No viable alternative at input mongodb

SyntaxError: no viable alternative at input ‘"{genPath}/{dataTag[0][‘name’]}"’ (, line 98)


`import json filePath = 'E:\\tags.json' tagPaths = ["[default]"] recursive = True system.tag.exportTags(filePath, tagPaths, recursive) #Load JSON file with open("tags.json") as f: data = json.load(f) #Load XML template of GroupConfig from a text file with open("template.txt", 'r') as f: TXML = genPath = "" #Code to generate the path of the GroupConfig dataX = data while True: if dataX["tagType"] == "Folder": genPath += dataX["name"] + "/" try: dataX = dataX["tags"][0] except: break genPath = genPath[:-1] #Code to get the list of tags dataTags = [] dataX = data for lvl in genPath.split("/"): if dataX["name"] == lvl: if len(genPath.split("/")) == genPath.split("/").index(lvl) + 1: dataTags = dataX["tags"] break else: dataX = dataX["tags"][0] tempDataTags = [] for dataTag in dataTags: tempDataTags.append([dataTag, genPath]) dataTags = tempDataTags #Checking for nested tags while True: for dataTag in dataTags: if dataTag[0]["tagType"] == "Folder": for nDataTag in dataTag[0]["tags"]: dataTags.append([nDataTag, dataTag[1] + "/" + dataTag[0]["name"]]) dataTags.remove(dataTag) newAdded = True else: newAdded = False if newAdded == False: break else: continue #base XML structure with a vaiable '[[[TEMP]]]' to replace with the data finalXML = "<Project><Groups>[[[TEMP]]]</Groups></Project>" #EngHigh snippet, well be used to insert later in the code engHigh = """<ItemConfig name="EngHigh" typeId="3"> <Property name="TARGET_DATA_TYPE">5</Property> <Property name="DRIVING_TAG_PATH">[default]Enterprise 1/Site 1/Area 1/Line 1/Machine 1/Tag 1.EngHigh</Property> <Property name="TARGET_NAME">EngHigh</Property> <Property name="TARGET_TYPE">1</Property> </ItemConfig>""" tempXML = "" #Temp vaiable to append groupConfig of each tags #Looping Tags, generating GroupConfig for each tags, and appending to tempXML for dataTag in dataTags: TEMP = TXML genPath = dataTag[1] try: #Taking historyProvider value to insert into DATA_SOURCE HP = dataTag[0]["historyProvider"] TEMP = TEMP.replace("[[[--SOURCE--]]]", HP) #if EngHigh is in the tags, it will be added to the XML try: EH = dataTag[0]["engHigh"] TEMP = TEMP.replace("[[[--ENGHIGH--]]]", engHigh) except: TEMP = TEMP.replace("[[[--ENGHIGH--]]]", "") #Inserting PATH to the XML TEMP = TEMP.replace("[[[--PATH--]]]", f"{genPath}/{dataTag[0]['name']}") TEMP = TEMP.replace("[[[--GCPATH--]]]", f"ContextualizedData/{genPath}") #Inserting NAME to the XML 'GroupConfig' TEMP = TEMP.replace("[[[--GCNAME--]]]", dataTag[0]["name"]) #Appending to tempXML, generated GroupConfig of a tag tempXML += TEMP except KeyError: pass #Adding all Generated GroupConfig to the finalXML finalXML = finalXML.replace("[[[TEMP]]]", tempXML) #Saving the XML String as XML file with open("project.xml", "w") as f: f.write(finalXML)


[RESOLVED] CASSANDRA : line 0:-1 no viable alternative at input ''

Sameera Nelson January 24, 2018 Cassandra, Database, Database Exception

Cassandra Query Issue

When querying for data in Cassandra, The following error was thrown in DataStax Studio,

SELECT * FROM XXXXX WHERE name = "xxxxx"
line 0:-1 no viable alternative at input '<EOF>'

Cause of the Issue

It seems the issue is using "" for the String fields.


Instead of double quotes (""), using single quotes ('') will resolve the issue.

SELECT * FROM XXXXX WHERE name = 'xxxxx'
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Database Exception

By Sameera Nelson atJanuary 24, 2018

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Labels: Cassandra, Database, Database Exception


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