Swap doge for bnb

Convert Dogecoin ( DOGE ) to Binance Coin ( BNB ) with the Valuta EX Currency Converter

DOGE - Dogecoin


BNB - Binance Coin

Exchange rate DOGE/BNB 0.00030994 updated 17 minutes ago

Compare exchange rates Dogecoin to Binance CoinTypical allowance of various retail currency exchange markets

Rate DOGE Transfer fee BNB
0% Interbank rate 1 DOGE 0.0 DOGE 0.00031 BNB
1% 1 DOGE 0.010 DOGE 0.00031 BNB
2% ATM rate 1 DOGE 0.020 DOGE 0.00030 BNB
3% Credit card rate 1 DOGE 0.030 DOGE 0.00030 BNB
4% 1 DOGE 0.040 DOGE 0.00030 BNB
5% Kiosk rate 1 DOGE 0.050 DOGE 0.00029 BNB

Convert Dogecoin to Binance Coin

1 0.00031
5 0.0015
10 0.0031
20 0.0062
50 0.015
100 0.031
250 0.077
500 0.15
1000 0.31

Convert Binance Coin to Dogecoin

1 3226.4
5 16132.01
10 32264.02
20 64528.04
50 161320.1
100 322640.2
250 806600.5
500 1613201.01
1000 3226402.03

More info about DOGE or BNB

If you are interested in knowing more information about DOGE ( Dogecoin ) or BNB ( Binance Coin ) such as the types of coins or banknotes, the user countries or the history of the currency, we recommend you to consult the related Wikipedia pages.

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Swap Your DOGE and BNB with the Best Rates Here on SwapSpace

If you’re looking to exchange DOGE to BNB coins, you came to the right place! Our mission here at SwapSpace is to provide you with a number of exchange options from our partners, so that you can compare the offers and choose the best crypto exchange for you needs. On this page, you can read more about your coins, look at BNB crypto price dynamics, try our cryptocurrency exchange pairs, and exchange your crypto now — no need to even leave this page!

DOGE / BNB Live Price Chart

Despite the fact that DOGE and BNB are such an exotic exchange pair that there’s no price chart for this pair to pull up — you can still easily swap DOGE to BNB at SwapSpace.

The current DOGE cryptocurrency price in BNB is 0.00030914.


On this page, we already put DOGE in the “You send” and BNB in the “You get” section in the exchange window below - so you should just enter the amount you want to exchange. Next, press the ”View offers” button and select the exchange service which you like the most. Choose fixed or floating exchange rate, as we at SwapSpace provide you with options for either of them!


Fill in the “Enter the recipient address” field with the destination BNB address. Check the information carefully and click the “Next” button.


Send your DOGE to the address you see on the screen right from your wallet. You can use the QR-code to speed it up or press “Send it with Trezor” in case you use the Trezor wallet. As soon as our partner gets your DOGE, the exchange will continue.


At this stage, you need just to wait until you get your coins in the wallet. Check the Swap Tracker if you want to know the exchange status, and feel free to contact the support if it seems like something is going wrong. That’s it!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find the lowest fee crypto exchange to swap BNB and DOGE?

Can I exchange my crypto without KYC on SwapSpace?

Is there a way to predict cryptocurrency prices - for example, for BNB and DOGE?

Are there limits for exchanging BNB and DOGE?

Instead of exchanging, can I buy DOGE? If so, how to buy cryptocurrency?

More Exchange Pairs

Not the exchange pair you were looking for? Try other cryptocurrencies that are often exchanged with DOGE and BNB, or buy crypto with a credit card.

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Can I swap Dogecoin for BNB?

It's simple, you specify the amount of Dogecoin you decided to swap and get the approximate rate from our DOGE to BNB-BSC converter. SimpleSwap is a user-friendly crypto exchange that can help you convert DOGE to BNB-BSC in just a few clicks without registration.

Where can I swap DOGE?

Best Exchanges for Selling Dogecoin.
Changelly. Changelly is one of the best go-to exchanges for disposing of your DOGE whenever you need to. ... .
Bittrex. You can sell as little as 8 Doge (at the time of writing) on Bittrex. ... .
Kraken. Kraken accepts Doge for BTC, USD and EUR. ... .
Anycoin Direct (anycoin direct) ... .
Binance. ... .
Coinbase. ... .

Can you swap DOGE?

Dogecoin can be used like any other cryptocurrency. Trade it on the open market on CoinSpot, show some respect for a great post or comment by tipping other users with it, or exchange it for goods and services at any of thousands of online retailers accepting Dogecoin as payment.


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