Monster Hunter Stories 2 PC mods

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Does MHW have mods on PC?

Monster Hunter: World is one of the most popular entries in the franchise, and its PC version has access to a variety of mods that can be installed. Monster Hunter: World introduced thousands of players to the Monster Hunter series, and it continues to be played by thousands of fans today.

What is Razewing Ratha?

Your Monstie that hatched from the egg you received from Ena. He has small wings. It is said that with a beat of his wings, the world will burn... Just as depicted in the legend, at birth he is unable to fly.

How do I add mods to Monster Hunter?

What you need to do is drag the nativePC file out of the window that opened up and place it into the Monster Hunter native file. Unless you put the game data elsewhere, this should be found inside your steamapps common folder on your PC, or you can open your PC files and search for Monster Hunter World.

How many Monsties can you have MH Stories 2?

You can bring up to three Monsties with you for either Co-Op Quests or Versus Battles.


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