he instantly sexually assault her because she reminded him of his dead mother.

The story ends with Asuka pitying her father upon learning his past, and Hotaru still not seeing why she should forgive him after all the things he done, and only showing off a bothered and lame face.


Hotaru is shown to be a joyful, happy, and caring young girl who enjoys spending her time with Asuka, however, due to living under an abusive household with a father who forcefully commit incest with her older sister, Hotaru loses her innocence and quickly becomes someone who is all right with murdering as long as there is a justified reason, this was shown as how she unregretfully expresses her desires of wanting her father dead, or how she simply felt happiness upon killing and later revealing herself to older sister.

In-short, Hotaru is still kind, and helpful, but the abuse made her develop a degree of being a little bit of apathy, cold, and logical at some point, this was shown to be true, as how she calmly and joyfully explains to her sister about human nature and even added in as they get the reward they deserve equal to their actions, and how she did not show a glimpse of pity or regret for her father even after she heard the reason behind his deranged behavior in the end of the story.

So she did plan it that way all along. Well, good. He deserved it.

And for the record, psychopaths are born, sociopaths are created. I read the last couple of disc threads and a lot of people called Hotaru a psychopath. The evidence would suggest she is more likely a sociopath.

Thank you, /u/bondejeger.