Powerful morning prayer for my family

You know what they say about breakfast—that it’s the most important meal of the day. But I’m here to tell you there’s something even more important than breakfast when it comes to getting your family’s day off to the best possible start. It’s prayer.

We are God’s creation. So regardless of how much (or little) thought we put in to the fact that all we have we owe to God, it would behoove us all to develop and maintain a solid, genuine, consistent line of communication with him. Again… that’s prayer.

While you will likely need to insert your own particular circumstances, desires, and ‘items’ in each section, I want to encourage you to start each day off with a prayer much like the one that follows:

Father in heaven, I want to thank you for this day.

Thank you for the rest you provided us last night that will help us to face the challenges that might come and to have the strength to be the person you created.

Father, I want to thank you for being you. You are holy, all-knowing, and perfect. You are the creator of all and what you have created is beautiful.

I thank you for always being here for me and my family. I thank you for your constant oversight and for never giving up on us—even when you’d have every right to.

Thank you for never withholding your love and most of all, thank you for loving us enough to sacrifice your precious son, Jesus, on the cross, so that our sins would not have to separate us from you for all eternity if we accept your gift of salvation.

Father, I come to you right now asking forgiveness for the sins in my life. I am sorry for the things I do to hurt you and to dishonor your name.

Right now I ask specifically that you forgive me for ___________.

Please allow me to let these things go and give me the strength to not be tempted to choose any way but your way.

Father, I thank you for the wonderful people you’ve put in my life (name them by name). I am thankful for the way they love me, the joy they bring to my life, the way they hold me accountable, the help they give, for being able to trust and confide in them, and for their willingness to accept me for who I am.

Father, please give me a heart that is everything to them that they are to me.

I come to you now asking that you hear my prayers on behalf of those I love. I ask you now, Father, that if it be your will you will (specifically pray for those you need to pray for).

Father, I also ask that if it be your will you will bless me with (ask specifically for the desires of your heart).

Father, I know you give us free will to choose you. And I do. I choose you.

I want to live the life you created me to live. I want to be your willing servant. I want to be salt and light to all those I come in contact with. Watch over my heart and mind so that I do just that.

Father, be with my family today. Watch over them. Protect them. Guide their steps, their words, their thoughts, and their actions. (Pray specifically for each member of your family.)

Father, while I pray these things believing, my prayer of prayers is for faith so strong that I will trust wholly and completely in you.

I know your ways are always best, so please give me the faith necessary to trust you completely and know that in all things you have my best interest and the best interest of my family first and foremost in your heart.

In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

~ By Darla Noble

We hope you found this beautiful prayer to be positive, inspirational and powerful. For more morning prayer ideas, see this article: 5 Morning Prayers to Start Your Day Right.

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What is the best prayer for a family?

Dear God, Give us wisdom to make the best choices for our family. Give us grace to trust in you even when we don't see immediate answers. Give us hope to carry on in spite of the circumstances around us. We thank you for hearing and answering our prayer.

What is a good prayer to say every morning?

Dear Lord, help me remember what a difference it makes when I make time with You a priority in my morning. Awaken me in body and spirit each day with a desire to meet with You and to hear You speak words of affirmation, assurance and wisdom over my heart as I prepare to go into my day. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

How do you pray for family protection?

Lord, You are our sun and our shield, and I ask that You shield my family from harm. Help us to be strong and courageous, to not be afraid or terrified, no matter what the circumstances, and to remember that You go with us wherever we go, and You will never leave us or forsake us.


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