Snuggle me organic vs dock a tot Reddit

Honestly, they are expensive and they are both likely to be removed from the market in the US pretty soon because while babies do typically like them, they just aren't safe. They say don't use them for sleep but then when you're desperate as a parent and your baby just sleeps SO GOOD in them, it can be hard not to get a little lax. So I vote neither.

I would suggest looking up how to safely co-sleep, even if you don't intend to do so. You just can't know how your baby is going to do sleep wise and how you'll handle sleep deprivation, so spend some time now learning about how to do it safely so you're less likely to find yourself and baby in a bad situation.

Also, I personally found that swaddling was more effective for sleep for my baby than the dock a tot we had. We used a few different swaddles - for a while I really liked the sleep pea swaddle, but once she learned how to break out of that one I was kinda lost. We also tried the arms up swaddle but that wasn't particularly helpful, especially bc she just knocked out her pacifier which she did definitely want in her mouth. Finally we found the miracle blanket swaddle, which is a legit baby straight jacket and my daughter could not break out of. We had to stop swaddling before she ever learned to break out, because she was starting to learn to roll over.

After trying for over a year the hubby and i are 6 weeks into making this family of 3 the Fantastic 4.

I've been looking into these new baby items, our other child is 10 and my have things changed. I'm torn between a Dock a tot and a Snuggle me.

Which one is your favorite? and why? Have you used them in the bassinet? many new baby items over 10 years.

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I agree with the other comments that they’re useless for sleep (since they aren’t approved for safe sleep/can’t really be used in the bassinet and/or for anything other than short, closely supervised naps). If you want a place to pop the baby for a bit so you can have your hands free, I think a swing, glider, or bouncer would probably be a more useful item than a dock a tot. (Only caveat is that dock a tot is more mobile than a full swing. But a swing is also far more soothing/entertaining for the baby, so it’s probably more likely to keep them entertained/happy).

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I have a 10 week old, and have had the Doc a Tot for over a month now. It was a lifesaver for us! My son loves it, and it has improved his quality and duration of night time sleep drastically. I could barely put him down for 5 minutes in a bassinet before he would wake, and now he sleeps soundly for 3-4 hours at a time after I place him in it. It is also SO convenient - when we travel, we take it with us and he sleeps as well as at home and is very content in it. Highly recommend.

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They are both pretty useless since they are not approved for safe sleep. The newborn boppy lounger is cheaper if you need somewhere to put the baby. I also like swings and bouncers for supervised naps. For night time sleep you can get a pack n play or bassinet

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We used the doc a tot. It was great for us when she couldn’t roll. After that I wouldn’t recommend using it. Our pediatrician did not recommend because of the potential to smother if she rolled.

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Neither.. Get the Snoo. That was life changing.

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We use the snuggleme and are not looking forward to weening her out of it. Although it’s not approved for safe sleep, we were desperate for sleep and have been using it in the bassinet (another no no). If I had another babe, I would try to avoid the snuggleme for overnight sleep and only use it for nap time so to avoid transitioning her to a flat surface.

level 2

My only reservation about the snuggle me is how closed in it is on the baby, the dock a tot seems like there's more space for the baby to move when they begin rolling and the bottom isn't cushioned.

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Neither of those items are approved as safe sleeping spaces. I would only use them while being supervised naps or a quick place to set them down while they're awake.

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When I was pregnant and saw all the dock-a-tot recommendations, I went crazy and thought I had to have it. I live in Canada and drove to the US to get it (it's not available in Canada anywhere as it was banned). Anyways my now 5 month old has yet to use it. It's a glorified pillow and so so so expensive for absolutely nothing. Washing it is a pain too. Just swaddle your baby directly put them in the bassinet. They can nap on literally any soft yet firm surface.

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Neither is approved for safe sleep. If you're just using it for supervised naps or as a place to set them down awake during the day when you need your hands free, they're fine, but they really shouldn't be used overnight.

level 1

I have a dockatot and I don’t use it in bed or bassinet. I swaddle my baby and he likes it a sleeps well that way in this bassinet. Literally no idea how or why Bc my first did not at all. The dockatot is just an overpriced lounger in our house... I like it but it’s honestly nothing special in my opinion 🤷‍♀️

Is Snuggle Me Organic safer than DockATot?

Being made from organic cotton, Snuggle Me is more eco-friendly and safer option than DockATot – which is made from conventional cotton. Snuggle Me is USA-made, while the DockATot is made in Sweden. Snuggle Me Organic is made from GOTS certified organic fabrics.

Is DockATot bigger than Snuggle Me?

Age Range. We've already mentioned that the DockATot comes in bigger sizes than the Snuggle Me. Still, these both companies offer sizes that cater to babies of the same age.

Can baby sleep overnight in Snuggle Me?

Snuggle Me stands with the Safe Sleep Guidelines set down by the AAP and CPSC. The safest place for baby to sleep is in a crib with a tight fitted sheet without bumpers, additional bedding or toys. We do NOT recommend or endorse using the Snuggle Me overnight or unsupervised under any circumstances.

When should baby stop sleeping in Snuggle Me?

If you haven't heard of the Snuggle Me before, it's the one and one sensory lounger for baby (typically from age newborn to 5-6 months when they outgrow it).

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