Smirnoff ice red white and berry

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Smirnoff ice red white and berry

Smirnoff is the world’s largest vodka brand, distributed in well over 130 countries and produced in the UK, the US, India and the Philippines, plus several other locations.

Pyotr Smirnov founded the PA Smirnoff (the French sp...

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What kind of alcohol is in Smirnoff Ice red white and Berry?

Smirnoff Ice Red White & Berry has a 4.5% ABV. One of the most popular malt beverages in the nation, Smirnoff Ice has been a staple of get-togethers and parties since 1999. ... Smirnoff Ice Red White & Berry 11.2 oz Bottles..

What does Smirnoff Ice red white and Berry taste like?

Smirnoff Ice Red White & Berry is a patriotic drink, featuring a blend of tart cherry, citrus overtones and blue raspberry flavors, perfect for backyard barbecues and parties. Enjoy chilled and drink responsibly.

Can Smirnoff Ice red white and Berry get you drunk?

It only takes three to four shots of Smirnoff Ice to get drunk, assuming that each shot contains 12 oz. The estimation is only for people with high alcohol tolerance, weighing more than 100-pounds, and those who do not have any medical conditions like insomnia.