The House on Greenapple Road DVD

Home House On Greenapple Road (1970) - Janet Leigh DVD

The House on Greenapple Road DVD



House On Greenapple Road (1970)

A detective investigates the disappearance of the promiscuous wife of a timid salesman, and finds that everything is not quite as it appears.

Starring :

Janet Leigh, Julie Harris, Tim O´Connor

Director :

Robert Day

Running time : 114 Minutes

Language : English

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House On Greenapple Road (1970)

A detective investigates the disappearance of the promiscuous wife of a timid salesman, and finds that everything is not quite as it appears.

Starring :

Janet Leigh, Julie Harris, Tim O´Connor

Director :

Robert Day

Running time : 114 Minutes

Language : English

This sale is for House on Greenapple Road (1970) starring Janet Leigh on DVD.

These DVD’s will play on any DVD player anywhere in the world (Region Free).

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Comes on DVD-R in paper sleeves.

Shipping is $3 or FREE for orders over $50.


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The House on Greenapple Road DVD

Director: Robert DayWriters: Harold R. Daniels, George EcksteinStars: Janet Leigh, Julie Harris, Tim O'ConnorSummary: Told in flashbacks, L.A. detective Lieutenant Dan August investigates the disappearance of housewife, Marian Ord whose extramarital activities possibly provide clues to her absence. The police believe she has been murdered by her distraught husband George but they can't come up with a corpse and thereby hangs the mystery. Written by alfiehitchie

Also known as: House on Greenapple Road (on a region-free DVD).


The House on Greenapple Road DVD

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The House on Greenapple Road DVD
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