Star Wars Quiz light or dark side

Back in 2015, we tested what percentage Dark Side you were. It's been two very long years, and it's time for us to test you again. Has time drawn you more to the path of the Jedi, or pulled you further down the road toward the Dark Side? There's only one way to find out...

Quizzes + Polls // JUNE 10, 2015

Find out which Force-powered villain you'd be in that galaxy far, far away! Team

There’s a little dark side in everybody. The question is, which dark side user are you the most like? Find out by taking our quiz, and remember, let the hate flow through you!

TAGS: dark side, Star Wars Quiz

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First of all, pick your wepon

Which word best describe you?

Do you think with your heart or with your mind?

If someone kill somebody who was really important to you, how would you react?

In which planet would you rather live?

Do you see the glass as half-empty or half-full?

Which faction do you prefer?

Which one of these is most important to you?

Be honest! Would you like to prevent the death?

And finally, pick an image

You belong to the dark side of the force. If you had the force, you would be a Sith. This mean that you are passionate, you want to have power, and victory is very important to you. If someone hurt you, you want to hurt him back and take revenge. Fear is an emotion that you tent to feel sometimes. Also sometimes your emotions seizes you and you can't control your self.

You belong to the light side of the force. If you had the force, you would be a Jedi. This mean that you are harmonious, serene, and peace is very important to you. You are objective and you try not you react impulsively. You know how to control your emotions and that's why you have self control.

Red or blue lightsaber? You decide!

May the Force be with you!


Do you wear a lot of black?


JackTroyl via imgur

Are people frightened of you?


Would you steal your friend's last sweet?


Which pet would you pick?


Who would you rather be stuck on a lift with?


Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope, Lucas Film, Gary Kurtz, George Lucas

Ever farted and blamed it on someone else?


Pinocchio, Walt Disney Production, Walt Disney, Ben Sharpsteen & Hamilton Luske

Have you ever thrown a sickie instead of going to school?


Have you ever stuck chewing gum under a table?


Do you steal biscuits from the tin


@LifetimeTV | Facebook

Do you stay up past your bedtime? 


Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Lucasfilm Ltd & Bad Robot Productions, Kathleen Kennedy, JJ Abrams, Bryan Burke, JJ Abrams

Who would you rather sit next to in class?

Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Lucasfilm Ltd & Bad Robot Productions, Kathleen Kennedy, JJ Abrams, Michael Arndt, JJ Abrams

You're on the light side!

Use your Jedi powers for good!

Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Lucasfilm Ltd, Kathleen Kennedy, Ram Bergman, Rian Johnson

The dark side is strong in you!

Try and be nice to your teachers! 

Is the dark side better than the light side?

The dark side was not more powerful than the light side; it was an easier, albeit destructive, path. Failing to resist the temptation of darkness would allow the dark side to dominate one's destiny, although redemption was always a possibility.

Is the dark side stronger than the light side in Star Wars?

According to Yoda, no. “Quicker, easier, more seductive,” but not stronger.

Can a Force user use both light and dark?

Jolee Bindo controls a beast with the Force. Gray Jedi displayed the use of both light and dark side Force abilities and demonstrated skill with techniques common to Jedi and Sith, such as the ability to construct and wield a lightsaber, as well as some unique Force talents.

What color is the light side in Star Wars?

In Star Wars there are many different colors of lightsabers, but there are two in particular which have come to represent the dark side (red) and the light side (blue).


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