Seeing dead person sick in dream meaning

Mourning the loss of a friend, family member, or loved one is incredibly painful. Your grief can pull you into a depression as you cry at every mention of their name and can barely see through your tears. 

The loss of my cousin 12 years ago, when I was 13 years old, was one of the most excruciating moments of my life. I remember that I wasn’t able to calm down until I started sleeping again. Sleep brought my spirit back into a world of dreams, where my heart could find solace and peace.

The Meaning of Seeing a Dead Person Alive in Your Dream

It’s a blessing to dream of dead people, especially dead relatives, and see them alive and talking to you once again. Truly, they are alive. Our physical bodies are subject to eventual death and decay, but our souls are immortal. My cousin had only completed his earthly sojourn. His journey in the next world had just begun. 

Abdu’l-Baha, one of the central figures of the Baha’i Faith, said we should look forward to death in the same way we should look forward to any journey — “with hope and with expectation.” He said:

In the next world, man will find himself freed from many of the disabilities under which he now suffers. Those who have passed on through death, have a sphere of their own. It is not removed from ours; their work, the work of the Kingdom, is ours; but it is sanctified from what we call ‘time and place.’

Time with us is measured by the sun. When there is no more sunrise, and no more sunset, that kind of time does not exist for man. Those who have ascended have different attributes from those who are still on earth, yet there is no real separation.

As a Baha’i, I understand that our physical body is like a cage and our spirit is like a bird. When this cage is destroyed through death, our spirit will be even more powerful, joyful, and free.

“…For instance, a person is dead, is buried in the ground,” explained Abdu’l-Baha. “Afterward, you see him in the world of dreams and speak with him, although his body is interred in the earth. Who is the person you see in your dreams, talk to and who also speaks with you? This again proves that there is another reality different from the physical one which dies and is buried.

How Dreams of Dead Relatives Can Give You Guidance and Healing

I was so grateful when I started reuniting with my cousin in my dreams. In a way, we were closer and more connected than ever as we started spiritually traveling together in the dream world. The Baha’i writings say:

In prayer there is a mingling of station, a mingling of condition. Pray for them as they pray for you! When you do not know it, and are in a receptive attitude, they are able to make suggestions to you, if you are in difficulty. This sometimes happens in sleep.

As I prayed for my cousin, I was soothed and uplifted by his reassurances, wisdom, and guidance. The dreams, prayers, and meditations I had about him were crucial to my healing during that difficult time. Abdu’l-Baha said:

It is a law of God’s creation that the weak should lean upon the strong. Those to whom you turn may be the mediators of God’s power to you, even as when on earth.

I’ve been sustained by the support of my angels and ancestors for my entire life. So, if you’re dreaming of people who are physically dead, don’t shy away from them. Look for the meanings that these dreams might convey. Those dreams of dead relatives and friends can heal you of your heartache and give you guidance for your future.

157 dream symbols found for this dream.

Dead End

If you dreamed of coming to a dead end street, your dream is telling you that you are following “a road to nowhere” in your real life. You must make changes.... My Dream Interpretation


My Dream Interpretation

Dead People

To dream of dead people may suggest a link of a spiritual nature to our long-forgotten ancestors, and may deal with family patterns of belief. Loved ones who have died appearing in dreams show that the veil between this world and the next is very thin.... Dream Meanings of Versatile


Dream Meanings of Versatile

Dead People

Psychological / emotional perspective: Memories can remain buried for years and often when people who have died appear in dreams, we are being reminded of different times, places or relationships which will help us to deal with present situations.... Dream Meanings of Versatile


Dream Meanings of Versatile


A project, a dream, or plans for the future will come to a dead stop. Other symbols in the dream should reveal whether you need to scrap these plans entirely or go back to the beginning and start over.... Dream Explanations of Astro Center


Dream Explanations of Astro Center


To dream of a deadline suggests a feeling of pressure to perform; it indicates an unhealthy attitude to your work or job. Difficulty meeting a deadline within a dream shows an unconscious desire to be free. Obvious deadlines, met with ease, indicate the ability to find emotional freedom from the pressures of work thus allowing you to continue in your job whilst maintaining balance in your personal life.... Dream Symbols and Analysis


Dream Symbols and Analysis


Take caution in your plans and reconsider how you are going about doing something. Listen carefully, a solution to a dilemma can be found. Peacefulness and acceptance can be achieved.... The Bedside Dream Dictionary


The Bedside Dream Dictionary

Other (things And Persons)

Usually points to too much egotism. Overcoming egotistical notions. Encounters with “others” (either in the form of strangers or the self) are the beginning of building self- awareness and self-knowledge. Often the task at hand is to become consciously aware of oneself. In most cases, the image in the dream is that of a stranger or foreigner who is representing a part of the self. On the other hand, what you believe to be normal (in your own life) is questioned, and you are challenged to seek self- knowledge and to re-examine your lifestyle.... Little Giant Encyclopedia


Little Giant Encyclopedia


Any person in a dream can represent you yourself. Particularly when important persons—like father, mother, lover, and children—are recognized clearly in the dream, it is truly yourself that you are dealing with. In addition, every person in a dream may point to some of your own characteristics and tasks in life, or may symbolize something impersonal. Less often, a person in a dream might be a reminder of another similar person.... Little Giant Encyclopedia


Little Giant Encyclopedia

Personal Achievements

Symbols of personal recognition—such as being awarded the highest honor, or stepping on stage to rapturous applause—feature in dreams as reflections of your aspirations. The images you see within your dream reflect your ambitions and the ways in which you hope to reach your goals. Depending upon the details, feelings and other images conjured up, your dreams may be urging you to raise your ambitions, or telling you that your goals are unrealistic.... The Element Encyclopedia


The Element Encyclopedia

Personal Trainer

To dream about working out with a personal trainer is good luck, if you enjoyed it. But if it was tiring or unpleasant, the dream is a warning against being pushy. Don’t try and force anyone to give you an answer, or make a decision, for at least a couple of weeks. However, if you dream of being a personal trainer yourself, you have learned from your past experiences and gained wisdom that will help you. Nice going!... My Dream Interpretation


My Dream Interpretation

Radiation / Radiation Sickness

To dream about radiation, or to see others become sick from radiation in your dream, suggests that you need to get rid of something in your life that is causing you much sickness, stress or negativity. This dream may also signal a part of yourself that needs to be healed, either physically or mentally. Perhaps you are indulging in too much self-pity, and need to stop feeling sorry for yourself. However, if you dreamed that you became sick from radiation, this is a warning that you are introducing something into your life that is harmful to your well-being. This may be feelings of bitterness, jealousy or other bad feelings that are consuming you. Or, it could symbolize a person you have started to spend time with, who is very bad for you.... My Dream Interpretation


My Dream Interpretation


Depending upon the feeling tone of this dream and the circumstances surrounding the salesperson, this dream can either be about your desire for -promotion and expression, or it may be a caution to be wary of your own opportunistic tendencies.... Strangest Dream Explanations


Strangest Dream Explanations


This is the individual who helps when you are looking to make a purchase. As a character aspect, a salesperson is the part of your own personality that is designed to justify and make a case for a choice you are considering. Allow the context of the dream to inform you of whether the intentions of this aspect are to be trusted, for often a salesperson doesn’t always have the customer’s best interests in mind. Are you trying to convince yourself to make a choice that may not serve you?... Complete Dictionary of Dreams


Complete Dictionary of Dreams


Bad feeling you are discharging; feeling sick of a rela­tionship or situation; being pregnant. Idioms: fall sick; make one sick; sick and tired of; sick as a dog; sick to death of. ... A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences


A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences


If you dream of being sick, then you are venting out an undesirable experience from your system. This dream might also be a message for you to take time to integrate the new information that has been coming to you. Also, this dream might signify a blockage, a storehouse of unexpressed feelings, or an imbalance of energy. Consider the area of the body affected by the illness.... Strangest Dream Explanations


Strangest Dream Explanations


Depth Psychology: The sickle is a symbol of death. Vision: Seeing a sickle: someone around you will insult you; also, a long-held desire will be fulfilled. Working with a sickle: a friend is going to die.... Dreamers Dictionary


Dreamers Dictionary

Speaking To The Dead

If a person sees himself as asking a dead person about anything regarding the dead persons’ or another’s condition then the answer of the dead person will be true to its word- whether good or bad- for the dead person dwells in the world of truthfulness (ie. Aakhirah) as opposed to the world of falsehood (ie dunya). Thus, he does not speak a lie in whatever report he gives.... Islamic Dream Interpretation


Islamic Dream Interpretation

Wounded Or Dead Bird

If dead birds appear in your dreams, they might represent a threat to your freedom, depression or the loss of purpose and meaning. In your waking life, an ideal or hope may have died, or your creativity has been stifled. Wounded, molting or songless birds can also represent problems that are constantly on your mind.... The Element Encyclopedia


The Element Encyclopedia

What is the meaning of dreaming about a dead person?

Such dreams may be part of the mourning process or a reflection of the fact that you miss someone who's no longer in your life. People grieving the death of a romantic partner may feel a continuing bond with their loved one when they dream about them, according to a 2021 study .

What does it mean when you dream of a family member being sick?

A dream about a sick family member means that the disease is close to you, so pay more attention to your health! We often believe that we can control everything, but we put aside the most important thing, our own body.


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