The Keeper of Lost Things Wikipedia

Full of character, wit, and wisdom, The Keeper of Lost Things is heartwarming tale that will enchant fans of The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake, Garden Spells, Mrs Queen Takes the Train, and The Silver Linings Playbook.

Lime green plastic flower-shaped hair bobbles—Found, on the playing field, Derrywood Park, 2nd September.

Bone china cup and saucer—Found, on a bench in Riveria Public Gardens, 31st October.

Anthony Peardew is the keeper of lost things. Forty years ago, he carelessly lost a keepsake from his beloved fiancée, Therese. That very same day, she died unexpectedly. Brokenhearted, Anthony sought consolation in rescuing lost objects—the things others have dropped, misplaced, or accidently left behind—and writing stories about them. Now, in the twilight of his life, Anthony worries that he has not fully discharged his duty to reconcile all the lost things with their owners. As the end nears, he bequeaths his secret life’s mission to his unsuspecting assistant, Laura, leaving her his house and and all its lost treasures, including an irritable ghost.

Recovering from a bad divorce, Laura, in some ways, is one of Anthony’s lost things. But when the lonely woman moves into his mansion, her life begins to change. She finds a new friend in the neighbor’s quirky daughter, Sunshine, and a welcome distraction in Freddy, the rugged gardener. As the dark cloud engulfing her lifts, Laura, accompanied by her new companions, sets out to realize Anthony’s last wish: reuniting his cherished lost objects with their owners.

Long ago, Eunice found a trinket on the London pavement and kept it through the years. Now, with her own end drawing near, she has lost something precious—a tragic twist of fate that forces her to break a promise she once made.

As the Keeper of Lost Objects, Laura holds the key to Anthony and Eunice’s redemption. But can she unlock the past and make the connections that will lay their spirits to rest?

A charming, clever, and quietly moving novel of of endless possibilities and joyful discoveries that explores the promises we make and break, losing and finding ourselves, the objects that hold magic and meaning for our lives, and the surprising connections that bind us.

Purchase The Keeper of Lost Things by Ruth Hogan via Amazon: //

Anthony Peardew is the keeper of lost things. It started when he lost his late wife’s communion medal on her death, and he felt like he failed her. He collected the lost stuff and labeled them in his study, hoping that they would someday be reunited with its owners, just like the medal he lost. Those lost things also inspired his short stories that were published. When he died, he left the house they called Padua to Laura, his assistant. Laura took care of the house or her inheritance together with Sunshine and Freddy. Sunshine is a neighbor who became Laura’s friend after Anthony’s death. Freddy is the gardener who got close to Laura after Anthony’s death (they even end up falling in love).

Before Anthony died, he left a letter which contained a task for Laura: To return all the lost things in the study to their owner in any way she could. To do it, Laura started a website with the help of Freddy and Sunshine. However, while doing it, Therese (Anthony’s late wife) started haunting the house. Her bedroom was locked. Laura once saw her in the garden. Music starts playing randomly, sometimes it doesn’t play at all. Laura tried talking to her and reaching out. She asked for a sign and was presented with this: Anthony’s pen inside a biscuit can. Sunshine was able to interpret it as Anthony’s letter. It turns out that Therese wanted her to find the communion medal.

Meanwhile, the website for the lost things was a success. Other people have come to pick up their stuff, many people have emailed as well. There’s even a glove they posted that belonged to a dead woman, based on what one of the emails said (the deceased lady was run over by a train, she was suffering from depression, and Sunshine’s father was driving that train). There was also one email they received from a woman named Eunice. She then went to Padua to claim a biscuit tin that contained the Ashes of Bomber, her boss, her best friend, and the love of her life. During a funeral prepared by Bomber’s sister, Eunice took his ashes by placing them in a biscuit tin because she knew that Bomber wanted to be scattered in a place he thought was fabulous. However, she lost the biscuit tin on the train and never found it for years – until Laura posted it. She was reunited with Bomber now, and she also wants to return something she found. She found it the day she was hired by Bomber, It was also the day she saw Anthony, and the same day Anthony lost Therese (died of heart attack). Eunice presented a communion medallion to Laura, and Laura was stunned, for it was the medal she was sure Anthony and Therese had been looking for.

The End The Keeper of Lost Things by Ruth Hogan.

            • Keeper of Lost Things Summary
            • Author: Ruth Hogan
            • Finished this on November 16, 2017
            • My rating: 3/5
Purchase The Keeper of Lost Things by Ruth Hogan via Amazon: //

Forever Winter

Just reading and writing my way out of this messy adult life! I have transitioned from having piles of notebooks stacked underneath my bed from writing on the internet and allowing people worldwide to read. View all posts by Forever Winter

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What happens at the end of The Keeper of Lost Things?

Eunice recovers the ashes and returns a medallion she picked up in the street after the car accident decades earlier, hoping that Laura's website might find its owner. It is, Laura just knows, Therese's long lost medallion. At last, Therese is at peace. Laura and Freddy, now engaged, vow to continue Anthony's work.

Who are Eunice and bomber in The Keeper of Lost Things?

In the 1970s, we follow Eunice, secretary and lifelong best friend of affable publisher Bomber, who can never return her romantic interest.

What did Anthony lose in The Keeper of Lost Things?

Bone china cup and saucer-Found, on a bench in Riveria Public Gardens, 31st October. Anthony Peardew is the keeper of lost things. Forty years ago, he carelessly lost a keepsake from his beloved fiancée, Therese. That very same day, she died unexpectedly.

Is the keeper of lost causes a series?

The movie is based on the novel by Jussi Adler-Olsen. It is the first film in the Department Q film series, followed by The Absent One (2014) and A Conspiracy of Faith (2016).


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