What age is Game of Thrones appropriate for

message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm not sure what age I need to bet to read this

If you have a middle schooler that is an advanced reader it may work. There is a little sex in it so I would say maybe 16+.

around 15 and above.. because of contents of incest, beheading etc.

Allwin wrote: "around 15 and above.. because of contents of incest, beheading etc."

I was when i read it, it seemed okay to me!

message 5: by [deleted user] (last edited Apr 30, 2013 12:25AM) (new)

Allwin wrote: "around 15 and above.. because of contents of incest, beheading etc."

i'm 14 so I am not sure. I have read books like the hunger games all Cassandra Clare books, the harry potters and twilight.
Should I still read the game of thrones series????

I've read hunger games too and that's not even near as crazy as game of thrones. Game of thrones is really graphic and it goes into detail. It's got incest-which scarred me for life! Other than that it's a pretty good book when you really get into it.

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

Arienn wrote: "I've read hunger games too and that's not even near as crazy as game of thrones. Game of thrones is really graphic and it goes into detail. It's got incest-which scarred me for life! Other than tha..."

Would a 14 year old be able to handle the graphic and detail.

Hmm... Well I'm 15. I was...okaaay...with it. Personally, I dont think so, but try it out.

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

Arienn wrote: "Hmm... Well I'm 15. I was...okaaay...with it. Personally, I dont think so, but try it out."

Thanks I have a whole pile of books to read anyway, I just wanted to know what other people thought of it and what age it's suitable for. I'll give it a try.

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

Ashleigh wrote: "I agree with Arienn. Give it a go. I think if you feel ready you will be okay."

Thanks Ashleigh

Lachlan wrote: "Allwin wrote: "around 15 and above.. because of contents of incest, beheading etc."

i'm 14 so I am not sure. I have read books like the hunger games all Cassandra Clare books, the harry potters an..."

Lachlan wrote: "Allwin wrote: "around 15 and above.. because of contents of incest, beheading etc."

i'm 14 so I am not sure. I have read books like the hunger games all Cassandra Clare books, the harry potters an..."

Well more than age it is how you deal with it, if such topics doesn't offend you a lot. Go ahead and read it. At least you know what to expect.

Reading is not the issue. Watching the series on T.V. is. I stopped by to see my son at work after I had finished the book, which he had bought me as a gift. His coworkers were surprised he gave it to me because it was so...you know.

I was surprised because Martin spent more time describing the honey dripping down men's beard's then the sex scenes. My son quickly informed me of the series on HBO.

So the book, I'm with 14 easily. The series...that's up to your ability to keep censorhip over what your kids watch! Good luck

Donna, spot on. There's little sex in the book. No gay sex and not bloody grand battles, not too many, but the series, excellent as it is, Is a cross between porn hub and the Lord of the rings. Series three has toned down the sexual content.

Porn hub? That's a new one for me!

Glad you agreed!

Me too, never heard of it, never visited it, deny everything.

This brings up an interesting discussion topic:
Should books have ratings like the MPAA film-ratings for movies?

I think if we applied the MPAA ratings to this book then I'd give it an R rating and the show would be NC-17.

Jon, true. Why is the series so extreme? The LOTR or Harry Potter where much the same as the book. Perhaps Stephan Donaldson's work would rate a NC17, but not The Game of thrones. I would have read and enjoyed this book at 14.

It's all got to do with how mature you are. Although I would say most 14-15 year olds should have to be able to give it a good place. Sex scenes are not THAT explicit in the books as in the HBO-show.

Well, I started this series when I was 14, and I didn't have any trouble reading it.

Jeremy wrote: "Jon, true. Why is the series so extreme? The LOTR or Harry Potter where much the same as the book. Perhaps Stephan Donaldson's work would rate a NC17, but not The Game of thrones. I would have read..."

It's different because of the structure of the books. The book has many POVs and several story arcs, not to mention lots of inner dialogues. There are just so many complex layers. I think the producers and writers did an excellent job with the adaptation and I'm glad the author picked them.

With LOTR, for example, it is much easier staying true to the books because all you have to do is show Frodo taking his ring to Mount Doom, on the way run into some orcs, elves, dwarves, a strange creature, a good wizard, a bad wizard, spend millions on special effects and... done.

PS Don't get me wrong, I love LOTR, but I had to straw-man it to make the point :)

Fair point, well made.

This would have an R rating in movies. It's gritty, dirty, violent, twisted and a little sick in spots. This is for mature audiences! Not saying I don't like it, but there was a little shock for me.

Personally I wouldn't offer this book to a 14 year old, I know adults who have trouble grasping all the concepts presented in the novels and thinking of them at a mature level.

This is an adult series, it's nothing like Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. The sex compared to these books IS graphic. There are also many controversial themes like Incest, Homosexuality, Murder, Debauchery, and War.

Not to mention graphic detail of the creation of Eunuchs, rape (further into the series), sexual slavery, prostituion, and torture. Not to mention extreme mysogyny.

Beheadings are the most pleasent ways to die in this series.

I'm not trying to insult your reading level or comprehension, but as a former 14 year old, these novels are a bit much. The convoluted sexual themes alone would concern me at your age because it's a formative time for that part of your brain.
A good way to judge if you should be reading these novels or not is if you could openly discuss some of the more graphic content comfortably with your parents. If you feel at all awkward doing this, you're not ready to read these books, give it a couple years they'll still be here.

I'd recommend reading Lord of The Rings, The Hobbit, The Chronicles of Narnia, Wizard of Oz, Charlie Bone series - any and all are safely suited to your age group.

how is homosexuality controversial exactly?

as far as i can see if a 14 year old has the reading temerity to make it through a book of this length then they are likely ok to deal with it

as for discussing themes with parents, that seems like a very odd yardstick. the book is a fictional romp loosely based on the war of the roses - given we studied the war of the roses at school age 14 i can't see the harm if a 14 year old wants to give it a crack

i think i started on stephen king at 13, maybe 12

Amber provided an excellent answer.

It really isn't about your age. It has more to do with your maturity level. If you're going to giggle every time someone says (view spoiler), then you are probably better off reading something else.

As others have mentioned, Chronicles of Narnia, LotR, Hobbit, Golden Compass, are all solid choices. But you really should read GoT later when you think you're ready, it's quite fantastic.

Who knows. Maybe just reading the Game of Thrones series may help you mature a bit faster.

Homesexuality in The Game of thrones? I don't remember that. I've read it twice. In the Tv series, yes, but i don't think it was in the books.

message 28: by [deleted user] (new)

Kyra wrote: "Well, I started this series when I was 14, and I didn't have any trouble reading it."

Thanks I'll give it a go and see what I think. I was just worried because, a cousin said it was gruesome, and she also said it was an adult book so I wasn't sure whether to read it or not. But I think I'll give it a go.

message 29: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm reading it and I'm 16. But I think it would be fine for 14/15+ to read it :)

It's definitely an adult book. THat isn't to say that a mature 15 or 16 year-old wouldn't appreciate it. But in no circumstance should it be compared to The Hunger Games or Harry Potter. I don't even think it should be compared to Lord of the Rings, for GoT is much darker, grittier, and more gruesome. I would maybe start out with some Stephen King and work your way to GoT.

I started reading it when I was 14. And I really liked. It's obviously not a child's book, but is really good, once you get used to it.

Ashleigh wrote: "I don't remember homosexuality in the books up to Deast for Crows, nor is it controversial"

It happens before Feast of Crows as well and is more in reference to what I was talking about (view spoiler)

I mostly said it was controversial, as in, controversial for american culture, we like to argue about the nature of other peoples desire for some reason like it affects all of us. (I have no idea why.) I have nothing against homosexuality, I quite enjoyed the books and thought, for a mature adult, they are excellent reads. I encourage everyone who is at a level to understand them to read them whole heartedly.
I just don't think the majority of 14 year olds would be able to fully grasp the concepts presented. Especially if they cannot talk about those concepts with an actual mature adult. (Maybe not your parents, but someone of that level you respect or view as a role-model)

If someone wants to and can read it then they should read it. It's an adult-oriented book but if a 13 yr old can understand it then good for them I say.

Alex's comment perfectly sums it up.

It's a 700 odd page book, a 14 year old without the will, ability and comprehension would not wade through a book of that length hoping to find lascivious material or shocking violence

There are a few parts in there that I don't think are appropriate for anyone under 16. Also, the books are written in an older type english style, so they are harder to read in general for younger readers. The best thing to do is talk to your parents.

The sexual content in the books isn't a big issue in the story, and not especially graphic. Nothing that most teens don't already know about. The hardest part of this book is keeping track of the politics and affiliations. That would be the stumbling block for most teens I would think. That said, it's not that difficult, just a bit cumbersome. Have a go, and if it's not for you, put it down for a few years and try again. The tv series stayed fairly true to the book in the first season, but season 2 was pretty different. The books, of course, are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy better that the tv show.

Definitely over 20, no offense, but I'm a mother and a lot of the detail in these books I wouldn't want my children to read and yes, teenagers up to a point in my mind are children. I am an author, I like my story lines, but I know the limit and my children won't get to read my books until they are older...and I'm actually pretty conservative.

Amber wrote: "Ashleigh wrote: "I don't remember homosexuality in the books up to Deast for Crows, nor is it controversial"

It happens before Feast of Crows as well and is more in reference to what I was talking..."

It does. References are made regarding Renly's and Loras's sexuality (iirc) throughout. I actually enjoyed how that was treated in the later books, because it's quite parallel to society now, see: the BSA.

Sandyboy wrote: "Alex's comment perfectly sums it up.

It's a 700 odd page book, a 14 year old without the will, ability and comprehension would not wade through a book of that length hoping to find lascivious mat..."

I waded through Lady Chatterly's Lover at that age, looking for sex and violence. Totally disappointing on both counts. *le sigh*

yeah, I seriously doubt any kid is going to pick up a Game of Thrones book just to leaf through it for the sex and violence. I mean the internet is RIGHT THERE.

As for my two pennies, I think anyone who can read, who has the maturity to read this material, no matter the age, should read this. If an 8 year old has the mental capacity to read through this, without getting bored because something doesn't blow up every two minutes, good on you. Have at it.

I think this book would be appropriate for high school aged readers.

Age is nothing but a number. Depends on the maturity level of the reader. It can be very graphic when it comes to violence and sex. The dialogue is very intriguing and takes a level of maturity to comprehend.

Unpopular opinion, I think the people saying "this is too old for a teen" are also the people who refuse to acknowledge their tingly bits waking up when they read the sex/violence for themselves.

message 44: by [deleted user] (new)

How is it too old for a teen? There are teens out there already having sex for god sake. It's not as if we don't know anything about that stuff.

I'd not recommend this series for anyone under 16, there are plenty of other fantasy books with less violence I'd think of before this one, but I would not stop anyone over 13 from reading it.

I don't see the sex as a problem, but more the violence involving the younger characters. The younger characters are older in the HBO series than in the books.

It's not just sex and violence in the book to consider, you know.

(view spoiler) (Game of Thrones)
(view spoiler) (A Clash of Kings)
(view spoiler) (A Clash of Kings)
(view spoiler) (A Feast for Crows)
(view spoiler) (A Feast for Crows)
(view spoiler) (A Clash of Kings)
(view spoiler) (A Storm of Swords)

oh but yeah. there's sex and violence in there somewhere.

And I still stand by my stance if they can read it, they should read it. I'm no parent and have no say in when other peoples' kids are allowed to read/watch, but I'll tell you this. There are worse things this kid could be doing, than wanting to read a book.

I think you have to be mature to read this book, but I do suggest 16 to 18 years old.

EMMA wrote: "How is it too old for a teen? There are teens out there already having sex for god sake. It's not as if we don't know anything about that stuff."

Thank you.

It really depends on the reader. One might not have a problem reading this book at the age of 12, whilst another twice that age might. If I were to put a number to it though, I'd say 16-18+, considering the graphic content of this book, as to which the average kid probably is not accustomed to.

I agree the sex scenes aren't extremely graphic (it's not erotica) but there's a lot of very mature content going on throughout the series that may not be appropriate for some younger teens. Not just the sex but the violence and cruelty - even some grown adults find it too grim and gritty to enjoy. Not to mention, the politics, plot, and characters are all very complex and I'm not sure how many 14 years olds would really pick up on everything that makes it great.

It's also important to note that the OP seems to mainly read young adult and ASOIAF is definitely not young adult. So from what I can see, I don't think the OP is ready for ASOIAF.

Is Game of Thrones okay for a 13 year old?

But the realistic, relentless violence and graphic sex make it age-inappropriate for many kids. If you're not ready for your teen to watch it, try something "Game of Thrones"-ish.

Is Game of Thrones appropriate for kids?

Parents need to know that Game of Thrones (based on the novels by George R.R. Martin) is a big-budget fantasy series that frequently depicts gory, brutal battles and graphic acts of violence (including against children and women), as well as lots of nudity and sexual acts, including incest, orgies, and sexual violence ...

Can a 12 year old read Game of Thrones?

This book is definitely less graphic than the show. While there is violence, it is nothing a mature 13 year old can't handle. Same goes for language, my 13 year old has heard more swear words at school than in this book. While there is sex, I say again: a mature 13 year old can read this.

Can a 9 year old watch Game of Thrones?

Game of Thrones should not be watched by children because it is indeed full of violence, sex, and really dark topics.


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