Weather in Hawaii in May in celsius

Not all hazy conditions are caused by vog. If you see a white mist along the coast, it could simply be salt spray hanging in the air. Or if it's hazy along the mountains in the morning, chances are you're looking at moisture in the air from the updrafts along the ridges.

The Hawaiian Islands Weather



Poʻipū, Kauaʻi




Honolulu, Oʻahu

West Side

North Shore (Turtle Bay)


Hoʻolehua, Molokaʻi

Molokaʻi Airport

Kaunakakai City


Lānaʻi City, Lānaʻi

Mānele Bay Beach

Lānaʻi Airport


Kahului Airport, Maui

Whalers Village in Kāʻanapali

The Shops at Wailea in Wailea


Hilo, Hawaiʻi



Weather data not available for this location. Please try again later.

Maps & Geography

Want to get the lay of the land? Explore maps and geographical features of The Hawaiian Islands here.

How is the climate in Hawaii in may? Is it the perfect time to go to Molokai and Kahoolawe? Check out our datas and advices below.

good weather across 50% of the territory perfect weather across 50% of the territory

Best time to go to Hawaii

Weather in Hawaii in may 2023

Here, you have access to the weather forecast for may for most popular cities in Hawaii. These forecasts are probabilities for may from weather reports for over 10 years. The percentage indicates the possibility of having the weather indicated.

Average weather in may in Honolulu (Oahu)

perfect weather UV index: 6

Weather at 6am25°C

Partly Cloudy
40% of time





Weather at 12pm26°C

49% of time





Weather at 6pm24°C

Moderate rain at times
37% of time





Weather at 3am24°C





More information about the weather in Honolulu (Oahu) in may

Where to go in Hawaii in may?

Where to go in Hawaii in may: destination map


perfect weather
very bad

Where should you go in Hawaii in may when it comes to the weather?

The climate in Hawaii in may ranges from perfect to good depending on the region and city.

warning in may the weather is different depending on the city and regions of the country.

In may the weather is perfect in Hawaii, but only part of the territory: in Maui, Kahoolawe, Lanai and Molokai. In these places, these perfect weather conditions will allow you to savor fully your vacations: the sun is guaranteed, precipitations are scarce and the humidity is not too high. It is therefore the ideal month to go to these cities!

Apart from of Maui, Kahoolawe, Lanai and Molokai, the weather is still good in the cities of Niihau, Oahu (Honolulu) and Kauai (Garden Isle). Around here, temperatures are pleasing and allow you to visit - and why not do a bit of sunbathing in the sun!

If you do not go the sun and blue sky, but, for example to go sightseeing, the city of island of Hawaii (Big Island) have a just ok weather for that in may.

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Climate in Hawaii in may

Climate in Honolulu (Oahu) in may

In the month of may, maximum temperature is 26°C and minimum temperature is 24°C (for an average temperature of 25°C). The climate quite enjoyable in this city in this month. With about 70mm over 3 days, the rain will not be a problem throughout your vacations.
With a good weather, the month of may is a good month to go there.

AprilMayJuneAverage temperature24°C25°C26°CHighest temperature25°C26°C27°CLowest temperature23°C24°C25°CSea temperature25°C25.6°C25.9°CRainfall68mm70mm51mmNumber of days with rainfall3 day(s)
(11%)3 day(s)
(10%)2 day(s)
(5%)Humidity77%76%76%Daily sunshine hours111314Cloud cover39%35%35%Length of day12:3913:1013:25Our opinion at whereandwhen.netgoodperfectperfectmore information about the climate in Honolulu (Oahu) in may

Climate in Kauai (Garden Isle) in may

In the month of may, the mean temperature in Kauai (Garden Isle) is 25°C (maximum temperature is 26°C and minimum temperature is 24°C). The climate quite pleasant in this location in this month. With 107mm over 6 days, you will experience some showers during your journey. But this is rather moderate and you will not be too bothered by it.
With a good weather, the month of may is a good time to go in this city.

AprilMayJuneAverage temperature24°C25°C26°CHighest temperature25°C26°C27°CLowest temperature23°C24°C25°CSea temperature24.5°C25.3°C25.8°CRainfall84mm107mm98mmNumber of days with rainfall5 day(s)
(16%)6 day(s)
(19%)5 day(s)
(16%)Humidity78%77%78%Daily sunshine hours111313Cloud cover45%41%44%Length of day12:4013:1213:29Our opinion at whereandwhen.netgoodgoodgoodmore information about the climate in Kauai (Garden Isle) in may

Climate in Maui in may

In may, maximum temperature is 26°C and minimum temperature is 24°C (for an average temperature of 25°C). The climate comfortable in this location in the month of may. With about 28mm over 1 days, the rain will not be a problem throughout your holidays.
With ideal weather conditions, may is a recommended time to go there in Hawaii.

AprilMayJuneAverage temperature24°C25°C26°CHighest temperature25°C26°C26°CLowest temperature23°C24°C25°CSea temperature24.9°C25.4°C25.8°CRainfall50mm28mm16mmNumber of days with rainfall2 day(s)
(6%)1 day(s)
(3%)0 day(s)
(1%)Humidity77%77%77%Daily sunshine hours111314Cloud cover34%29%27%Length of day12:3913:0813:23Our opinion at whereandwhen.netperfectperfectperfectmore information about the climate in Maui in may

Climate in island of Hawaii (Big Island) in may

In the month of may, maximum temperature is 25°C and minimum temperature is 24°C (for an average temperature of 25°C). The climate nice in this city in the month of may. With 58mm over 2 days, rainfall can happen for your vacations. But this is moderate and it will not be continuous.
With a correct weather, the month of may is okay (but not good month) for traveling in this city in Hawaii.

AprilMayJuneAverage temperature24°C25°C25°CHighest temperature25°C25°C26°CLowest temperature23°C24°C25°CSea temperature24.8°C25.2°C25.6°CRainfall50mm58mm41mmNumber of days with rainfall2 day(s)
(6%)2 day(s)
(7%)1 day(s)
(4%)Humidity79%79%80%Daily sunshine hours121314Cloud cover22%23%25%Length of day12:3613:0413:19Our opinion at whereandwhen.netperfectperfectperfectmore information about the climate in island of Hawaii (Big Island) in may

Climate in Hana in may

In the month of may, the mean temperature in Hana is 24°C (maximum temperature is 26°C and minimum temperature is 23°C). The climate is good in that area in the month of may. With barely 34mm over 1 days, rain may be scarce during your journey.
With good weather conditions, may is an advisable month to go there.

AprilMayJuneAverage temperature24°C24°C24°CHighest temperature25°C26°C26°CLowest temperature23°C23°C23°CSea temperature24.7°C25.2°C25.7°CRainfall47mm34mm18mmNumber of days with rainfall2 day(s)
(6%)1 day(s)
(4%)0 day(s)
(1%)Humidity79%79%78%Daily sunshine hours121314Cloud cover29%26%25%Length of day12:3813:0713:23Our opinion at whereandwhen.netperfectperfectperfectmore information about the climate in Hana in may

All cities in Hawaii in may

Honolulu (Oahu) in mayperfect weatherKauai (Garden Isle) in maygood weatherMaui in mayperfect weatherisland of Hawaii (Big Island) in mayperfect weatherHana in mayperfect weatherKahoolawe in mayperfect weatherLanai in mayperfect weatherMolokai in mayperfect weatherNiihau in mayperfect weather'Aiea in mayperfect weather'Ewa Beach in mayperfect weatherAnahola in maygood weatherHilo in maygood weatherCaptain Cook in maygood weatherHale'iwa in maygood weatherHau'ula in maygood weatherHawaiian Ocean View in maygood weatherHawi in maygood weatherHolualoa in mayperfect weatherHonoka'a in maygood weatherKahului in mayperfect weatherSee full list of cities (48)

Weather data for Hawaii in may is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Hawaii. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Hawaii can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to Hawaii.

Is it a good time to go to Hawaii in May?

You can plan a trip to Hawaii for any time of the year. However, if you are looking for one of the better times to travel to the islands, May is right up there as the perfect month. With excellent weather, limited crowds, and plenty to do, May offers the chance to explore paradise in the picture-perfect springtime.

How hot is it in Hawaii in May?

Weather in Hawaii in May: Pleasant Temperatures However, the daytime temperatures are high from as early as mid-April. Throughout May, the average temperatures during the day are around 84°F at sea level. During the evenings, temperatures can drop to around 70°F, and you might need a light jacket when going out.

Is it warm enough to swim in Hawaii in May?

Daytime high temperature average in the low to mid 80s F. Nighttime temperatures only dip into the lower 70s F. The average ocean temperature starts to warm up in May and is certainly pleasant enough for swimming. For more details see our article on Hawaii's ocean temperatures throughout the year.

What is Hawaii's hottest month?

August is the hottest month in Hawaii with an average temperature of 27°C (81°F) and the coldest is January at 23°C (73°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 11 in July. The wettest month is November with an average of 124mm of rain.


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