Red Dead Redemption 2 ultimate edition Reddit

Yes, it's amazing. Though it's not for everyone, many may find it boring and slow but to me it's one of my favorites.

As for ultimate edition, I'd go for the standard edition instead since I'm pretty sure the ultimate edition comes with online mode goodies but Rockstar has abandoned online mode.

if you're only playing story mode, probably not. for story mode the bonus playable content is just 1 bank robbery mission and an extra gang hideout to defeat. there's some minor perks for money and whatnot, and some extra gear, but none of that stuff really matters in story mode; and you'll get better saddles, horses, and gear just by playing the game.

if you're playing online then some of those free items will come in handy; as money is tight online when starting and gear is hidden behind level limits. so an extra horse, clothes, and all the rest can be a bit helpful when just starting out.

Since the game is on sale now, I can pick up the standard edition for $40 or fork over an extra $15 for the ultimate edition. Is it worth to get the ultimate edition if I'm mainly going to be playing the story mode? I've heard that red dead online is somewhat grindy and boring like GTA online, and while I will try it I'm not going to spend a lot of time on it.

level 1

I got the Ultimate edition when it was on sale 90%, so maybe I’m biased, but I think it’s worth it, even though I’ve never touched Online. The bank robbery mission is a fun one, but the main reason is the horse! Best horse I’ve ever played in the game, fast and brave and you get it for free in game, so you can have the best horse almost at the beginning of the game!

level 1

I bought it for $35 at that price it's worth it, but at $99 not at all you will get a talisman a reverse dapple black Thoroughbred (I love mine) a couple outfits the Nuevo pasario gunslinger outfit and holster and gunslinger, a bank robbery mission, 3 guns volcanic pistol, varmint rifle and pump action shotgun, 10% discount purchase with a 10% more on sold items and you get about the same for online, so you figure it out if it's worth $60 to you

level 1

I believe the majority opinion is that ultimate is not worth it. I think you get a horse, and there's one, very small, extra bonus bank robbery mission. The rest is online stuff.

I got standard and don't regret it - gave online a try, gave up on it. It is indeed grindy and boring, even more than GTA IMO. Worth a try but keep expectations low.

level 2

thanks, standard def seems like the better option

level 1

The extra horse is very pretty. But its only one & the best horse in the game is available to everyone no matter the version you have.

You will view the extra content as really weak once you have played the Story thru.

So I finally have a laptop that can run Red Dead Redemption 2 and I have been looking at getting it on steam. It is a bit pricey but I can afford it at the price it is now which is $99.99. On top of that due to me having a laptop and not a desktop means that I can play this anywhere I go. I just want to make sure that I don't buy this and then it goes on sale a week or two later. Also do you guys recommend getting it on steam or is there somewhere else that sells it so that you can play it.

Edit: ending up buying the regular edition at full price on steam

The ultimate edition gives you some starter gear and cash, a unique treasure hunt, a unique gun, a unique horse, a unique outfit, a unique side mission where you rob a bank with Charles and Uncle, and probably some other small stuff I'm forgetting. But for an extra 6 dollars, I'd say it's worth it. Also, I forgot to mention, but the ultimate edition also gives you some bonuses in online but I've forgotten what they are.

If you’re just buying it now, depending on the platform it’s just a few bucks difference. If you plan on playing online, there is an exclusive vest that has a pocket watch chain. If cosmetics matter to you, that vest is unique.

As for the other content you get for the edition, I’d be hard pressed to say any of it matters. It is nice to have the few side missions they offer in the single player story, but you won’t miss them.

I second this!

I’ve been playing since the early days, and can confirm this is one of the best games that I ever played and will stick with me for quite some time.

I’ve put probably a few hundred hours in this game, and should they ever release the Series X upgrade patch; Ill probably put several hundred more in it just through a full replay because it is worth every moment.

Another game I would highly recommend that IMHO is on the same level is Witcher 3 plus all the DLC’s.


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