Red dead redemption 2 vs witcher 3 reddit

I love open worlds, I'd like the one that has a more interesting world, characters, and interactions, I'd like to sink many many hours in endless fun and immersion, a game that would be one of my favorites, I prefer fantasy games, but red dead redemption 2 is very praised and after seeing the details I kinda want to get it, so seeing that people seem to think these 2 are the best open world games I'm very torn between which one to get, which one do you think is a better choice? Also I don't like repetitive things, like repetitive missions, tho I do prefer fantasy I like any genre as long as the game is great

Thanks guys! I've decided to to get the witcher 3 first since it's on sale, the later on get red dead redemption 2

level 1

Depends, do you like swords or guns?

level 1

They're similar games in a lot of ways. Rdr2's main strengths compared to w3

  • no leveled loot. All guns do a realistic amount of damage. No bullshit with inflated health bars

  • Great horse mechanics. Buy them, tame them, upgrade them, feed them,....

  • Great character customization. Not even The Sims has a clothing and hair system like rdr2

  • Fantastic main story,

  • Incredible atmosphere wherever you go. Better sounds and music. You'll get sick of witcher 3's combat music long before you reach the end

  • Good law system. You gotta make sure no one sees you stealing or murdering or you'll bear the consequences. In W3 you can take every object wherever you are. I do a self-imposed no stealing challenge so I don't break the game's ecomony.

  • Better world design. I enjoy exploring the world without a minimap. You can, because there's a lot of signposts and landmarks throughout the world

Strengths of witcher 3

  • More streamlined gameplay. Geralt doesn't hunch over every chest before he loots it and he doesn't take 15 seconds to skin monsters. Rdr2's animations look great the first time round, but you'll soon be longing for a system that respects your time

  • Way more freedom in how you approach quests. In rdr2 you're heavily railroaded throughout every mission. Most of the time there's one outcome (which I can forgive), but a lot of missions have you follow one exact order of actions from which you can't deviate in the slightest. Take too long to complete a button prompt, shoot the wrong guy or walk through the wrong street and its mission failed. Witcher 3 doesn't have that bullshit.

  • Better fast travel system.

Both games have incredible, well written stories and voice acting and loads of content. I'd recommend to try them both eventually.

level 2

Also like to add to W3 that the entire score is immaculate. That game has some of the best music I've ever heard. Also Gwent.

level 2

Well written and very helpful comparison of the two

level 2

How long should I set aside for witcher 3? I'm really busy these days and often have to let a game sit for weeks before I come back to it. Will I lose the plot?

I thouroughly enjoyed rise of the tomb raider for my circumstances, for example, because the broken up semi-open world and reminders about the story really helped me get back into the game quickly each time.

level 2

Pretty sure you can steal and get your behind handed to you in W3

level 2

Realistic damage? Only if you land a head shot.

But that wasn't bothering me as much as that out of nowhere, half an army suddenly shows up (especially during story missions).

level 2

This is the only acceptable answer

level 1

If you're in the mood for cowboys and the wild west, definitely RDR2. It's a fantastic game and one of the best ones ever made.

level 1

Red Dead Redemption 2. One of the most atmospheric games I have ever experienced. The Witcher 3 is a really good RPG. Depends on what you're into more.

level 1

Witcher 3 overwhelmed me with the amount of content. But maybe that’s a good thing for some people? I prefer rdr2

level 2

I tried Witcher 3, about 10 hours in, and I got overwhelmed and I didn't like the fighting in the game.

RDR2, IMO, is way better, I never play a 2nd walkthrough on any modern game except RDR2, Ghost of Tsushima, and Days Gone are my favorite.

level 2

Took me just about a year to get through that red Barron quest line. Mostly because it wasn’t the only game I was playing and id take breaks from the game but still, felt like that was going to be the entire game lol. Witcher 3 is huge with loads of content

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Which map is bigger Witcher 3 or Red Dead Redemption 2?

Bigger than Everything Else? Even with this little bit of information, we can work out that The Witcher 3 is at least 3.7 times the size of the 36 km2 GTA San Andreas map. It's 1.5 times bigger than the 81 km2 of GTA V, 3.3 times the 41 km2 of Red Dead Redemption.

Is RDR2 the most realistic game?

The sequel to the smash-hit RDR1 and one of the best-selling games of all time, RDR2 is a masterclass in games with the most realistic graphics. This is probably the most realistic video game because of the sheer scale of it all.

Is there any game better than RDR2?

If any player is seeking out story-heavy titles like Red Dead Redemption 2, then they can't really go wrong with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.


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