The most selfish zodiac signs, ranked

Have you ever had the pleasure of having a selfish jerk meddle with your life? You were probably minding your own business, staying in your own damn lane, and yet this selfish person decided to invite themselves over to ruin everything. Maybe they have a radar for naivety and you were the perfect target. Maybe your solid core of empathy made you an even better candidate for their selfish whims. They probably befriended you at first. Then you slowly began to realize they were only out for themselves. Once they got what they wanted from you, they might've even left without saying goodbye. They always come back later, however... when they need something else. If this story sounds familiar, then I don't have to tell you that these are the most selfish zodiac signs: Aries, Leo, and Virgo. (Honorable mentions include Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Scorpio.)

Before you guys come clawing at me, let me set the record straight by saying that every sign in the zodiac is capable of being selfish. A selfless Pisces may actually be suffering from a martyr complex, only taking care of others because it makes them feel better about themselves. Even a warm-hearted Cancer might only be acting so affectionate toward you because they expect something in return. But when it comes to an Aries, Leo, and Virgo, their selfishness can be sensed from a mile away. What you see is what you get.

The most selfish zodiac signs, ranked

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Aries: If They Want Something, You'd Better Step Aside

An Aries is in a never-ending competition with everyone around them. If they have their eyes on a prize, they're willing to stoop ridiculously low in order to get it. They'll sacrifice the sanctity of friendships and alienate everyone around them, all because they're so rabidly focused on winning. An Aries with a healthy self-esteem will probably shrug and admit they can be selfish at times. However, an insecure Aries will delude themselves into thinking they're not selfish at all; they're "determined," or they're just "fighting for what's right." Sure, Aries. Keep telling yourself that.

Of course, not all Aries are selfish. Sometimes they use their endless supply of ambition to help and uplift others. They take their loved ones all the way to the top with them. If you find a developed Aries like that, never let them go.

Leo: They Always Need To Be The Center Of Attention

You know those people who just have to hog the spotlight? Even if it's someone else's turn to shine, they'll somehow find a way to steal some of their thunder. Instead of listening to someone as they speak, they're really just waiting for their chance to talk. Well, I wouldn't be surprised if that person was a Leo. It's like they're on the verge having of a total meltdown if they're not the center of attention at all times. They think everything is all about them, like they're the protagonist in the story and the rest of us are just supporting characters. To make matters worse, they're probably completely oblivious to their narcissism. A Leo always thinks they're the hero.

This is not to say all Leos are egotistical boneheads. A high-functioning Leo with self-respect finds a way to balance their love for the limelight with the needs of others. In fact, they'll take pride in helping others get over their own stage fright, acting like a vivacious momager to all their loved ones.

Virgo: They're Right And Everyone Else Is Wrong

Virgos are ridiculously and unrepentantly prideful. They're meticulous perfectionists who view themselves as the most intelligent person in the room. The rest of us are just lazy and irresponsible slobs. They believe they've put in the time and effort to become the most highly developed human being there is, which therefore gives them the right to criticize everyone else. They'll judge you without apology, pointing out your flaws as though they, themselves, are devoid of imperfection. You see, a Virgo expects you to change. They, however, are perfect just the way they are. If you expect them to compromise, prepare to be disappointed. The world must change for the Virgo.

This isn't to say that Virgos are also capable of being incredibly generous. In fact, compassionate Virgos will put in backbreaking work to take care of everyone else around them, often ignoring their own needs. It really is a flip of a coin; a Virgo can be completely selfless and just as selfish.

We all know that one person in a group only cares about his personal benefits and is always in a pursuit to make his things work out. He or she remains unaffected by others’ miseries and empathy is not something they possess.

They will betray, deceive or even lie to someone if it benefits them. Their selfish behaviour is, often, criticised by many, however, they don’t care whatever others have to say about them.

Here are a few zodiac signs who are more selfish than others, according to astrology.


An Aries becomes selfish when it comes to their professional life. All they care about is their success and appraisals. They won’t mind deceiving someone at work and making them suffer a loss. They can become evil and may ruin others’ tasks so that theirs can appear the best.

The most selfish zodiac signs, ranked


Cancers, just like Aries, are the most selfish when it comes to their career and professional life. They crave to stay in the good books of their boss and seniors and for that, they won’t hesitate in gossiping or backbiting others, as long as it serves their purpose.

The most selfish zodiac signs, ranked


People of this zodiac sign are also more selfish than others. They keep their desires and wishes above all. For them, everything is about and for them. Anything that doesn’t benefit them is no go. Their loyalty might also go for a toss if it’s about fulfilling their desires.

The most selfish zodiac signs, ranked


A Taurus becomes selfish when it comes to their personal life. To keep the people, they love close to them, they would do anything and everything. They, often, deny their selfish behaviour and continue to do that. So, if you are with a Taurus, you might want to stay alert and not fall for their selfish acts even if it comes disguised as care and love.

Disclaimer: While these attributes are generic, these are primarily focused on your zodiacal qualities; all the above traits may not necessarily hold true for you. 

Which zodiac signs are selfless?

These are the most selfless signs in the zodiac, according to Won..
Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Courtesy of Old Navy. ... .
Libra (September 23 - October 22) Libra is the sign that rules the house of partnerships. ... .
Virgo (August 23 - September 22) RyanJLane/E+/Getty Images. ... .
Pisces (February 19 - March 20).

Which zodiac has low self esteem?

While it depends on which zodiac sign you ask, water signs such as Cancer and Pisces tend to take things personally, resulting in low self-esteem and increased insecurity. On the other hand, confident zodiac signs are the fire signs like Aries, Leo, etc., who believe in making their own fate.

What zodiac sign is untrustworthy?

Gemini (May 21–June 20) “Gemini is hilarious to talk about in this way because they get the reputation of being the least trustworthy of all the zodiac signs,” Terrones says.

What zodiac signs are careless?

The Most Careless Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers.
6 | Pisces. As the dreamy water sign of the zodiac, Pisces are often considered to be loners. ... .
5 | Gemini. ... .
4 | Aries. ... .
3 | Capricorn. ... .
2 | Scorpio. ... .
1 | Sagittarius..