Put your hair up double meaning

Craig : Hey check out Kiersten she's Hair Up today!
Chad : Wow my dick's already getting hard! Oh Here She Comes!
Kiersten : Hello Boy's!
Craig : Hey Kiersten we were just talkin about you!
Chad : Yeah and are dicks are full of cum!
Kiersten : We should really do something about that!
Craig : Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Chad : Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Kiersten : Mmmmmmm! Yummy!

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It's like a hair tie but another name for it. Honestly, it's more accessible and makes more sense. It's what I used to call them.

Jen: Hey, can I borrow a hair up
Person who's about to figure out what hair up means: What the fuck is that
Jen: well, I'm glad you asked, it's what I've been calling a hair tie since I was a child. Your remark will allow me to learn that it is not in fact a real word that people use. My mom had deceived me by never explaining to me that other people don't say this. Now at the tender age of thirteen, I learn the truth.

Person: Ok cool, I have one.

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First, as for the image: the implication is that she is tying her hair up because she is about to perform oral sex. Many women put their hair in a pony tail (the hair style in the picture) before giving a blow job so that the hair doesn't get in their face.

Now, to break down each part of the text:

when he's politically incorrect,

"Political correctness" refers to being careful about what you say so that you don't offend people. For example, recently "retard" has come to be considered a term that is offensive to mentally disabled people, so if you used "retard" as an insult, then you would be being politically incorrect.

This meme is suggesting that she wants a guy who doesn't care about whether people get offended by what they say

humor is dark af,

AF is recent teen slang for "as fuck." It's basically the same as "very," except that it goes after the adjective.

Similar to the last one, dark humor refers to jokes about sensitive, offensive, or taboo subjects. You can see examples on the /r/darkjokes subreddit.

Again, the meaning is basically that she wants a guy who tells offensive jokes

fluent in sarcasm,

This isn't how the word "fluent" is usually used. It typically refers to someone who understands a language very well, e.g. "he's fluent in English." In this meme, they're just using it to mean "understands sarcasm very well" as if sarcasm were its own language.

Sarcasm refers to using verbal irony (saying the opposite of what you mean) in order to mock someone. For example, if your friend does something stupid and you say "nice going, genius", that's a sarcastic remark. The comment implies the opposite of what you literally said: that your friend is not very smart.

gets your memes,

gets = understands

is smart with a solid flirt-to-roast ratio

Flirting refers to comments you'd make to someone of the opposite sex who you're attracted to if you're trying to get them to date you, e.g. "You're cute. can I have your phone number?"

Roasting usually refers to a type of cooking, but it's also slang for insults, usually the type that one friend would say to another as a joke.

This part of the meme means that she is interested in guys who have a balance between being nice/sweet and sarcastic.

put (one's) hair up

To tie or secure one's hair in a style that is raised above and away from one's face, as in a ponytail or bun I always put my hair up when I'm working. I didn't have time to do anything fancy with my hair, so I just put it up before I went to work.

See also: hair, put, up

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

put one's hair up

to arrange one's hair into a ponytail, bun, etc. (with curlers, hairpins, etc.). I can't go out because I just put my hair up. I put up my hair every night.

See also: hair, put, up

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

See also:
  • put hair up
  • plaster
  • plaster (one's) hair down
  • plaster hair down
  • plastered
  • plastering
  • run (one's) hand through (one's) hair
  • run fingers through hair
  • run (one's) fingers through (one's) hair
  • slickum

What does it mean by put your hair up?

put (one's) hair up To tie or secure one's hair in a style that is raised above and away from one's face, as in a ponytail or bun I always put my hair up when I'm working. I didn't have time to do anything fancy with my hair, so I just put it up before I went to work.

What is it called when you put your hair up?

plait Add to list Share. You might get an odd look if you ask your hairdresser to put your hair in a plait, but she'll eventually figure out what you want: a braid.

What does it mean when a girl ties her hair up?

So she most likely thought you were cute and wanted to get your attention. A Lot of girls do this. Also when her hair's down and she tie it up, either It's too hot or her hairs are messy and she don't want the guy to see her like that. So either she was too hot or she didn't want you to see her with bad hair.