Shortest distance from China to Japan

Distance from China to Japan is 3,054 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 1,898 miles.

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between China and Japan is 3,054 km= 1,898 miles.

If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from China to Japan, It takes 3.39 hours to arrive.

Shortest distance from China to Japan

Shortest distance from China to Japan

📍 Distance between countries Centers: (Straight line or Air distance)
↔️ Kilometers: 3046.61 km. / Miles: 1893.08 miles. / Nautical Miles: 1643.95 NM.
✈️ Estimated flight time: 3.34 hours. (With average airplane speed of 567mph).

📍 Closest distance between countries Borders: (Straight line or Air distance)
↔️ Kilometers: 409 km. / Miles: 254 miles. / Nautical Miles: 221 NM.
✈️ Estimated flight time: 0.45 hours. (With average airplane speed of 567mph).

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When trying to get from China to Japan, a traveler needs to cover the distance of 2875 km / 1786 mil. Surely, both CN and JP are big enough for the distance to vary considerably depending on how it is measured.

Commonly, the shortest distance is calculated as the crow flies, meaning the most direct path between two points. However, to get more precise results, it is important to specify the remoteness of these points. So, the distance is shown as a straight line between the departure coordinates of 35.859295 / 104.136112 and the arrival coordinates of 37.490032 / 136.466401.

Obviously, the fastest way to travel from China to Japan is by plane. Given the average speed of modern aircraft, the flight time is estimated as 3 hours, 25 minutes. Yet, the flight length may also vary based on a number of factors, such as the speed of a specific airliner, its route, and airports of departure and arrival.

Besides, the time is calculated without transfer activities, which may involve different modes of transportation. So, how far is it from China to Japan? The average figures for different transportation options are shown on this web page, calculated by a precise formula of spherical trigonometry.

Reverse direction from Japan to China.

People also ask - FAQ

What is the shortest distance between China and Japan?

The shortest distance between CN and JP is 2875 kilometers = 1786 miles, the calculation is carried out using the formula Haversine between latitude / longitude points on the Earth's surface, using an ellipsoidal model.

Home Distance between countries Japan Japan

Distance from Japan to China

The distance between Japan and China is 3,054 kilometers (1,897 miles).

Shortest distance from China to Japan

Japan, Asia

Shortest distance from China to Japan

China, Asia

3,054 km

Distance between centroids

603 km

Shortest distance

Calculated based on main borders (including major islands)

883 km

Shortest distance between major cities

Fukuoka → Shanghai

Distances between Japan and China by cities:

City in JapanCity in ChinaDistance (kilometers)
Sendai Beijing 2,118 km
Chiba Shanghai 1,799 km
Chiba Tianjin 2,064 km
Yokohama Beijing 2,104 km
Kyoto Shanghai 1,398 km
Saitama Tianjin 2,014 km
Kawasaki Suzhou 1,836 km
Yokohama Shanghai 1,754 km
Fukuoka Shanghai 883 km
Sakai Shanghai 1,361 km
Sakai Suzhou 1,436 km
Osaka Shanghai 1,367 km
Nagoya Chongqing 2,912 km
Nagoya Shanghai 1,504 km
Hiroshima Beijing 1,549 km
Tokyo Guangzhou 2,907 km
Kawasaki Guangzhou 2,902 km
Yono Beijing 2,086 km
Tokyo Suzhou 1,837 km
Osaka Suzhou 1,441 km

Distance between cities calculator →

Countries separated by similar distances

The following list contains countries that are separated by a similar distance as it is between Japan and China.

FromToDistance (kilometers)
Nigeria Egypt 3,047 km
Cuba Suriname 3,053 km
Greece Bahrain 3,056 km
Netherlands Georgia 3,041 km
Haiti United States 3,040 km
Bulgaria Qatar 3,035 km
Netherlands Libya 3,035 km
Kenya Egypt 3,066 km
Nigeria Malta 3,030 km
El Salvador Trinidad and Tobago 3,029 km
Kenya Reunion 3,020 km
Greece Sudan 3,020 km
Kenya Equatorial Guinea 3,082 km
Kenya Oman 3,083 km

What is the closest distance between China and Japan?

The shortest distance (air line) between China and Japan is 1,948.95 mi (3,136.53 km). The shortest route between China and Japan is 2,807.79 mi (4,518.71 km) according to the route planner.

How far is the coast of China from the coast of Japan?

Each country claims to have economic rights in an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of two hundred nautical miles from its coast, but that space overlaps because the sea separating China and Japan only spans three hundred and sixty nautical miles.

How far is China from Japan in hours?

The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between China and Japan is 3,054 km= 1,898 miles. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from China to Japan, It takes 3.39 hours to arrive.

How far is Japan from China by train?

Travel from Beijing (China) to Tokyo (Japan) by train (2101km): schedule and information to the train connection. Compare fares and buy your ticket. To travel by train and ferry from Beijing in China to Tokyo in Japan, the main route leads via South Korea.