Tyler, TX to San Antonio, TX flights

Direct routes for travel from Tyler to San Antonio

There are 1 direct trains per day and 10 trains per week that depart from Longview Amtrak Station and arrive at San Antonio Amtrak Station. The trip takes approximately 15 hours and tickets cost from 67 USD.

Tyler to San Antonio by bus

There are many perks of bus travel, so we suggest that you travel from Tyler to San Antonio using this means of transport. The distance between two cities is 375 miles. A 8-hour trip separates these places. A bus ride will cost you 69 USD on average. Also, traveling by bus will cost you from 47 USD. You will have 7 stopovers during your bus trip. Greyhound USA is the main bus company that offers routes to San Antonio.

Trains from Tyler to San Antonio

How long is a train journey to San Antonio from Tyler? The distance between San Antonio and Tyler is 777 km. The train from Longview Amtrak Station station to San Antonio Amtrak Station station takes 15 hours.

Flight from Tyler to San Antonio

267-mile distance separates Tyler and San Antonio so you can travel that from Tyler to San Antonio. The distance between cities can be covered in 3 hours of flight. Tickets regularly drop and rise, but the average price for the destination you've selected is around 260 USD. You can pick up the best prices starting from 110 USD if you book in advance. On the flight number 3405 departure time is 10:28 and arrival time is 13:29.

Driving directions from Tyler to San Antonio

Are you planning a trip from Tyler to San Antonio? The distance between these two cities is 362 miles. An average travel time will be around 6 hours. If you want to drive on your own, then the fuel will cost you 44 USD.

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Distance and aircraft type by airline for flights from Tyler Pounds Regional Airport to San Antonio International Airport.

Origin TYR Tyler Pounds Regional Airport

Destination SAT San Antonio International Airport

Distance 266.57 miles

Interesting Facts About Flights from Tyler to San Antonio (TYR to SAT)

What airlines fly direct from TYR airport to SAT airport?

Each month there are several airlines that offer direct flights from Tyler (TYR) to San Antonio (SAT). Among the top airlines that consistently provide TYR to SAT flights include:

  • American Airlines - (AA) with 180 direct flights between Tyler and San Antonio monthly

How long does it take to fly from TYR to SAT?

The total flight duration time from Tyler (TYR) to San Antonio (SAT) is typically 5 hours 21 minutes. This is the average non-stop flight time based upon historical flights for this route. During this period travelers can expect to fly about 341 miles, or 549 kilometers.

How many flights are there from TYR to SAT per day?

With 1 different airlines operating flights between Tyler and San Antonio, there are, on average, 180 flights per month. This equates to about 42 flights per week, and 6 flights per day from TYR to SAT.

How many morning flights are there from TYR to SAT?

  • American Airlines - (AA) has about 4 flights before noon, starting with the earliest at 06:30AM PST and the latest 10:30AM PST

How many afternoon flights are available from Tyler to San Antonio?

  • Between 12pm PST and 6pm there are, on average, 2 direct flights provided by American Airlines, where the earliest departing flight is at 01:49PM PST and the last departing flight is at 01:49PM PST.

How many evening flights are currently on sale from Tyler Pounds Regional Airport to San Antonio International Airport?

  • American Airlines - (AA) lists 1 direct nighttime flights on average from Tyler to San Antonio.

What is the flight distance from Tyler to San Antonio?

The calculated straight line flying distance from TYR airport to SAT airport is 341 miles, or 549 kilometers.

What is the earliest departure time out of Tyler to San Antonio?

The earliest flight departs from TYR at 06:30AM and arrives at 09:43AM at SAT.

What is the latest flight available from TYR to SAT?

The latest departure time from TYR is scheduled at 06:23PM with an arrival time of 10:14PM at SAT.

Tyler to San Antonio Flight Schedule

Scan through flights from Tyler Pounds Regional Airport (TYR) to San Antonio International Airport (SAT) for the upcoming week. Sort the list by any column, and click on a dollar sign to see the latest prices available for each flight.

Flights.com only offers pricing for airlines that display a check fare on the days of the week each flight is available. A dot () indicates a flight is scheduled, but online booking is not currently available.

Where does Tyler Regional Airport fly to?

Tyler Airport has non-stop passenger flights scheduled to only one destination. At present, there is one domestic flight from Tyler. The only flight from Tyler TYR is a 63 mile (102 km) non-stop route to Dallas-Fort Worth DFW, which takes around 1 hour and 8 minutes.

Can I fly to June Lake?

Direct flights are available to Mammoth Yosemite Airport (MMH) from Los Angeles (LAX) on Alaska Airlines all year long. Visit AlaskaAir.com for more information and tickets. San Diego: In the winter months, fly direct to Mammoth Yosemite Airport (MMH) from San Diego (SAN) on Alaska Airlines.

What time of year is cheapest to fly to Texas?

High season is considered to be June and July. The cheapest month to fly to Texas is January.

What airline flies into Iron Mountain?

There is 1 airline flying to Iron Mountain, which is Delta, as of December 2022.


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