To Kill a Mockingbird Chapter 27 quotes with page numbers

“‘I don’t like it, Atticus, I don’t like it at all,’ was Aunt Alexandra’s assessment of these events. ‘That man seems to have a permanent running grudge against everybody connected with that case.’”

“Mrs. Crenshaw thoughtfully left two peepholes for me. She did a fine job; Jem said I looked exactly like a ham with legs. There were several discomforts, though: it was hot, it was a close fit; if my nose itched I couldn’t scratch, and once inside I could not get out of it alone.”

“Jem said he would take me. Thus began our longest journey together.”

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Mr. Ewell kept the same distance behind her until she reached Mr. Link Deas’s house. All the way to the house, Helen said she heard a soft voice behind her, crooning foul words. Thoroughly frightened, she telephoned Mr. Link at his store, which was not too far from his house. As Mr. Link came out of his store he saw Mr. Ewell leaning on the fence. Mr. Ewell said “Don’t you look at me, Link Deas, like I was dirt. I a’int jumped your – ”
“You don’t have to touch her. All you have to do is make her afraid, an if assault a’int enough to keep you locked up awhile, I’ll get you in on the Ladies Law, so you get outa my sight! If you think I mean it, just bother that girl again.”

– Harper Lee

To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter 27. Bob Ewell starts to harrass and follow Tom Robinson’s widow Helen around town, trying to scare her and exert his power over her. Link Deas warns him and threatens to get Sheriff Tate involved.

Shuffle foot had not stopped with us this time. His trousers swished softly and steadily. Then they stopped. He was running, running toward us with no child’s steps.
“Run, Scout! Run! Run!” Jem screamed.
I took one giant step and found myself reeling: my arms useless, in the dark, I could not keep my balance.
“Jem, Jem, help me, Jem!”

– Harper Lee

To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter 28. This passage is full of suspense and heightened tension, as the author through hints and clues rather than direct statements, tells about Bob Ewell’s pursuit of and attack on Scout and Jem.

“Heck,” Atticus’s back was turned. “If this thing’s hushed up it’ll be a simple denial to Jem of the way I’ve tried to raise him. Sometimes I think I’m a total failure as a parent, but I’m all they’ve got. Before Jem looks at anyone else he looks at me, and I’ve tried to live so I can look squarely back at him… if I connived at something like this, frankly I couldn’t meet his eye, and the day I can’t do that I’ll know I’ve lost him. I don’t want to lose him and Scout, because they’re all I’ve got.”

– Harper Lee

To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter 30. Atticus thinks it was Jem who stabbed Bob Ewell, in self-defense, but he refuses to have Sheriff Heck Tate hush it up. He taught his children to lead honest, decent lives, so he feels he cannot be party to spreading a lie and undoing everything he has tried to teach them.

“Scout,” he said, “Mr. Ewell fell on his knife. Can you possibly understand?”
Atticus looked like he needed cheering up. I ran to him and hugged him and kissed him with all my might. “Yes sir, I understand,” I reassured him. “Mr. Tate was right.”
Atticus disengaged himself and looked at me. “What do you mean?”
“Well, it’d sort of be like shootin’ a mockingbird, wouldn’t it?”
He turned out the light and went into Jem’s room. He would be there all night, and he would be there when Jem waked up in the morning.

– Harper Lee

To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter 30. Atticus asks Scout if she understands why they are keeping Boo Radley’s involvement in the Bob Ewell’s death a secret. Scout understands that Boo, who saved her and Jem, was like a mockingbird and they had to protect him.

To Kill a Mockingbird Quotes

Quote 1: "I told Calpurnia to just wait, I'd fix her: one of these days when she wasn't looking I'd go off and drown myself in Barker's Eddy and then she'd be sorry. Besides, I added, she'd already gotten me in trouble once today: she had taught me to write and it was all her fault." Chapter 3, pg. 29

Quote 2: "cootie" Chapter 3, pg. 30

Quote 3: "It was then, I suppose, that Jem and I first began to part company. Sometimes I did not understand him, but my periods of bewilderment were short-lived." Chapter 6, pg. 61

Quote 4: "pass the damn ham, please" Chapter 9, pg. 83

Quote 5: "that one could be a ray of sunshine in pants just as well, but Aunty said that ... I was born good but had grown progressively worse every year . . . . but when I asked Atticus about it, he said there were already enough sunbeams in the family and to go on about my business, he didn't mind me much the way I was." Chapter 9, pg. 86

Quote 6: "'nigger-lover'" Chapter 9, pg. 87

Quote 7: "'whore-lady'" Chapter 9, pg. 89

Quote 8: "I never figured out how Atticus knew I was listening, and it was not until many years later that I realized he wanted me to hear every word he said." Chapter 9, pg. 93

Quote 9: "'Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don't eat up people's gardens, don't nest in corncribs, they don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.'" Chapter 10, pg. 94

Quote 10: "It was times like these when I thought my father, who hated guns and had never been to any wars, was the bravest man who ever lived." Chapter 11, pg. 105

Quote 11: "'The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience.'" Chapter 11, pg. 109

Quote 12: "'It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do.'" Chapter 11, pg. 116

Quote 13: "know[s] now what he was trying to do, but Atticus was only a man. It takes a woman to do that kind of work." Chapter 13, pg. 137

Quote 14: "'What did your father see in the window, the crime of rape or the best defense to it?'" Chapter 18, pg. 190

Quote 15: "Maycomb gave [the Ewells] Christmas baskets, welfare money, and the back of its hand." Chapter 19, pg. 194

Quote 16: "'They've done it before and they did it tonight and they'll do it again and when they do it -- seems that only children weep.'" Chapter 22, pg. 215

Quote 17: "Atticus had used every tool available to free men to save Tom Robinson, but in the secret courts of men's hearts Atticus had no case. Tom was a dead man the minute Mayella Ewell opened her mouth and screamed." Chapter 25, pg. 244

Quote 18: "'Hey, Boo.'" Chapter 29, pg. 273

Quote 19: "'There's a black boy dead for no reason, and the man responsible for it's dead. Let the dead bury the dead this time....'" Chapter 30, pg. 278

Quote 20: "'[m]ost people are, Scout, when you finally see them.'" Chapter 31, pg. 284

What page is the mockingbird quote on?

“Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin To Kill a Mockingbird.” Page 119 Atticus doesn't want his children targeting innocent things.

What is Chapter 27 about in to kill a mockingbird?

Summary: Chapter 27 By the middle of October, Bob Ewell gets a job with the WPA, one of the Depression job programs, and loses it a few days later. He blames Atticus for “getting” his job.

What page number is a quote from to kill a mockingbird?

To Kill A Mockingbird quote you never really understand a person page number. This famous quote by Atticus Finch is on page 33, chapter 3. Atticus is arguing that you can't truly understand someone until you see it from their point of view.

What are some quotes from Chapter 25 in to kill a mockingbird?

“'As you grow older, you'll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don't you forget it—whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash.


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