Pedro and juan where are you from in spanish




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Pedro and juan where are you from in spanish

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Pedro and juan where are you from in spanish

A children's song with hand gestures… Each number corresponds to a gesture - which you can find in the game instructions below the song.

Pedro and juan where are you from in spanish


*"I'm sorry. I'm shameless. I couldn't resist the pun, and the pop-cultural reference." -Edith

Game Instructions


(1) "Bicicleta": Mime pedaling a bike.
(2) "Costurera": Mime hand-sewing.
(3) "Dedal": Mime taking something off a finger.
(4) "General": Mock-salute.
(5)"Espada": Mime taking a sword out of its hilt.
(6) Shake hips and wave hands all over themselves, mock-sexy.
(7) Mime tilting a hat, then throw it off.
(8) "Enfermero": is always said in the song with the hands covering the mouth, like a hospital mask.
(9) "Camilla": push something by the handles, then push it off.
(10) Mime a rainbow.
(11) Mime taking off boots.
(12) Slick hair back, in mock-sexy guy pose.
(13) Mock fainting.
(14) Jump with joy.

Pedro and juan where are you from in spanish

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Edith I. C.-P. V. for contributing and translating this song and for contributing the instructions.

¡Muchas gracias!


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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

John and Peter

Juan and Pedro


Pero quizás no debamos hacer demasiada distinción entre Juan y Pedro.

But perhaps we should not distinguish too much between John and Peter.

Juan y Pedro fueron corriendo hacía el sepulcro.

Juan y Pedro Luis están muertos.

Aquí sólo somos Juan y Pedro Gómez. Granjeros que vienen para una delicada operación.

Down here, we're just Juan and Pedro Gomez, orange farmers from Oaxaca, who've come in for a delicate procedure.

Por ejemplo, hay dos usuarios activos Juan y Pedro.

EL profesor insiste: Juan y Pedro, se van ahora.

Tres de estos discípulos, Santiago, Juan y Pedro no morirían sin ver al Señor en gloria.

Three of the disciples, James, John and Peter did not die before they had seen the Lord in His glory.

En Hechos 3, Juan y Pedro aparecen juntos.

Juan y Pedro fueron deprisa al sepulcro.

Juan y Pedro testificaron sobre eventos en torno a la crucifixión.

John and Peter testified of events surrounding the crucifixion.

Él lleva con él a rezar Santiago, Juan y Pedro, dejando a los otros discípulos detrás.

He takes with him to pray James, John and Peter, leaving the other disciples behind.

Es fácil de entender para Juan y Pedro que no dicen la inspiración en sus letras.

It is easy to understand for John and Peter who do not claim inspiration in their letters.

Son muy generosos, en particular Juan y Pedro y tienen mucha paciencia.

They're very generous, especially Juan and Pedro and they have a lot of patience.

Cuando María Magdalena les dijo a los Apóstoles que había visto la tumba, Juan y Pedro se apresuraron a verlo por sí mismos.

Apostles what she saw at the tomb, John and Peter raced to see for themselves.

Santiago, Juan y Pedro le dijeron a Pablo

En realidad, en cierto sentido, podemos decir que Juan y Pedro representan dos aspectos de nuestro seguimiento del Señor.

Indeed, in a certain sense, we can say that John and Peter represent two aspects of our following of the Lord.

El galardón ha sido entregado por Eva Llorach, Antonia San Juan y Pedro Ayose.

The award was given by Eva Llorach, Antonia San Juan and Pedro Ayose.

Estos escritos gnósticos no deben ser confundidos con los libros del Nuevo Testamento escritos por Juan y Pedro.

These Gnostic writings are not to be confused with the New Testament books written by John and Peter.

Al inicio de la clase siguiente Juan y Pedro se incorporan con sus compañeros.

At the beginning of the next class, Juan and Pedro join their classmates.

Solamente dos de ellos, Juan y Pedro, de lejos lo seguían a Él.

Only two of them, John and Peter, followed Him at a distance.

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Results: 60. Exact: 60. Elapsed time: 443 ms.

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How do you say where are you from in Spanish duolingo?

"¿De dónde eres?"

How do you say where is Pedro from in Spanish on duolingo?

why not ¿de dónde está pedro?

Where are you from polite Spanish?

You can say: ¿De dónde eres? ¿De dónde eres tú? ¿De dónde es?