My straight hair has become wavy

Welcome to a week celebrating curly hair!

Now you know why your hair is curly but what if your hair changes?

That’s exactly what happened to my hair.

For years I had long, straight hair. Maybe it was a little wavy, but never frizzy. Then one day it started to change.

All of a sudden I had curly hair.

And I had no idea how to style it.

It took a long journey of trial and error to work out how to style my curls. I slowly fell in love with my curls and they are the reason I started Hair Romance.

Now I know from your comments and questions that I’m not alone in this hair change and I have found some reasons why this happens.

There are several theories as to why hair changes texture.

Hormones, stress and ageing as seen as the common causes for changes to your hair texture and quality.

You’d think, with the size of the hair industry, there would be a conclusive answer to this question, but research is still underway and there are no decisive results.

One interesting fact about curly hair is that the gene for straight hair is recessive but that the curly hair gene is not completely dominant. That means you could have the curly hair gene but until it’s activated, your waves and curls will be dormant too.

The most likely theory, in my opinion, is to do with your hormones. Hormones are a possible trigger for the curly hair gene.

As well as affecting the quality of your hair, hormones can change your muscle tone too. This includes your scalp. The change of muscle tone could affect the shape of your hair follicles and their direction of growth. Straight hair follicles grow straight out but curly hair follicles have a hook shape.

With my hair, puberty was the when my curls decided to appear and this fits with the hormone changes. For many women, pregnancy and birth have a significant impact on their hair too.

So if you’ve noticed significant changes to your hair texture, check your hormone levels and talk to your doctor and hairdresser about it.

How to cope with the change to your hair

If like me, you’re finding your new curly hair difficult to handle compared to straight hair, help is at hand. Start here with my guide to styling curly hair and check out my other curly hair posts.

On the other hand, if you had curly hair and it’s starting to go straight, find out how to get your curl back.

Have you experienced a major change in your hair? Has your hair gone from straight to curly, or the other way round? Tell me about it in the comments.

PS. Have you seen Hair Romance’s new curly hair ebook?

Learn how to master your curls and manage your frizz with the 30 Days of Curly Hairstyles ebook. Inside you’ll find over 35 different tutorials with hairstyles for all occasions.

Make your mornings easier and never worry about straightening your hair again with this ebook that will help you to love your curls.

Click here to get your copy of 30 Days of Curly Hairstyles.

Why did my hair go from straight to wavy?

The Hair-Do Hormones: At times of great hormonal shifts, like puberty, pregnancy and menopause, many strange things can happen to the human body. Skin texture can change, the ability to put on or lose weight might not be the same and, sometimes, hormonal changes can literally curl (or straighten) your hair!

How do I stop my straight hair going wavy?

If your once straight locks are now a dry, frizzy mess, here are some things you can do:.
Don't overwash. ... .
Use dry shampoo. ... .
Use a shampoo and conditioner for straight hair. ... .
Use a leave-in conditioner. ... .
Be smart with the flat iron. ... .
Protect your style with hairspray. ... .
Bring a secret weapon against frizz..

Can straight hair become wavy?

If you want a wavy hairstyle with minimum effort, braid your hair before going to bed and sleep with braids in. When you wake up, take the braids out and apply a little bit of hair oil to calm any frizz. Just make sure you braid the very tips too or tuck them in so they'll be wavy as well.

Can straight hair become wavy with age?

As you get older, it's natural for your hair texture to change. These changes can vary depending on your hair type. If you've noticed your curly locks are less bouncy or your straight hair has become more wavy or coarse, all is not lost!


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