We like your gift in Spanish

This short video features our former President, Marelle Thornton. Her passion and vision for the future of people living with cerebral palsy is truly inspiring. Marelle reflects on just how far we have come from our beginnings in 1945 as The Spastic Centre in Mosman. As a testament of support we have received from generous and loyal donors, we are now assisting over 18,000 people annually. This support has also funded research that has reduced the incidence of cerebral palsy from 1 in 400 births to 1 in 600.

This is a truly remarkable achievement , but there is still so much more to be done. Please consider leaving a gift in your Will to help build a future for people living with cerebral palsy.

Thinking about leaving a gift in your Will

If you’re already thinking about your personal legacy, and the possibility of including Cerebral Palsy Alliance in your Will, we can’t thank you enough for considering us.

Naturally, looking after your family and friends comes first. All we ask is that after remembering them, you consider leaving a gift in your Will to Cerebral Palsy Alliance.

Most gifts in Wills – or bequests – are made by ordinary, hard-working people who want to make a positive difference to their community.

A gift in your Will for cerebral palsy therapy services will help us to continue to provide the many services required by people with a life-long condition. Your gift will enhance people’s lives, helping them live to their fullest potential and achieve goals they never thought possible.

Or, you may prefer to leave a bequest for cerebral palsy research, which will to help ensure that groundbreaking research is translated into real and valuable treatments, and ultimately, into ways to cure and prevent this condition.

A gift in your Will is the ultimate gift you can give to children, adults and families who live with cerebral palsy, and to future generations. Thank you for considering a bequest and for sharing our vision of building a better future for people living with cerebral palsy.

A message from Rob White, CEO Cerebral Palsy Alliance

Why leave a gift in your Will to Cerebral Palsy Alliance?

We cannot begin to imagine the possibilities that technology will provide for people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities

Liz Nade, the consultant for Assistive Technology at Cerebral Palsy Alliance

You may be wondering, what is the legacy I will leave behind?  Will my gift still be relevant in fifty years?  “By joining me to continue to champion the use of technology for people with CP.  I’m excited to see the progress we’ll make”.  You can give a hand to the future with a gift in your Will.

Shannon Clough, Mother of Ethan

This is Ethan, my beautiful son, who sadly lost his life at just 6 years of age. A donation in your Will can help fund crucial therapy and ground-breaking research, which one day can prevent children like Ethan from being born with cerebral palsy.

I believe that a cure is within our grasp, but we will need your help to achieve it

How to include Gifts in Wills

There are a few different ways you can include a gift in your Will, but we recommend a residual bequest. This is a gift of whatever is left of your estate (or a percentage of it) after all other gifts to family and friends, taxes and debts have been paid. This ‘residual’ can then be allocated as a bequest to Cerebral Palsy Alliance.

If you need any assistance with planning your gift, our friendly Fundraising Relationship Managers, Carol O’Carroll or Rebecca McCartney will be delighted to help. Simply call them on 02 9975 8955 or email  or

Wording to include Cerebral Palsy Alliance in your Will

We recommend that you speak with a solicitor or trustee to ensure that your wishes are properly expressed. The suggested legal wording to use in your Will is as follows:

“I give to Cerebral Palsy Alliance (ABN 45 000 062 288)
(a) All of my residuary estate OR
(b) [x] percentage of my residuary estate OR
(c) The sum of $____________ OR
(d) List asset or assets

… to be used for the general purposes of Cerebral Palsy Alliance (ABN:45 000 062 288) and I DIRECT that the receipt of the public officer or other proper person for the time being of this organisation shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my trustee for the payment of such benefit.”

Name – Cerebral Palsy Alliance
Address – PO Box 171, Forestville, NSW, 2087
Phone – 02 9975 8000
Fax – 02 9451 5209

If you’d prefer to support research, simply substitute “The Research Foundation of Cerebral Palsy Alliance”. The ABN remains the same.


20% OFF YOUR ONLINE Will with Safewill

Safewill is Australia’s leading digital estate planning platform. Every Will written is reviewed by a practicing Australian solicitor. Cerebral Palsy Alliance supporters can receive 20% off the cost of an online Will.

Visit Safewill

Become part of a very special circle
As a heartfelt thank you for including Cerebral Palsy Alliance in your Will, you become part of a very special group, known as the Circle of Hands.

As a member, you will be invited to special events to hear interesting speakers, meet like-minded people who share your generosity of spirit, and learn about world-class therapies and research that could not happen without your support.

You will also be honoured with a unique masterpiece created by one of the artists who participate in our Arts Workshop.

One of our artists, Virginia Redenbach has been painting for a number of years now and participates in our art program two days a week. She completed Certificate I in Visual Art in 2014.

Include a Charity coalition

Cerebral Palsy Alliance is proud to be part of Include a Charity — a coalition of more than 100 Australian charities whose goal is to encourage more people to leave a gift to a charity in their Will.

Include a Charity Week each September raises the profile of charitable gifts in Wills and the incredible good that happens when you make a bequest.

Include a Charity Week 2022 will take place from 5 to 11 September


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