Shoei GT Air 2 vs RF-1400 Reddit

I run a high vis lid with some reflective stickers and stick on horns, super visible, super reflective, super memorable and local peeps often say oh I've seen you here or there etc. I think its HJC brand, modular style with the flip up lid (which I do not think are safe at all)

But lowkey, if you crash and smack your head its a good wallop I think you're screwed no matter what gear or brands y'know. Anything that isn't in the bargain bucket will do the job. But any features that could potentially help you be seen is a massive plus, dm me ill show you the lid 🥂

Modular helmets often pop open during crash testing, I think they should be sold as open face helmets imo it's a bit of a false sense of security. I had another modular helmet before, when I retired it I stood on the jaw and it pushed back around the sides of the helmet... F that lol

When I started riding I was given a cheap hand-me-down helmet from a family member while I tried to save for a better one. I remember when I first rode with it I couldn't believe how loud the wind was. I actually thought to myself, "This is miserable, how do people ride without helmets?" I actually started to wear ear-plugs it was so loud.

That summer I was at a friend's house and took his new bike for a spin and used his open face helmet. Even with it being open faced I couldn't believe how much quieter it was compared to my closed face one. That was all I needed to get myself to plunk down some cash.

I just picked up a brand new SHOEI RF-1400 and it has improved my riding experience tenfold. Not only is it way more snug and comfortable, it's WHISPER quiet compared to my old one.

I know I know, "You're on a motorcycle, you're gonna hear wind." and I agree, but I grew up riding dirt bikes and I never remember it being that loud. I'm convinced my old helmet somehow made the wind louder.

I've never had shoei, but I've had HJC in that price range. I currently use Icon Airflite, and I don't think I'm ever going to buy a different helmet. When this one isn't usable anymore, I'll get another one of it. It looks badass, it's comfortable, has great ventilation( I live in Florida - hot year around), and it has the biggest field of vision of any helmet I've ever put on ( granted that number is only like 4-5 ).

Earlier today I bought a new Shoei RF-1400 size large but am having a lot of pain in my ears when putting it on and taking it off. Everything else about the helmet feels snug and comfortable, compared to the x-large which definitely felt loose (almost sagging).

The store owner who was helping me explained that it expands a good amount after a few hours of wear so I should be fine but when trying it again back home the pain is noticeably painful (bright red and sore behind the ears). Its been 3 years since my last helmet purchase but I still don’t remember the break-in period hurting this much.

I even looked online for tips; tried pushing the helmet out more when Im putting it on and taking it off so my head slips out easier but found it to be minimally helpful.

Do I tough it out for a little while and hope it just breaks in? Or is there anything else I can do?


I'm not normally one for reviews, typically because I don't buy anything early enough in the product cycle to contribute much, but I thought I'd post a review of my new Shoei GT Air II. I expect it will be a pretty popular helmet since the original sold so well. I'm moving up from a Shoei RF1100 that I love, but needed to replace due to age. I ride a Monster 796 and Monster 1200S.

Sizing: I'm a 59 cm nugget measured somewhat sloppily by myself with a fabric tape measure. I ordered a MD and L and tried both on. The MD is snug, but I think will break in to a perfect fit, where the large had a bit too much play and I was able to pull it down over my brow. I was a L in the RF1100 and it still fits great. The Air has a little more relaxed fit and with my head shape is most snug across my forehead. All that to say, try em on, and Revzilla comp'd the return because I hadn't had any since 2013.

Features: This you can all pretty much read about in the product description, but I did spring for the SRL2. I previously had a SENA system and while the interface is clunky to say the least, it was always worked reliably for bluetooth music and directions. Riding with earplugs in, I had wished it was louder and the new system appears to be, and the companion app unlocks "volume boost." The integration is nice and through the installation is just as fidly as all other bluetooth wire routing pains, it is nice that most components fit into custom cut channels and pockets. The battery going into the rear container is amazing compared to the old stick on. The pinlock shield is awesome, and the flip down internal visor was the big deciding feature vs the RF1200 since I hate carrying spare visors.

Quality: Perfect. Extremely good example of what you expect from the Shoei/Arai/Schuberth tier of helmets. Distortion free visors, great paint, soft lining (though seems not as soft as my RF1100, but maybe that's years worth of washes).

Let me know if you have questions, but I think it's a great purchase for long touring on a naked bike.


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