The ordinal 2635 could not be located in the dynamic link library dui70 DLL

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Did you receive an error message which says “Ordinal not found“? Do you also see a reference to a missing DLL? Then it means the software is trying to find out the related file, and it is missing. Mathematically, Ordinal refers to the order of a number, e.g., 1st, 2nd, and so on. In this error message, it points to an n’th file of names, say, ABC.DLL which is missing. Hence the error message.

If you receive an error message “The ordinal ABC could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code Insiders\code – insiders.exe“, then it means that computer is missing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable on your computer.

ABC is a number which in turn is the Ordinal. Another common error message is “The ordinal 12404 could not be located in the dynamic link library mfc90u.dl”

The message could point out to any DLL in the message. All these DLL are part of the package, and as Visual Studio looks for that DLL, the error message changes a bit.

Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable

This error message shows up when  Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable is missing on your computer.  Click here for the 32-bit version or here for the 64-bit version. If you are using an earlier version of Visual Studio, you can go here, and download as per your version.

After you install the Microsoft Visual C++ Feature Pack Redistributable Package, this error message should not appear again.

Install OpenSSL

When you receive the same error message, but it says LIBEAY32.DLL is missing, then you need to install OpenSSL. The complete error message goes as below:

Ordinal not found. The Ordinal [ABC] could not be located in the Dynamic Link Library Libeay32.dll.

When installing OpenSSL, make sure to install it into the Windows system directory. Libeay32.dll is related to security.

Check with Windows Update

Many a time, Microsoft rolls out the framework and related updates through Windows. It is possible that an update related to is still pending. Go to Settings > Update and Security. Check if an update is pending and if yes, update and restart your computer if necessary.

Since the possibility of Ordinal not found error message could be vast, it is best to search with a specific number to get an accurate result.

Ashish is a veteran Windows and Xbox user who excels in writing tips, tricks, and features on it to improve your day-to-day experience with your devices. He has been a Microsoft MVP (2008-2010).


Ordinal not found errors (for example, the ordinal 203 could not be located in the dynamic link library CWBSV.DLL) are the result of a corrupted Access Client Solutions Windows Application Package installation. The error implies that one program or dynamic link library (DLL) is at a different version or service pack level than another dependent DLL.

Resolving The Problem

Ordinal not found errors (for example, the ordinal 203 could not be located in the dynamic link library CWBSV.DLL) are the result of a corrupted Access Client Solutions Windows Application Package installation. The error implies that an executable or dynamic link library (dll) is at a different version or service level than another, dependent DLL.

The usual cause of the error is that a program or DLL file is copied into another directory. For example, a user might mistakenly copy a file such as rmtcmd.exe or rtopcb.exe to their own directory rather than copy a shortcut to the file. When the client is upgraded, the installation code does not locate or upgrade files outside of the normal installation path, and this older file might fail to run.

A second cause of the problem involves developers distributing applications that use Access Client Solutions APIs. They might mistakenly redistribute the files that are used by the application. In this situation, the application setup program installs a duplicate or overwrites one or more existing files.

A third problem involves shared runtime files that are redistributed by Access Client Solutions. Examples include files such as the Microsoft data access components (MDAC) or Microsoft visual studio C runtime libraries. The setup program for another application might mistakenly down level the DLL or the user's load path might contain an older version of the same DLL.

The problem can also be caused by anti-virus programs that prevent the installation of a file during the Client Access setup or restore an older version of the same file.

Problem Resolution

To resolve the problem, first search all drives for any duplicates for the exe or DLL file reporting the error. Delete any duplicate files stored in user directories. This action resolves most problems.

If the problem involves a shared runtime DLL (typically a file without the cwb name that resides in the windows system directory), verify that the Windows path does not include a duplicate. Check the application directory and the current directory for the application for a duplicate. See the Microsoft Platform SDK documentation for further details on the search path that is used.

If the problem persists, a reinstallation of Access Client Solutions Windows Application Package is required. First, uninstall the client. After a reboot, search all drives for any file of the type cwb*.*. Delete any files that are found. Next, verify that any anti-virus program is disabled and that the Windows user ID used for the installation is a member of the Administrators group and has all the required rights, NTFS permissions, and registry permissions. Finally, reinstall Access Client Solutions Windows Application Package.

Finally, it might be necessary to walk the dependency tree of the failing program and check each file for the proper version and for duplicates.

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[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Component":"Access Client Solutions Windows Application Package","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"Version Independent","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"}}]

How do I fix dynamic link library error?

To resolve the problem, first search all drives for any duplicates for the exe or DLL file reporting the error. Delete any duplicate files stored in user directories. This action resolves most problems.

How do you fix the procedure entry point could not be located in dynamic link library?

The Procedure Entry Point Could Not Be Located The Dynamic Link Library: Fix.
Method 1: By Installing the DLL File..
Method 2: By Running System File Checker..
Method 3: By Installing All in One Runtimes Download..
Method 4: Uninstall and then Reinstall the app causing the issue..
Method 5: Reregister DLL file using command..

What is the meaning dynamic link library?

A dynamic-link library (DLL) is a module that contains functions and data that can be used by another module (application or DLL). A DLL can define two kinds of functions: exported and internal. The exported functions are intended to be called by other modules, as well as from within the DLL where they are defined.

What is ordinal 345?

edited. This symptoms (Ordinal 345 error) occur in Call of Duty Warzone (Modern Warfare) and cannot be resolved by adding the corresponding exe file to Unloaddll. The only workaround is to turn off Mactype. The game is free and can be downloaded from outside of Mainland China.

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