Should i go to cosmetology school quiz

The cosmetology field can offer vibrant and fulfilling careers. It all begins with the right training. Cosmetology school is a necessary step to becoming a cosmetologist.

As a cosmetologist, you will be able to express yourself as you beautify your clients. From hair styling and coloring to nail treatments and facials, you’ll be well versed in all things beauty because of your education. With the proper cosmetology training, you may even be prepared to own your own salon and manage the business.

Before embarking on your cosmetology training, explore whether a cosmetology career is the right fit for your personality, lifestyle, ideal workplace environment, and goals. Take this quiz to find out if becoming a cosmetologist will be a good fit for you as you plan your future training.

1. Science Behind Beauty

Cosmetologists know the science behind mixing chemicals like hair dye or bleach.

Does creating unique hair colors excite you?

a. I can get behind the science of beauty!

b. I’m not sure how I feel.

c. No.

2. Social Atmosphere

Cosmetologists work in a social atmosphere, interacting with clients and colleagues. You will need to hold consultations and provide customer service.

Does working with people energize and inspire you?

a. I’m a people-person.

b. I don’t mind it.

c. I’m not a social person.

3. Daily Activity

Cosmetologists are on their feet daily as they tend to clients and fulfill their busy schedules.

Does an active lifestyle motivate you?

a. I love being up and around.

b. I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll buy comfortable shoes.

c. I like to be sitting during my work.

4. Work Schedule

As a cosmetologist, your work hours are often determined by your clients’ availability. This may or may not fall in a normal 9-to-5 work schedule.

Are you comfortable working around clients’ availability?

a. I love variety!

b. I could get used to it.

c. I like a strict routine.

5. Trends Awareness

Working in the beauty industry requires cosmetologists to be up to date on the latest hair, skin and nail trends.

Does staying on top of trends and testing out the latest styles feel exciting?

a. I’m the most stylish person I know.

b. I like to, though not always.

c. I’m not up on trends.

6. Time Management

As a cosmetologist, you may be responsible for booking your clients and organizing your schedule.

Can you easily manage your schedule and time?

a. I have no problem organizing my schedule.

b. I’m pretty good with time management but could use some practice.

c. I’m not very good at holding myself accountable.

7. Close Client Relationships

Being a cosmetologist requires you to clean and style clients’ hair. You’ll be working closely with clients and be expected to touch their hair and skin.

Does working closely with clients encourage you to do your job every day?

a. I’d love to wash and style clients’ hair.

b. I’m not sure if I’m comfortable touching other people.

c. I prefer to keep my hands to myself.

8. Creativity

Many cosmetologists will be asked to be creative regularly as they cut, color and style clients’ hair.

Does leveraging your creativity energize you?

a. I’m totally a creative person!

b. I think I can be creative.

c. I’m not so sure I’m creative.

9. Hands-On Training

The Cosmetology Program at Midwest Technical Institute (MTI) is 13, 16 or 17 months long and offers daytime or evening classes. The MTI classes allow for hands-on training, so students will be prepared to enter the field upon graduation and obtaining their license.

Are you interested in the hands-on training and study of cosmetology?

a. Definitely. I’m totally a creative person!

b. I’m unsure.

c. I don’t think so.

Read on to discover if you should go to cosmetology school.

Mostly As: Cosmetology is a great fit for you!

You’re an outgoing, creative person and cosmetology could be the perfect fit for you. You’ll meet new individuals every day and always be on top of the latest styles and trends. Between being active all day and working with people, this career will fulfil your social side while you get to express creativity through hair styles and colors. Studying cosmetology may offer you an exhilarating career as a hair stylist, nail technician or skincare specialist, and can lead to other opportunities. If you’re interested in cosmetology training, the Admissions Team at MTI can help you learn more about our Cosmetology Program.

Mostly Bs: Perhaps learn more about the program before diving in.

Mostly Cs: Cosmetology may not be the best fit for you.

You don’t like being on your feet and prefer not to work with people, so studying cosmetology isn’t the right fit for you. Perhaps try a role that is rooted in an office and offers a more structured work schedule. Perhaps a position as a medical coder will provide you with a lifestyle you’re more interested in pursuing. Contact the MTI Admissions Team to learn more about other career options.

Beginning a career in cosmetology starts with the right training. Contact the MTI Admissions Team to learn more about the Cosmetology Program.

What are 3 disadvantages of being a cosmetologist?

Here's why:.
Cosmetologists are often on their feet all day. Cosmetology can be tiring. ... .
Cosmetology can be a dirty job. As a cosmetologist, you'll be dealing with people's hair, skin, and nails, and you need to be prepared for anything. ... .
Working with clients isn't always easy. ... .
Cosmetology school takes time and money..

What's the hardest part about cosmetology?

Makeup seems like it would be a pretty simple thing to do, but when asked most beauty professionals, instructors, and students agreed that makeup is one of the hardest units in school. It tests your patience and can be the source of some stress if hair color and style is more your forte.

What personality do you need for Cosmetology?

Top Traits of a Great Cosmetologist.
Passion for Beauty. Passion goes a long way in almost any industry and beauty is no exception. ... .
Creativity. Creativity is key in the beauty industry. ... .
Persistence. ... .
Good Listening and Communication. ... .
Professional Skills. ... .
Industry Knowledge..

What are your strongest practical skills in cosmetology?

What Skills Do You Need for Cosmetology?.
Skills for Cosmetologists..
Skill #1: Cosmetology Skills..
Skill #2: Good Hygiene..
Skill #3: Manual Dexterity..
Skill #4: Physical Stamina..
Skill #5: Time Management Skills..
Skill #6: Problem-Solving Ability..
Skill #7: Commitment to Learning..


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