The intersection of a line and a plane is a point true or false

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One and only one distinct line can be drawn through two different points.


One and only one distinct plane can be made to pass through three non-collinear points.


One and only one distinct plan can be made to pass through one line and a point not on the line.


If a line intersects a plan not containing it, then the intersection is exactly one point.


If two lines are perpendicular to the same line, then they are parallel.


If two different planes intersect, then their intersection is a line.


If a line and a plane have no points in common, then they are parallel.


If two planes do not intersect, then they are parallel.


If a plane intersects two parallel planes, then the lines of intersection are parallel.


If three random planes intersect (no two parallel and no three through the same line), then they divide space into six parts.


If a line is perpendicular to two lines in a plane but the line is not contained in the plane, then the line is perpendicular to the plane.


If two lines are perpendicular to the same plane, then they are parallel to each other.


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Two lines can intersect in exactly one point. Two points determine a plane. Two planes can intersect in two lines. A line and a plane can intersect in exactly one point.

Step-by-step explanation:

  • true or false

  • FALSE Becaise The intersection of a plane and a line lying within the plane itself, is the line itself. A Postulate is an accepted statement of fact based upon observations

  • ok

  • postulate dapat hindi point



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Is it true that the intersection of a line and a plane is a point?

If a line and a plane intersect one another, the intersection will be a single point, or a line (if the line lies in the plane).

Is it true or false two lines in a plane always intersect in a point?

Two lines intersect on a point, in case they intersect. Otherwise they are parallel.

What is the intersection between a plane and a line?

The intersection of a line and a plane is a point that satisfies both equations of the line and a plane. It is also possible for the line to lie along the plane and when that happens, the line is parallel to the plane.

Is the following statement true or false two lines can intersect in a point True False submit?

Two lines can intersect in exactly one point. Two points determine a plane. Two planes can intersect in two lines.


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